Author Topic: New "PFC"  (Read 4173 times)

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Re: New "PFC"
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2011, 10:03:46 AM »

The sensitivity you told about the military experience should be printed in a national newspaper or magazine so all Americans can read and understand them.

For me, it gives me real examples to use in explaining to my young daughter about the life of our military men and women who experience the war zone.

We both salute you for your service.

Hope to see you on the salt.

Offline johnneilson

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Re: New "PFC"
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2011, 02:54:39 AM »
I just returned from attending the Air Force BMT Graduation in Tx for my son Sean, two stripes, 3 ribbons.

May God Bless every one of these young souls who Serve this Nation.


As Carroll Smith wrote; All Failures are Human in Origin.

Offline SPARKY

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Re: New "PFC"
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2011, 09:28:07 AM »
Congratulations and a heart felt THANKS to all who serve to Defend our Republic in the youth of their lives from overseas threats.

There is a HUGE amount to be done by those who just thought they were going to be able to put it on "Cruise Control" in our retirement years!  We also must enlist in the defense of our Republic to try to preserve against the all out attack from within.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 12:42:39 PM by SPARKY »
Miss LIBERTY,  changing T.K.I.  to noise, dust, rust, BLUE HATS & hopefully not scrap!!

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."   Helen Keller

We are going to explore the racing N words NITROUS & NITRO!


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Re: New "PFC"
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2011, 11:06:03 AM »

You are 100% correct. This is no time to coast in "Cruise Control."

Without getting into politics per se, senior citizens (I speak for myself) must remind those young ones what opportunities this great country has given to them and at what cost. Plus, what they need to do to keep this country running on all 8 cylinders.

Thanks again to all those who served in uniform and for the job they did.

Imagine this:   At some point in time the government says that all leisure activities that use "excessive energy" would be outlawed because it is counter productive to a clean atmosphere. Or, racing would be taxed so high no one could afford to do it.
Convince me this could never happen.


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Re: New "PFC"
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2011, 08:07:50 PM »
Thier should be no worries about the cost being forgotten. I promise every night I try to sleep the cost is not forgotten. That is a luxury enjoyed by all the millions of us who served, the even more millions who have had family served. For every service member you can count on at least 10 people impacted. That means tens of millions of people impacted. The cost for a lot of us is remembered everytime we wake up. Daily I get texts from my brothers. Daily I see the flag flying outside and inside my home. Daily I see the scars left on my face and body. Daily I see the the war trophies, the shadow box iteams off fallen brothers, and the plaques/awards/medals I was humbly awarded. That includes my family, my girlfriend, and my friends. Who also see this. You can see it in the way current and former veterans walk. The pride, and the pain that is shown on our faces. Most importantly though, we know. Our fallen brothers survive through us. What they taught, what they said in thier last breathes. The smiles, the memories, and the sacrifices live on through all of us. Its passed down from the seniors to the juniors. Unlike the civilian work force we live through each other. As one generation retires they pass on the hundreds of years of knowledge that was passed onto them. Our community has the great pride and honor of living on through each other. Its why you can tell us apart walking down the street. Its why we survived days of combat without ever speaking a word. I can hold a conversation with my combat brothers with only eyes. There are times at the VFW when we sit together for hours, not a word is spoken, but we had a nights worth of conversation. The cost is never, and will never be forgotten. If it is forgotten by the youth, or those who hate the military then it was forgotten by those who don't deserve to remember. But our family will always remember its brothers, and the heros they were will live on in each generation that replaces us. The warriors of yesterdays past, and even those who stood up to found this country live on in the generation of fighters to come.