Last year our short block got us more than 1 mph/$ at over 220mph. If this was a class that could somehow be verified, I think it could be a lot of fun.
I know there a lot of old guys out at The Salt. And a sure sign they're old is when they start bragging, "Mine is smaller than yours."
And tell the truth here, Jackson... a short block is one thing, but wasn't it that pair of $11,000 heads and the $4500 Kinsler injection system that really made the speed?
I'd like to hear $/mph for the whole magilla. EVERYTHING it took to go the speed, disregarding, of course your own fun "equity"... i.e., add up the race car, the trailer, fuel (for the car and the truck), hotel, meals to/from and at The Salt, divorce attorney, special tools, supplemental "timing slips" you may have received on the way to/from The Salt, the six blow outs, and four new tires during the tow, the "over limit" charge(s) on your credit card(s). You know... the REAL number.
For the record, and for the record, I think my red hat cost me about $25,000. And that's for everything, even entry fees at El Mirage "on the way" to The Salt. Not to be bragging you understand
Jim (getting older every season)
Smallest Car Number for the 2007 season