I expect they'll show up there within a day or two. Bob tells us that the entire site is moving - and also tells us that some of the things take a while to get "propagated" throughout the internet.
I just checked here and they haven't shown up in the way up north country, either. Remember, of course, to try clicking the refresh button (whatever it's called on your 'puter) to see if there's a new page/screen available. Why the old one still shows is because the pages are sort of stored in the server near your home, so to speak, so things will load faster. So - when you go the home page, for instance, the server just gives you the old one that's stored there. By clicking the refresh button the server goes farther out into the internet to seek and find the page, and (we hope) that's where the new version is. Most of all this is automatic - but once in a while it works to give the button a click or two.