I wrote to Russ on behalf of another racer and recieved this reply:
"As you know (discussed in the November, December, and January board meetings) – the engraving process was delayed because the engraver ran out of the blank tags upon which to engrave. As of the February 3 rd board meeting, the engraver had received the blanks, engraved them, and Gene had picked them up. When I spoke to Gene Feb 3 rd , he was preparing to send them to JoAnn at the Office for mailing. I checked with her last Friday and the office had received the tags and they were packaging, addressing and mailing them out (40 a day or so) and there is a total of about 175 or so in the entire group.
So I believe the xxx timing tag (red) will be in the “soon to be delivered” group and the xxx should get it soon. If it does turn out to be missing I will re-process the order. We have discussed previously our somewhat convoluted (certainly multi-party confusing) tag processing sequence and I have proposed some changes to the Board that will hopefully streamline the process and reduce the number pf players and extra steps in the sequence for next years effort."