Author Topic: Welcome to New Bike Entrys  (Read 4161 times)

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Offline MiltonP

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Welcome to New Bike Entrys
« on: September 10, 2016, 09:04:34 AM »
Hi folks! An advance welcome to the Ohio Mile.  Getting close to run time so thought I would start trying to get the 'word' out to folks bringing bikes out to the mile for the first time. Please share this post with other sites.

There are a lot of bikes registered and I am not sure how many techs will be present so please look at the rules ahead of time. In the past folks have been able acquire and install proper chain guards and kill tethers after arriving unprepared. We would be insulting their efforts by waiving those items so that won't be happening, especially with proper bikes on the waiting list. I expect to be real busy in tech and don't want to hear about how the bike ran at drag strip or road course as is.

I hope to see more folks upgrading their gear. There are 'legal' work boots but do you really believe your ankle are better in them? Slider 'knubs' and fit 'knobs' on gloves may not be ideal on a grooved runway but quality full-gauntlet hide definitely makes sense. This is also the last event for M2005 helmets so why not get a jump on next year?

I look forward to seeing everyone in tech and on the track. Be safe, have fun and go fast!