Author Topic: Springfield Flyer.  (Read 1480194 times)

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Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3705 on: November 17, 2023, 05:20:24 AM »
Thanks man.

This helps a lot. Awesome solution and the photos help a bunch.
A great starting point and it takes a lot of head scratching out of the equation.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3706 on: November 17, 2023, 05:26:47 AM »
Crikey mate....I see $5K in tubing. 😐

Jerry, I paid for the hoops. After that Peter "seamless" came on board. Such an awesome dude. He stores his Bentellier tubing in a factory and was paying big bucks for storage on pipe he wasn't selling. Take as much as you need deal. I got enough for the liner and if I need more I just need to call.

Without the sponsors I'm nowhere. Guys win a race and do the lip service deal. Not me brother. I appreciate every nut and bolt for want of a better word.
This is that miracle build your momma never told you about.

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3707 on: November 18, 2023, 02:41:14 PM »
Friday was a good day.

I told the guys from Makita to take a hike. I had more tools than they pitched in with and the lying along with a bunch of other behaviour was too much for me. These kids judge the book by its cover.

I had a visit from Dineo who supplies the special resin I use for chemical resistance and high temperature applications. She's on board. 20 gallons will do just fine.

You guys must be tired of me reporting on all the sponsors but I need them and I get lucky.

I was so angry with the Makita crooks I just couldn't let it go so I called Renaldo at Industrial Hardware. He and his boss are my go to guys. I asked his opinion on the guys and he said he wants nothing to do with them. He says they're all bad news but gave me contact details for a guy at a company that's importing a new tool brand and they're looking to promote their products. I call Sheldon and within two minutes he asks if I'm from the South?. Yup. He is too. He could tell from my accent. Hilarious.
We spent an hour talking and he says they're all in and have a wide range. We meet Monday. From what he offered I'm looking at about 100 grand local. They cover everything from power tools to pneumatics, electrical, garage equipment right up to gardening stuff. This company is huge. I never knew South Africa had companies like this. I can store all the Makita stuff or sell it to fund the liner.

Matthew Edmeston is the guy from Flextra who manufacture heat shields and blankets. Never met the guy but he calls regularly for updates on the project because he wants to supply goods. We have a good giggle on the phone and he asks what I need to finish. I need wiring. The good stuff. He says he sent me a PDF on cables his connection supplies. I remember it but way too high tech for me. Avspec stuff. He says Brian is expecting a call so he gives me his number. Brian knows his industry and will supply the right cables for all applications. He asks if Matt is helping?. Not yet.
He says well he better or he'll deal with him. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

A bad start to the day turned into a win. Most of these boys come from where I grew up. It's weird but there's a code of honour deal going. They keep their word and I know I can trust them.

Empty pockets with big dreams. Miracles!!!!!.

Busy fabricating the new Plenum chamber and this one will be right. Back on it and the last few days in the shop have been awesome. Divine Intervention.

Offline manta22

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3708 on: November 18, 2023, 03:02:43 PM »
Mike, As you are finding out, the world is full of big talkers and charlatans. Finding someone you can trust and who keeps his word is not something that happens every day.

Good luck Monday.---Neil
Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3709 on: November 20, 2023, 02:09:41 AM »
Neil, The stress is off the charts.
I hate being left hanging.

Hopefully things pan out?. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3710 on: November 20, 2023, 10:40:49 PM »
Neil, now we wait.

I'm enjoying the build again.

I'm finding that huge companies have closed, downsized or have staff working from home.
3M was the first to go a few years back then GM closed the plant here.

Still enough fish in the sea. Gotta find a bank with money!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Offline manta22

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3711 on: November 21, 2023, 11:03:52 AM »
Good luck with your quest, Mike. I know you will succeed.
Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ

Offline floydjer

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3712 on: November 21, 2023, 01:16:41 PM »
Last time I checked...Banks were full of money. Now as for them giving it to me.....?
I`d never advocate drugs,alcohol,violence or insanity to anyone...But they work for me.

Online Stainless1

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3713 on: November 21, 2023, 10:28:25 PM »
Jerry, try the black ski mask instead of the yellow one with the big grin... They might be more likely to take you seriously....
Red Hat 228.039, 2001, 65ci, Bockscar Lakester #1000 with a little N2O

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3714 on: November 30, 2023, 10:14:53 PM »
A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all you awesome guys.
I hope you all had a great day.

I would have wished you on the day but we had Copper cable theft in our area. No phone lines for about a week. The theft has reached monumental proportions and the only landline provider in the country is no longer repairing or replacing Copper cables. They've converted to fibre optic and although we applied 4 years back they sat on their hands.

I'm miraculously back and not sure why but no one came to install a thing. I could have gone with one of the new private providers but would have lost my email address and landline.

I've been up and down both mentally and physically on the build. You're all thinking I'm here to whine again?.

When I got into the turbo/ECU deal the two guys that know this new stuff said 8 x 2,200cc Bosch injectors and two EGT sensors would be fine. I got a Fueltech FT 350 from one as a present for building him the Pro Mod Mazda body. I'm not a drag racer so I don't need a "Gazillion" functions he said.

