Oops, what a reaction - thank you folks, for all the friendly comments.
To the email - after I read it, I simple moved it in the trash bin.......just, go out of my eyes.
It was not the first time - so it didn't bother me too much anymore.
But I start this thread to show that we still got so ignorants under the user - and my interest was - to show so people that they are on the wrong way - to protect other on Landracing, that it happens not the same to them what happens to me.......may be other would step back without any comment.
I got the skin of an elephant....but it is also well known that an elephant got a very good memory...especially about people who hit me in a so nasty way.....he better stays out of my way.
I'm not interest to start a war against this guy.....my concern was to show this guy, that he and the people who got the same thinking, are wrong with their mind......
and I think, you all shows him with your comments how wrong he was with his email (mind)......
Thanks for your great support - I'm looking for to see you all at the salt.....only two more weeks.......
Have a safe trip and I wish everybody a safe and successful season.
Ps. Sherie & Willie......the German translation was hilerious.....