WOW! Studebaker Heaven! I had never seen pictures of the B&N Automotive Red White and Blue Stude and man, what a windshield!!!
I would assume it must have been owned and driven by the late Noel Black who later died driving the famous Rhinocerous twin engine streamliner (the one with the bullbus nose caused by a blown Chizler hanging out in front of the front axle!!!
One of the pit photos show a 64 and 65 El Camino parked side by side so if they all came from the same album, that would probably work out about right.
I cannot believe that I have used this site for over ten years and never found these photos.
This is one more reason it is so important to preserve the works Ray the Rat, Pork Pie (who only smells dead), Freud and many others.
I may give all you a vacation from me cause I plan on going over this treasure with a magnifying glass. Damn, if I could only read all the lettering on those cars...
One Run, out..............................