Author Topic: A big THANK YOU to everyone who worked so hard for Speed Week 2014 . . .  (Read 4088 times)

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Offline tallguy

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Thanks, everybody, for all your hard work, time, and money that
was spent.  I'm including the SCTA volunteers, the racers and
their crews, and everyone else.  Don't mean to exclude anyone. 

I know we're all disappointed about the rain --
(and it's ironic that so much fell onto the salt flats, where NOBODY
wanted it to, while California and other western states are still in
a serious drought) -- but what is one to do?

Better luck to all of us next year.


Offline ratpatrol66

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So did you make the trip out there?

Offline debgeo

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I made the trip and I want to echo tallguys remark. A lot of time is put in and much of it was/is volunteers
George---Sidecar in progress

Offline tallguy

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tallguy here.  I made the trip last year, and had an AWESOME time!

I was only there for 2 days, and was totally overwhelmed by the size
and scope of the event.  So many vehicles!  Such variety! 

I spent a good amount of time sitting in my truck at the 5, with the air
conditioner on and an ice chest of sodas, listening to the live broadcast
of the runs.  It was great!

I saw Speed Demon whiz by at 384 mph.  I realize it had gone faster
earlier in the meet, but had never before seen anything on the ground
go that fast.  About 330 mph (dragsters) was the fastest before that, and
I wasn't at the finish line then.

I also in 2013 went to the Top Speed Shootout (it was rained out and
rescheduled for a later time).  I went to watch it at the rescheduled
time, and it was rained out AGAIN!  The two trips were wasted. 

But this year, although I had planned to go to SW, I was smart enough to
keep informed about the weather and track conditions.  So I didn't go.  I
am sympathetic with all the people who did go (especially from faraway
places such as England!) -- and hope they have better luck in the future.

I plan to watch the weather and conditions for the next couple months,
also, because I'm considering attending the Top Speed Shootout.  I'd
REALLY like to watch, in person and in real time, the first 400+ mph
motorcycle run.  Good luck to everyone who plans to go to that meet.

Good luck, also, to anyone planning to attend the BUB (yeah, I know
that's not what it's called anymore), World of Speed, World Finals, and
"Speed Week," should it happen later this year.

Offline hotrod

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Yes a big thank you to all the people that worked so hard to get this event off the ground, and the ever patient racers who understand that occasional weather delays and even full on rain outs are a cost of doing business in this sort of activity.

All you can do is understand that there is always a risk for sudden changes in plans due to wind or rain, and plan accordingly.
You also need to keep yourself informed and work out notification plans for your crew and friends so no one is left driving to an event already canceled or delayed with out knowing.

Thanks to all the volunteers who work so hard to make this event run as smoothly as it does!