Author Topic: what say ye  (Read 17222 times)

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Offline Seldom Seen Slim

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Re: what say ye
« Reply #60 on: May 29, 2007, 01:49:09 PM »

How long are the lines at SpeedWeek?  In '06 we started teching bikes at 8 or 9 Friday morning or whatever time it was -- and by 2PM that day there was no line remaining -- it was now just arrive in line and wheel under the awning.  I don't know the exact number we did in that five or six hours -- but I'm guessing it was about 60.  There were three tech lines going most of the time.  Some time was wasted between inspections because the racer wasn't there to move his vehicle into position, etc. 

So:  60 bikes (example) divided by three lines = 20 bikes in five 1/2 (average of my EWAG) hours comes out to 16 1/2 minutes/bike.

Those numbers aren't supported by any documentation, just my memory.  Some took less time, of course -- there's a line for bikes that were inspected and raced at EM just a week or two before, so less intensive investigation of some details was required.  And some took longer -- never been inspected before, and didn't know how to twist safety wire (well, damn near. . .).

But figure 20 minutes and you'll be in the right neighborhood.

PS  Wear the brace the doctors gave you for the busted collarbone.  I didn't wear it correctly when I had a get-off from the Gold Wing out in Idaho -- you don't wanna have a slumped shoulder like I do, right?  Best wishes from both of us for a quick and complete recovery from your trauma.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2007, 02:31:32 PM by Seldom Seen Slim »
Jon E. Wennerberg
 a/k/a Seldom Seen Slim
 Skandia, Michigan
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Re: what say ye
« Reply #61 on: May 29, 2007, 02:26:41 PM »
20 to 30minutes is a good number. and if you are there really early you might only wait in line an hour.  The later you hit the line, the longer you wait. 
Hope to see y'all there  :-D
Red Hat 228.039, 2001, 65ci, Bockscar Lakester #1000 with a little N2O

Offline JackD

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Re: what say ye
« Reply #62 on: May 29, 2007, 05:08:19 PM »
Remember that Slim was speaking of Speedweek. :wink:
"I would rather lose going fast enough to win than win going slow enough to lose."
"That horrible smell is dirty feet being held to the fire"


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Re: what say ye
« Reply #63 on: May 29, 2007, 08:47:09 PM »
Be nice Jack............Charlie, does a good job!!!!!!!!!

Offline Snal

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Re: what say ye
« Reply #64 on: May 29, 2007, 11:44:55 PM »
Stroker: I am not in charge of motorcycle inspection, but maybe I can help with some of this. 
The picture you mentioned in your post (Bike 556) is, according to the lettering on the bike,
entered in the Altered class, 1000cc. 

What is it about the bike that you feel makes the bike "illegal" for the altered class?

Scott, here's a photo of the bike that Mr Stroker speaks of. The ECTA website lists this picture as being made in Sept 2003. 1 month after the modified runs mentioned. I'm sure that you're familiar with this bike and that the picture does show it in it's typical Maxton attire, and the fact that it would be quite difficult to transform it into a modified legal vehicle.
We missed being able to contest the vehicle's modified run due to the fact that we were not aware that it had changed class to modified. I'm sure that the run logs for this bike on that day were previously made in an altered class. Run logs should be still available, but regardless of that, this is the only time that this bike has run in this configuration in modified class to my knowledge.
What makes the series of runs for this bike even more radical during the last hours at Maxton on that day is this....I witnessed the bike at the starting line on the first of the modified runs, it had issues and I asked what the issues were, the bike had lurched forward at the line when put into forward gear, and I was told that one of the axle adjusters had broken. This was confirmed by an ECTA official. Prior to this first modified run, it had been announced over the common radio channel that the track was now closed to anyone that wasn't already in the staging lanes, however, this bike was allowed to make yet another run in modified class, after the course was closed to all other racers. The second pass was made (after the course was closed) and after the bike came through the pit area at a higher speed than normally allowed. The rider was made aware of the excessive pit area speed, and his response was that the bike was stuck in 3rd gear. So now we have an illegal bike, running in modified class, with an apparent broken axle adjuster, and apparently stuck in 3rd gear. If that weren't enough, the owner of the bike happens to be a tech inspector, and the rider of the bike is a tech inspector and a member of the ECTA motorcycle committee.
Several comments were made that day as the happenings happened, but protests were not made by anyone. My team had had "issues" with the parties involved before, so we didn't want to add fuel to the fire by launching a formal protest, until we found out later that the runs were made in modified class, and on our previously held records. (see "issues" above) Of course, by then, according to the ECTA rules, it was too late.
We learned a hard lesson at that meet, and abided by the ECTA rules of protest after pleading our case.
Regardless of the examples that are set before us by some that are trusted to inforce the rules, our team and many, many others, choose to race with integrity.
One of our bikes was pictured here, as an example of a class illegal bike. This is difficult to understand when the poster was one of the technical inspectors of the bike in question, as were several others. We were never told by anyone in tech inspection or impound that this particular bike was not legal for any class that it ran in....and we ran that bike for 2 years at Maxton.