Hi, i've been doing some research on air/water intercoolers and thought I might start a thread just on these in particular. I have read various threads where they are brought up and talked about a bit here an there, but not too much on the intercooler itself other than...
pick an efficient one...
Your intercooler: From a design standpoint obviously you want one that will flow as much as possible for the allowable space in your car and with as little drop in PSI from air flow across the core. With knowing how much cfm you motor comsumes at max rpm you can pick a cooler with more cfm available...as in if my motor uses 1000cfm, a cooler that will flow 1500cfm should do the deed. as well you need to know the pressure drop at that rpm...fopr example some advertise a cooler rated at 1500cfm with only .2psi drop....This seems very good in my eyes, but maybe i'm missing something. I have done lots of reading in the past of air to air with regard to end tank design a flow, but all in all it really is a measure of how much pressure drop correct?
Another aspect is the core itself, where i have read the core on a air to water has smaller passages for the water to travel through and some manufacturers uese air to air cores which is not as efficient. I'm not sure I completely agree with this in it's entirety or in our application as you can vary your water flow to be able to manipulate how long the water in in the core which ahs a certian surface area which you are trying to extract a certian amount of BTU out of by the time the water leaves the core. All this will depend on temp of compressed air, surface of core, temp of water and flow rate...the temp of the water will of course be getting warmer the further you make it down the track.
Tanks: I have read a good estimate on amount of ice for your tank is about 10# per 100hp, so for 1000hp, you want 100lbs of ice and you can build your tank to suite....or as large as feasably possible, large being the opperative word. Insulate your tank and lines to the cooler. Have a large enough fill hole that it is easy to put in ice (and beer from another thread
), a drain petcock and a vent(maybe not needed?)
Pump: Any specific criteria here other than to get a quality one. Flow 'should' be determined by above mentioned BTU extraction if your getting technical, but I guess you won't have a problem with too high flow...
All above is just ramblings from an unexperienced air to water intercooler dumbass so feel free to pick it apart and give any advice or experience you have had with your system...that is what it's for....Hans