Author Topic: what do you think of this?  (Read 9771 times)

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Offline JackD

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2007, 12:33:44 PM »
I don't know about all this, but I did see that drone above the patrol meeting Sunday morning. Coincidence?
Drones are usually associated with the Gear Grinders.
It makes you wonder. :wink:

OBTW: The contractor from Edwards wants to thank SCTA for providing such an interesting event to train on.
The "Night Vision" guys map Street Racer activities for training and the kids wonder how they get caught.
Did you know that your vehicle has a 'heat signature" just like a thumb print and can be tracked in the dark ?
Da chadow do. 
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 12:45:24 PM by JackD »
"I would rather lose going fast enough to win than win going slow enough to lose."
"That horrible smell is dirty feet being held to the fire"

Offline ack

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2007, 04:16:44 PM »
For maximum enjoyment this thread is best viewed with theremin music accompanying it.

your disappointing me :cry: as I thought you were sharper then that :roll:!
My Dad was a GS-13 OR 14 after 23 years in the A/F then another 23 years Civil service as He was the Head Tech Rep on the F-16'S at Nellis for MANY,MANY YEARS Among other Job he could Not talk about!Over my 40 years Living in Las Vegas I've seen just about all the Top Secret Planes ' The Stealth bomber & Rapture' just to name a Few .Way before they were ever Public Knowledge :-o!
Seen a Couple UFO's Too......
I may Race a Harley,but I know WTF a Contrail is and these ain't them!
Did You take the Time to watch the Link?
Remember Your Mind is Like a Parachute" IT HAS TO BE OPEN TO WORK" No disrespect,but You WRONG about this one!
I tell my Client's'" when The Student is Ready the Teacher will come'" all I can do is Plant the seed.
I'm sure  a Man with all your flight time and experience you saw some unexplained Phenomenon's haven't you :?
Check out the WHOLE VIDEO MOVIE then tell me what you think :wink:!


I Do Love Your Streamliner  even with your New Driver :-P.

Hope to see you and wife ,and Team on the SALT again this year!




Watched the whole video here’s what I think:

We use to have a fellow that walked by our shop for years we called him the Bee Man.  All though he seemed very intelligent and coherent he wore at least 6 layers of clothes in between which he had placed aluminum foil.  On his head he wore a pith helmet covered with tin foil and a metal screen hanging down like a bee keeper.  When ask about his attire he warned us there are alien beings beaming electromagnetic waves down and controlling our thoughts.  I thought aliens must have kidnapped him to silence him. I haven’t seen him for years but now it looks like he has escaped and opened a web site complete with video. 

Suggested reading, it has been out of print for years but you can get a copy here:

Also see:

But then again what do I know maybe the aerosols have gotten to me already.

Good luck with your V-Rod.

And just one last word of advice do not mention your fears to any potential sponsors.

Offline JGMagoo

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2007, 04:34:21 PM »
I saw a picture of a 'contrail' over a large crowd at a football game that said "JOE HAS A SHORT D**K"

What's the world coming to!

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

Offline Dr Goggles

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2007, 10:20:52 PM »
When I tell people I've built a vehicle out of an old fuel tank and assorted found objects and that I intend to drive it at speeds approaching and hopefully exceeding 200 mph they think I'm crazy , and that I probably have my priorities out of whack .They seem troubled that I have an analytical and creative brain and that it is going to waste.....................In a comparative sense I'm not mad , well not compared to................. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

.each to his own I guess. :wink:
Few understand what I'm trying to do but they vastly outnumber those who understand why...................

Current Australian E/GL record holder at 215.041mph


Super Kaz

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2007, 11:00:57 PM »
For maximum enjoyment this thread is best viewed with theremin music accompanying it.

your disappointing me :cry: as I thought you were sharper then that :roll:!
My Dad was a GS-13 OR 14 after 23 years in the A/F then another 23 years Civil service as He was the Head Tech Rep on the F-16'S at Nellis for MANY,MANY YEARS Among other Job he could Not talk about!Over my 40 years Living in Las Vegas I've seen just about all the Top Secret Planes ' The Stealth bomber & Rapture' just to name a Few .Way before they were ever Public Knowledge :-o!
Seen a Couple UFO's Too......
I may Race a Harley,but I know WTF a Contrail is and these ain't them!
Did You take the Time to watch the Link?
Remember Your Mind is Like a Parachute" IT HAS TO BE OPEN TO WORK" No disrespect,but You WRONG about this one!
I tell my Client's'" when The Student is Ready the Teacher will come'" all I can do is Plant the seed.
I'm sure  a Man with all your flight time and experience you saw some unexplained Phenomenon's haven't you :?
Check out the WHOLE VIDEO MOVIE then tell me what you think :wink:!


I Do Love Your Streamliner  even with your New Driver :-P.

Hope to see you and wife ,and Team on the SALT again this year!




Watched the whole video here’s what I think:

We use to have a fellow that walked by our shop for years we called him the Bee Man.  All though he seemed very intelligent and coherent he wore at least 6 layers of clothes in between which he had placed aluminum foil.  On his head he wore a pith helmet covered with tin foil and a metal screen hanging down like a bee keeper.  When ask about his attire he warned us there are alien beings beaming electromagnetic waves down and controlling our thoughts.  I thought aliens must have kidnapped him to silence him. I haven’t seen him for years but now it looks like he has escaped and opened a web site complete with video. 

