Author Topic: Salt Talks Tshirts 2007  (Read 1416 times)

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Salt Talks Tshirts 2007
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:58:41 PM »

I am in the middle of planning for Salt Talks Tshirts for 2007.

I am going to make an open enrollment on submissions for the 2007 Tshirts.  If you would like to be on it send me high resolution photo to . I will accept them for the month of April and then make a final decision then.

Again Salt Talks with be hosted by Jon and Nancy Wennerberg. They have done a fabulous job for the Salt Talks Gathering, and all the volunteers that help out.

TO give a brief rundown on where salt talks came from. The website was fairly new and we had the email list going, a group as a whole decided we needed a night to put faces with email address and a general meeting place, so in 2000 we had our first ever salt talks. It was a blast. We generally had it on Tuesday, same night as chat night from website. But, it had conflicts with other events that were going on , so we then moved it to Sunday night. This has proved to be a good move. Get it done early, no other conflicts. John Beckett from the ECTA supplied the vinyl banners and Keith Turk was delivering the Tshirts. Then I started to get salt fever myself so I built a motorcycle. I had many chores to do during the week, help Joe run the 1000cc bike, run my bike, take pictures, update the website and put on Salt Talks. It got to be a overwhelming task. Jon & Nancy Wennerber approached me and ask if they could put it on to relieve some of the duties that I had. So here we have it now 2007, will be the 8th Annual Salt Talks. Sunday night the 12th "Bend in the Road" on the way to the salt. Usually around 6-7 PM.

So again if you would like to be up for consideration to be on the Tshirt for 2007 please send a photo to email address provided above.
