HEre are a few suggestions fro someone that was in the same situation as you are in '89. !. Keep calling back as there are last minute cancellations. 2. if you do have to sleep in your auto, you can get a shower at the truck stop on the entry road turn off for 5.00 and there is a good mexican resturant there also. If you can't sleep in your auto there is a lounge there also. You can camp out at the bend in the road but if it rains get out quick or you'll be there for quite a while, Also there are a lot of mosquitos on the paved road across from the site I told you about. The Stateline Casino also has a RV park which has showers and you don't need a RV to stay, you can put up a tent if you wish. By Mon or tuesday there will be rooms available for sure. If you are into racing and want to see the last vestage of pure genuis from the brain of man, its all at BONNEVILLE and EL MIrage. Good Luck, If you make it, Wear a sign around your neck I'll say hello. Mike