Mine was a pre-Star Wars model - found this pic on the Motorcyclespecs.com site.
I tried taking it from Milwaukee to Cedar Rapids, Iowa over the Labor Day weekend in 1987. I got as far as Madison when I holed a piston. Turned it around and drove it back on one piston, smoke blowing out of the right side exhaust.
Got about 10 miles west of Waukesha when it threw a rod, locking up the tire and bringing me to a rather abrupt stop.
I kicked it into the ditch on highway 18, and walked home from there.
6 months later, I'm driving my MGB in a snowstorm. As an aside, I have found the MGB to be a perfectly acceptable winter car, and provided you don't get it hung up, it will go through snow like few other rear wheel drive cars.
But not this time. I slid into a ditch, and had to call a tow truck to pull me out.
I settled up with the guy at his shop, and he said, "Chris Conrad . . . Chris Conrad . . . You didn't own a Yamaha 400 at some point, did you?"
I said, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
Seems the guy had a contract with the state to pick up abandoned vehicles, and that I owed him some money for storage.
We chatted about it, and he was satisfied with me simply handing over the title to him.