Author Topic: There's a story behind my "retirement"...  (Read 4711 times)

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Offline tauruck

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2023, 09:11:02 AM »
Hey Boss, this isn't cool but I can't really have an opinion because I've never met you or even visited Speed Week.
Dumb, selfish decisions are made worldwide daily. This sounds just like one of them.

I hope things change?.

Offline wheelrdealer

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2023, 01:41:51 PM »
Jon, I parked my LSR car and really do not have a dog in this fight anymore. But I would like to add, this site and all of the wonderful people I met here, at Maxton and the Salt gave me the desire, drive and inspiration to finally go to speed week. Now life, family and business canned my plans to return although I rebuilt the car twice in preparation... but for 10 years I plotted to return. My point is SCTA has no idea, (or maybe they don't care) how your work and devotion to this site has drawn more racers to SCTA and the salt than anything SCTA does.
SCTA should really take a minute to learn and understand the support and recruiting that goes on as a result of your site.
If SCTA had to pay for the number of eyeballs they get on this site promoting what they do, Sanction Speed Trials, it would cost a lot more than $2,000 in marketing. I have never been a fan of management by committee! :)
Think of the upside, you can go to speedweek next year, hang out and not have to work at a SHI* Job moving the Huney Buckets! I am sure you can get 200 people to donate $10 over the next yeat to "the get Jon to SpeedWeek drive."

SCTA you have a very fragile business model and you should tke note of the support Jon has here.

ECTA    Maxton D/CGALT  Record Holder 167.522
ECTA    Maxton D/CBGALT Record Holder 166.715


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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2023, 01:55:13 PM »
 Gonna miss your voice streaming while I was at work,  the other employees enjoyed it too when I had it playing.  Perhaps you could work with the guy that did the video stream (Tim, I believe).  He needs some schooling on different classes and what they mean.  Since the Scat is getting out of the streaming business .
Another door may open.  😎

As much as I want to race one day.  Things like this make me think otherwise.

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2023, 02:43:21 PM »
Slim, if this was April 1, I could buy into this "story"

Like many here I have attended Speed Week for over three decades and have absolutely - repeat- absolutely loved to listen to Slim (both race results, but better yet, the stories). 

But announcing is only a part of what Slim contributes.  The website and forum have been mentioned as well as the porta-potties.  However, no one has mentioned that Slim has even volunteered to be an overnight "guard" on several occasions. 

When it comes to the announcing part, he has had to endure some less that perfect conditions with equipment and temperature management.

I have only talked to Slim a couple of times (once when I bought the neat "swag" knife and another when I lost my camera).  Seemed like a hell of a nice guy.

So, I have to ask the obvious question that others have also asked:  what the f***$$ was SCTA thinking?

Jim Shepherd
Evergreen, CO
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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2023, 05:34:30 PM »
I appreciate that I have only been to the salt twice and am still building - this forum has a lot to answer for - I probably would not be lakestering if it were not for so, Tracey my long suffering wife, it is in fact Slim's fault!

What the hey is going on over there - the salt is being purloined and now (with affection) a Salty Dog is being retired. Someone needs to edit the lyrics to Salty Dog Blues.

I had the pleasure to raise a (concealed) glass with Jon and others, albeit briefly at or near the bend, I think it was 2016, and have been looking forward to what he would do over the mic with my lakester project as I ambled down the line in the Squeeze of Lemming.

SCTA: add a ring fenced fee to the entry (participants and spectators) for event commentary - shouldn't be more than a few coins each. Hang on, what is the biggest US coin - here in K1 W1 land it is $2. Alternatively just hand the pith helmet / straw hat around on the day.
I trust salinity and sanity will be restored in the coming months and years.
There is an unbelievable amount of work that goes into the SCTA (and USFRA et. al.) events and I sincerely hope this is not the first read out of a bigger event barometer with the needle heading towards 'no'.

Lemming John
A Bonneville Lakester please barman.
Certainly sir; a lick of salt, a sip of gas and a twist of Lemming. More Lemming sir?
Just a squeeze.

A Squeeze of Lemming it is sir.

