The CV carbs on my Bonneville handle the daily changes in atmospheric conditions at Bonneville very well. I do need to completely rejet if I want to run the ERC 110 octane leaded at sea level. I need to go richer. This is a pain.
Your questions about EFI vs carbs are similar to the questions I am facing for my racing program. Yesterday we had our Truimph club meeting in Beaverton. I asked a few questions. This is what I found out.
The older Hinckley Triumph Bonnevilles have a sophisticated CV carb system. The factory setup on my 2003 is about as good as bike carbs are. The new Bonnevilles have fuel injection. During the transition from carbs to EFI the engine remained the same. The new EFI Bonnevilles produce more power, get better mileage, run good with a greater variety of fuels, and give better performance during differing atmospheric conditions. These changes are noticeable.
I also learned that it is no simple matter to convert a carb Bonneville to EFI. The wiring harness, electronic brains, and the entire fueling system, including the gas tank are different. Advice is to buy an EFI Bonnie and to transfer my racing parts to it.
In previous years I had some exposure to EFI, and this are my feelings. In racing, a good set of carbs and EFI are an even match if the carbs are set up perfectly for the throttle opening, fuel, and atmosphere. The EFI has the brains to do this and that is all it thinks about. It has anti knock sensors, can vary ignition timing and mixture ratios on the run, and do all sorts of other good things. The rider or mechanic has to do a lot of this manually with a carb setup, between heats, races, or runs, and in addition to all of the other issues. The problem with the manual method is not knowing there is a needed adjustment, making an error when doing the change, or not having the time to address the issue.
My ambitions are to squeak the Bonnie into the 150 club before I get too old to race or go broke. I will probably stay with carbs, but I want to learn EFI. A serious old guy or lady, or a younger person with ambitions for records in top level classes, should start learning EFI.
Anyway, this is a long winded opinion from an older guy with a mild hangover and four functioning brain cells. Have fun with your Suzooks.