Suggested reading, it has been out of print for years but you can get a copy here:

Also see:

But then again what do I know maybe the aerosols have gotten to me already.

Good luck with your V-Rod.

And just one last word of advice do not mention your fears to any potential sponsors.

Mr Ack,
I'll give you a TOUCHE :-o ON THAT ONE! :wink: My Biggest Fear has come true"Not Being able to Race" so do you think the Tinfoil Hat can help me with that PARANOIA? :roll:
We can JOUST back and Forth as there is always a Cynic in the Crowd,and my typin skills suck"Put me one on one VERBALLY and Your TOAST!
I bet you thought the war in IRAQ was over weapons of Mass destruction too? :cry: I'll tell you a Brief story about a Friend and Client I once had ''it was Actually his wife" that I was close with.He had a Job that he could not talk about for many ,many years.They Would take a Bus every morning to a Remote area in the Desert just out side of Vegas.Well he got SICK,and so did his friends at work. The Developed a Cancer of some sort,but it was untill he died that even Part of the Truth came out.I guess they used to have these Big Open Fire Pit's where they would Burn all the______????? :? They "the Families" tried to sue the Test site for the Death of thier Loved ones,and it's still in court  years later:|!Do you think that we Live in a Perfect World? I don't,but if NO ONE HAS THE BALL'S to question WTF is going on More and More Innocent lives will be Lost for what?I'm not tree hugger,but I would like to try and make Our WORLD A BETTER PLACE If at all possible. My Mother is bed ridden and on Oxygen from what"strange upper respiratory condititon"?She Never Smoked a day in her life,but now has an UNKOWN Breathing problem that requires a 02 breathing machine.
Is it a coincides who knows,but I know that we cannot continue to bury or heads in the sand :cry:. Do you like paying $4.00 a gallon for regular gas? I'm ready to start checking into alternate fuel sources even in my Racing!
I will step down from my SOAPBOX now as you Low Blowed me with the SPONSOR Word :| I can stick my foot in my Mouth with the Best of them,but when someone of Your intelligence and stature Say's something  People Listen! I thought  Professional Racing was so Great till I got stabbed in the Back by one of my Best Friends in Drag Racing! It's a Business at this Level,and as You can tell I have allot to learn :mrgreen:. Remember your NEVER A TRUE WINNER TILL YOU HAVE HELPED SOME ELSE SUCCEED! We live in a very Selfish World we live in ,and Racing is No different.
I wish you and all the other Racer's,Sponsor's and Fan's a Wonderful 2007  LSR Season!
I would Like to end my Sermon with a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mother's,Past,Present and Future :-D.
With that said Good Luck and God Bless ALL OF YOU 8-)!!!!
Your Racing Brother,

Offline wolbrink471

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2007, 08:14:46 AM »
Good morning....

Hey Kaz, i know this is a bit off point, but it could be a conspiracy....I AM super paranoid about somebody else potentially having this much influence.

the $4.00 per gallon comment in your last point wound me up again. Last Tuesday or Wednesday I heard a report by the BBC World Service. They were reporting on an IEA study regarding which countries had the greatest increases in gas/oil consumption.

Presumably this would increase demand and raise the $$.The problem is Venezuela and China were at the top of the list and both countries have influential government oil subsidies.....I think a liter of gas was 27 cents retail in Venezuela.

The scary part to me is that around here gas is not seen as a luxury or even a need, but rather a red white and blue birthright. I am not sure where this 'attitude' gets plotted on the ole' supply and demand curve, but it has to be somewhere in the top margin of the page!

gulp.....if the supply side not only consumes the product, but at a rate that reflects a 27 cent price, the 'balance' goes full tilt. We are left dependent on a commodity that is both unavailable and incorrectly valued.

the economy could get kicked square in the nuts.


p.s. i know the US subsidizes cotton, etc. but these are individual items...oil seems to be more of a 'lynch pin'
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Offline Stainless1

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2007, 09:26:31 AM »
I vote we move this to the Conspiracy Theory section of the website and get re-focused on racing...  :-) as I type this there are only 89 Days, 22 Hours, 34 Minutes, 03 Seconds. left to Bonneville  :wink:
Red Hat 228.039, 2001, 65ci, Bockscar Lakester #1000 with a little N2O

Super Kaz

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2007, 08:44:50 PM »
I vote we move this to the Conspiracy Theory section of the website and get re-focused on racing...  :-) as I type this there are only 89 Days, 22 Hours, 34 Minutes, 03 Seconds. left to Bonneville  :wink:

I thought that NON-LSR Posting > Misc Forums > was that  :??

My BAD :evil:!

See ya on the SALT :wink:........

Offline JackD

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2007, 09:27:51 PM »
The sky is falling on the NON LSR POSTINGS as it should.

"All is Right with the Real World and the Left will be left waiting for traffic to clear so they might proceed with their turn of events." (me)  :wink:
"I would rather lose going fast enough to win than win going slow enough to lose."
"That horrible smell is dirty feet being held to the fire"

Offline ol38y

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Re: what do you think of this?
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2007, 10:16:38 PM »
 :roll:  Thank you Ack and Jack. My sentiments esackley...
Larry Cason
Bakersfield,CA    It's a dry heat!

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