Offline Calkins

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2023, 07:20:19 PM »
Don't forget about Jon & Nancy's "Salt Talks" gatherings at the museum grounds on Sunday evenings.  I made a brief appearance on a couple of occasions.

I am still without words on this entire deal.  What a $hitty year for Bonneville as a whole...
Justin Calkins - Iowa Falls, Iowa  USA

Offline mtkawboy

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2023, 12:28:28 PM »
Not even a "thanks for your efforts over the years"? No good deed goes unpunished I guess

Offline racefanwfo

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2023, 08:35:05 PM »
Why would the SCTA say that you retired instead of telling the truth that they fired you for no reason. I CALL BULLSHIT.
The speed that you wish to achieve is only limited by the depth of your wallet.

Offline will6er

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2023, 10:25:15 PM »
I seem to remember a similar incident a few years ago. or not?

Will Willis
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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2023, 02:16:23 AM »
That would have been the Glen Barrett kerfuffle.  This time it was Heather, and she called.   She had the courtesy to call me and present the execution notice by phone.  Glen was sh*t-canned by an email (or so went the story, which I tend to find credible).  Speaking of Glen Barrett, if you could get in the Wayback machine and go back and listen to Glen when he was the chief timer and also gave out the speeds and such (as does Debbie Dannenfelzer now) - - - if you listen to Glen you'll hear where I got lots of the stuff I do and say on the air.  I knew that I'd have a danged difficult time replicating him - - - Cripes, it took years before people quit telling me about how he did this or that and how it just wasn't the same or as good now - - - so what I tried to do was figure out what the listeners wanted/needed to hear and then say it.  For instance, give the speeds clearly enough that the crew for that car or bike can understand while their rider is on course.  You know that's the first thing a racer wants at the end of a run - - so I give the speeds and repeat them during and at the end of a run.  There was the time when the announcer was somebody else who only announced once or twice at the salt, and who used one certain phrase to denote that a racer appeared to be making a good run.  I guess he didn't realise that lotsa listeners worried about a fire or blown engine when they'd hear him say:  "Wow, he's really smoking!" 

And so on.  But always I've tried to offer up - here on the site, and also on the radio - reliable and informed comments.  I don't censor what's said about, for instance, how the course conditions are so bad that you might as well turn around and don't bother coming out for SpeedWeek.  I've done a tiny bit of removing posts for good reason, but that ain't very often.  This point is the crux of the instant issue, by the way.  A racer on the way to the salt called the SCTA powers-that-be and reported that he was turning around and going home - - based on what he saw on this Forum.  It was said to me by that "Power-that-be" that he felt I should remove the posts that offered negative news.  It was the same basic story about 10 years ago at the Pomona Roadster when I was upbraided (same dude) for allowing negative-about-SCTA-posts to be posted.  I was dang near banned from streaming then.  I managed to negotiate the proceeding years, figuring out streaming and that stuff and treading kinda carefully - but I didn't censor.  Maybe he thinks I should write a correction to any post that offers something he deems negative to his cause.  No, that's not my job, kids.

