Jack is certainly creative, not only in rule book interpretation but execution. To make a single car competive in multiple classes, much less setting records, is quite an accomplishment!
I was talking with Jack last night at the SDRC meeting and listened to how with some fairly simple changes you could go from a Street Roadster to Gas Roadster to Modified Roadster. The switch from gas to fuel is obviously easy, with some tuning issues. To be able to run competively while going up in body classes while not being able to take advantage of the big differences in wheel base/ engine setback/ aerodynamic front ends is amazing.
I remember talking to a family at El Mirage several years ago that had a Street Roadster/Modified Roadster where they could remove the rear fenders and headlites and add a frame extension and a new nose. It was a very slick setup. As I recall the conversion could be performed in several hours.
It's hard enough to get a car competive in one class much less several. My hat's off to anyone who tries!