Nasen was over for a short visit on Saturday and he dropped a bombshell on me. Maybe the dude had a fight with his wife or he's envious of a guy with R23 to his name?. That's about a $1.20!!!!.
He says I need 16 injectors and my FT 350 is not fit for purpose because it can't read EGT. I need a FT500. Added to that the two Bosch fuel pumps will have to have two more added to accommodate the extra injectors. Or I could buy an Aeromotive manual pump and drive it off the crank!. I have $1 to my name.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I can try going to Bosch with a sad story and judging by the current economy here they'll tell me to take a hike. I was seriously thinking of canning this long car deal. Never lost a fight since I was 13 and I don't quit but this is now getting HEAVY. Gary Satara in Australia runs a blown 351C in a Jag XJ12 and he said 16 injectors was the way to go. I don't know Jack about injectors or ECUs and turbos. I build what people tell me.

Do I get 16 injector bungs machined and fry them into the runners?. Do I go with 8 and suck it and see?. Ever the optimist and waiting for the next miracle I'm leaning towards 16 bungs. I'm covered on the machining and materials. Honingcraft is behind me 100%.

I decided to put the ECU, pumps and injector deal on the backburner and concentrate on stuff I know. I made a plug for my water/Methanol injection tank that will sit in the nose of the chassis.
About 3 hours of shaping and it's ready for glass and Epoxy.

Offline bubruins

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3715 on: December 01, 2023, 07:21:16 AM »
I'm no expert on efi and fuel, but ive also been piecing a system together lately. My focus has been building the simplist, least likely to fail combination i can afford. In my specific setup the OE injector bungs are in the head and require long injectors which can't be bought in the size I need. I thought I would have to mount a secondary injector in the intake of each cylinder to meet the requirements. I was very relieved to find out that you can grind away the material on the outside of the head and build a custom fuel rail that'll allow short injectors in the long spot.

Half the injectors is twice the reliability. Less plumbing. If one of 16 injectors fail during a run on boost one of your cylinders will die. Race over. Trip over. Same for the fuel pumps. One of 2 electric pumps turn off during a run and it takes 2 seconds to figure out? Likely long block damage. Common mechanical pumps here are made by Waterman and Kinsler. Sizing is difficult and often best coordinating with oen of those companies or a vendor that specializes in mech fuel systems.

It would be one thing if you needed an amount of fuel could not be ordered, but 2200cc injectors are somewhat common now. In the states drag racing guys have had good luck using bosch compressed natural gas injectors in the 160lb and 210lb for fuel (not gas) applications.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 08:01:09 AM by bubruins »

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3716 on: December 01, 2023, 07:49:53 AM »
I'm no expert on efi and fuel, but ive also been piecing a system together lately. My focus has been building the simplist, least likely to fail combination i can afford. In my specific setup the OE injector bungs are in the head and require long injectors which can't be bought in the size I need. I thought I would have to mount a secondary injector in the intake of each cylinder to meet the requirements. I was very relieved to find out that you can grind away the material on the outside of the head and build a custom fuel rail that'll allow short injectors in the long spot.

Half the injectors is twice the reliability. Less plumbing. If one of 16 injectors fail during a run on boost one of your cylinders will die. Race over. Trip over.

It would be one thing if you needed an amount of fuel could not be ordered, but 2200cc injectors are somewhat common now. In the states drag racing guys have had good luck using bosch compressed natural gas injectors in the 160lb and 210lb for fuel (not gas) applications.

Thanks bub. I'm running Ethanol and from what I hear my 8 might be enough and you're right about keeping it simple. 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3717 on: December 01, 2023, 07:59:16 AM »
I've been doing whatever I can where money isn't involved and there's a bunch.

Did some metal shaping/shrinking. The material didn't look annealed to the naked eye and had no code on the sheet so I did the 90* bend test. It was annealed!.
I got to making a buck from some offcuts of plywood. I clamped the Aluminium to the buck with another triangular piece of wood and slapped the hell out of it.
I had a forearm like Popeye after I did the first one but both came out good. I'm happy and they're ready for welding.

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3718 on: December 01, 2023, 08:12:33 AM »
I also got some glass on my water/Methanol tank foam buck.

I have to do this in stages due to the shape. I laid down a few layers of 161gr/m2 woven fabric. It's a staple here. This is the good stuff that has no problem getting into tight corners. It drapes!!!.
It took 138gr of surfboard Epoxy I've started using and added some peel ply to give me a textured surface when everything is cured tomorrow morning. YOU can't sand hard and soft at the same time in case anyone is wondering. I had a little giggle while laminating because I never even got sticky fingers. There's a standing joke here about Ian who built his own CNC mill in his garage. He's a genius with wood, building some of the best amplifiers in the world and even winds his own magnets on speakers. He's a complete Psycho. One day he loves you and the next you're an idiot not worthy of being in his presence. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't hang with him anymore but when he tries to work with composites he's up to his armpits sticky. I think he hates me!!!!!!!.

After I've covered this buck with enough glass I'll spray it with the heavy 2K filler using a 1,7 nozzle and get to sanding for making the tooling to mould it.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 08:14:38 AM by tauruck »

Offline tauruck

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Re: Springfield Flyer.
« Reply #3719 on: December 01, 2023, 08:16:44 AM »
I don't know why my files are rotating when posted????.
Sorry guys. I'll try figure it out.