You probably remember Ron and me mentioning many times that we could do a better job of informing the listeners if we had one of the UHF handheld radios (used for non-public stuff like race number or emergencies and so on) in the trailer.  When a vehicle is at the line the timer will radio (on UHF) the tower with the vehicle number.  The timer enters that number into her 'puter and the run begins. We don't see any data on the screen until the racer is in the first of the lights, so we have to rely on catching the numbers on the CB radio when the timer announces 'em, and believe it or not, there are times when we can't hear or understand or someone's sitting on the mic.  With a UHF we'd hear more clearly and hear the number earlier, and that allows us more time for information or to alert everybody about a run that lotsa people want to watch.  Five or six or seven years ago we were issued one of the UHF radios, and once or twice we got two.  Ah, but we sinned.  We were instructed to shut off that UHF in case of an incident, and there were times we didn't do it or didn't do it in time or hadn't turned the volume down enough and the official chatter was audible.  I can offer excuses 1, 27b, and A sub-alpha on why it happened, but nevertheless it did.  Sorry, though I'm comfortable saying we improved over time.  Whatever - - when I asked for a radio this year I was told (if I remember correctly) that it had been decided that the radio announcers would not be issued said radio this year.  Well, okay, but - - and then I gave the fu@k up.  There was the time when Ralph Hudson crashed at about the three, directly in front of me.  I was watching the run and giving his speeds and then I watched him crash -  and shouted "Rider Down!" before I realised that I shouldn't have said ANYTHING.  Yeah, I understand and need to remember that such a comment would likely frighten some folks listening online .  It's difficult to see a rider crash at well north of 200 mph, right the heck in front of me and NOT react with that shout.  By the way, if I recall correctly, Glen Barrett's final sin was to announce -- on the air - - something about an incident on course and to "roll the emergency crew" or words to that effect.  They stated reason for his retirement-by-email was that he wasn't the person that should have issued that order, and not on the air.  Maybe it happened, maybe the story is apocryphal.  If you're interested I betcha you could dig through the archives here and see the story as it developed,  negative, and positive posts and warts and all.  Maybe I've remembered it wrong.  Maybe not.

Oh,yeah, I gotta tell you this one:  During my sentencing call Heather raised the issue of the cost to listen to the live stream.  After a few seconds of me trying to figure out WTF she was talking about I came up with one of my better lines.  I heard that and said "HUNH?  Whaddaya mean?  It's free on and any site or page is welcome to it".  It was then I heard that one of cabal had gone to the homepage here and followed the link for streaming.  There he saw the price was $5.99/day, so he paid 35 or 40 bucks to buy the entire week.  And, evidently, reported such an outrage that it led to me getting the implied message that SCTA was upset because I was selling access to the live stream.  Ok, but Heather, it's free.  The only charge is for downloads AFTER THE FACT , like a team that wants the audio from a run to add to a video.  At this point I must acknowledge that purchase, and thank the donor, for that's what he became in his effort to entrap me.  Thanks, dude, for the $40 that you paid because you made a knee-jerk decision without reading the description.  Thanks for supporting the website that evidently irks you.  It made me chuckle since I'd been announcing that information on the air - for years.  By the also way, the revenue from 12 years of streaming and collecting the fee for downloads - - the balance in the account is about $326 as of today.  I haven't ever used any of that handsome amount.  I find it difficult to accept the implication that I was charging for a free service and therefore (potentially) cheating SCTA out of a cut of the proceeds as might a vendor be assessed, especially since it was based on a report from someone that didn't even read the instructions.  You're all welcome to see the tally on the Mertidix dashboard if you want to see for yourself.

I've herded youse girls and boys along a path that is full of information and has little or no advertising.  Once in a while some companies or racers bought ads - but not many since I only would let racers or race vendor companies buy an ad.  I have turned down innumerable requests from companies that offer me money if I'd run their stories/ads.  There ain't never been a-one of 'em that I let on the site because they had nothing to do with racing.  I wanted to have a site without much clutter and that would load pages quickly 'cause there weren't many, if any, ads.  I have run the site since '08 when Jon Amo sold it to me.  I have evidently done a good enough job - many of you send a few bucks as a donation now and then and it's enough to keep things going just fine (pretty much, except with the failure of my Jetpack at SpeedWeek so I couldn't stream the last days of the '23 event..  I'm very sorry.).

There are about 76 zillion things and ideas and projects that I've got in mind to explore, and yet - - like I said before, I'd go back and announce in a second.  But will I do it with the current hierarchy?  I doubt it very much.  No matter the stresses on all the various muckety-mucks - like "if we cancel the SCTA will run out of money" - - I've lost sight of any sense of integrity for too many of the blue shirted folks (and some that don't don the outfit).  By that I mean:

As the whole danged shooting match proceeded I went to the protagonist du jour and offered my hand and asked if we could end it all.  I acknowledged that I yielded to his position, and thought I had made it clear that I wanted to get on with the event and put this behind us.  He agreed and shook my hand, and then proceeded to rehash the incident to me and the three or four others at the table.  They took turns being rude to me as I left.  I'll tell you about the falsetto voice and lots of overwrought gestures and the comment about not ever using the new $70,000 trailer for timing slips and radio again.  Our sin:  Ron and I didn't sweep the floor at the end, but Sheri (timing slips) did her half.  Guilty as charged, but the histrionics of one of the fellas, as he mentioned going to Smith's grocery and getting one, were entertaining.  Worth it in the long run?  Probably not, but fun to see.

Okay:  If I give you my word and my hand --- I'm done with the issue, and I expect that in return.  It's manners, and being an honorable man.  It's evident that some folks missed the day in school maybe the when they taught it.

That's enough for now.  I gotta hit the hay.  Robyn Munro* has been here for a couple of weeks and flies on to visit other racers tomorrow afternoon.  Tonight we had a nice dinner with her and Mike & Ann (car 9006, AA/BGALT) who are the only other racers up here.  Ya do what ya can.

Deep Enough!

* Robyn is absolutely the best-ever house guest, and cook, and story teller, and she even gave us a framed photo of her gramps. No, I won't show you the photos, so you'll have to believe me when I say that she even swam in Lake Superior today.  That's quite the feat - since the big lake's temp was a fairly moderate 60F.  And she swam, too - not just dabbled her toes in the water.  And she's going to help me with a project that includes mystery, intrigue, inappropriate comments and maybe even some meaningful content.  No it wouldn't be a podcast.  And no, it's not running an old Indian racebike.  That was Burt's M.O.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 02:41:49 AM by Seldom Seen Slim »
Jon E. Wennerberg
 a/k/a Seldom Seen Slim
 Skandia, Michigan
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Offline wickedwagens

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2023, 11:59:02 AM »
You will be missed Slim.  It just won't be the same without you.

Mark Ortiz
Ortiz Family Racing
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G/CBGC  158.242  MPH  9/2017   H/CBGC  94.334 MPH  8/2018
H/CPRO  93.383 MPH  8/2018   H/CBFALT  101.282 MPH 9/2018
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Offline zzcruzin

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2023, 09:51:57 PM »
Hum,,,,,,,,,10 years ago? The Pomona Roadster Show? Hum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think i know that Dude. And if it is,,,,,,,,,he don't like me either. But no big loss here. Good luck Slim.

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2023, 03:43:46 AM »
Jon, I've only been to one Speed Week (it was about ten years ago), and I enjoyed it immensely.  It was awesome.
I've been a big fan of LSR for decades, and my number one role model was Craig Breedlove.  I met him a couple times at
his home in Rio Vista, California. 

I appreciate all you've done for the racers at Bonneville, and hope you will attend some future racing events there.  I plan to
attend World Finals (as a spectator) this year (if the event isn't rained out, that is), and if I see you there, I'll try to meet you.

I drive a 2007 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, the color of "Desert Sand", missing its left front fender.  And I plan to bring a
cooler of canned soda and beer, so I can give free drinks to people.  I love the camaraderie of land speed racers.

Best regards.  Andy Lampenfeld
« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 03:45:56 AM by tallguy »

Offline jimmy six

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2023, 01:45:28 PM »
As a one time toilet guy received the job from another toilet guy, then given/assigned, to Slim, who had the job the longest I know of... I Salute You.

Enjoy your retirement?..JD
First GMC 6 powered Fuel roadster over 200, with 2 red hats. Pit crew for Patrick Tone's Super Stock #49 Camaro

Offline jacksoni

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Re: There's a story behind my "retirement"...
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2023, 12:57:58 PM »
There is a whole lot  about  this that sucks, Slim. SCTA doesn't own  nor support the site with information (that would be more to their liking) let alone financially. They have no right to suggest you censor anything, particularly something that someone else posted. If they would post timely information, answer questions timely etc, etc people wouldn't need to ask for help here about what is going on there.

WRT being fired from streaming, the recent WF update just posted, shows they have a new streaming service. Didn't take long. Wonder how much they will make from that? Oh Well...
Jack Iliff
 G/BGS-250.235 1987
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