Landracing Forum

Texas Mile => Texas Mile General Chat => Topic started by: White Monster on April 22, 2010, 01:58:33 PM

Title: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: White Monster on April 22, 2010, 01:58:33 PM
Richard Holt piloting a 2008 Twin Turbo Lamborghini Gallardo to 250.1 mph
in the standing mile at Goliad during the March 2010 meet, a new World Record !!
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: bbarn on April 22, 2010, 02:56:31 PM
I do this in my Lambo all the time...with my eyes closed...while dreaming!  Looks like Mr. Holt was having a bit of fun.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: fredvance on April 22, 2010, 03:11:40 PM
I wonder why he didnt use his chute??
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Joe Timney on April 22, 2010, 03:23:29 PM
Where was the roll cage???
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on April 22, 2010, 04:00:57 PM
Joe, I'm surprised that you'd even bother to ask such a silly question.  I thought you'd understand that folks that can afford to drive Lambos don't need such protection.  I mean, how could a quarter-million dollar car possibly roll or crash, and how could someone that drives one be that human as to let the machine misbehave?  They're far too special. :evil:

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Cajun Kid on April 22, 2010, 04:04:19 PM
Where was the roll cage???

Joe, I was thinking the same thing,,, I thought a saw a shadow behind the drives seat that may have been a main hoop bar ??

Not sure.... I also wondered why he did not pull the chute or even if it was operational,,, bouncing like that and it looked like the tether/anchor line was mounted real low,,, maybe to the rear end ??

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Cajun Kid on April 22, 2010, 04:05:47 PM
SSS,,   just a 1/4 million ??

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on April 22, 2010, 04:34:34 PM
As has been said many times -- Charles, if you've gotta ask the price -- it's too expensive for you.  Me, too.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Geo on April 22, 2010, 04:52:15 PM
Aw, you are jealous.

Mr. Holt I know it's fast!  Can I drive it?

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: 1212FBGS on April 22, 2010, 05:04:12 PM
no arm restraints and no neck collar..... fools
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: White Monster on April 22, 2010, 05:22:11 PM
I wonder why he didnt use his chute??

Why use a chute when you can spin around in 360's to come to a stop ?

Where was the roll cage???

Roll cage ?
Dude this is Goliad !!
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: 1212FBGS on April 22, 2010, 05:55:45 PM
just wait'l some dies...... Goliad? didn't they use to race there?
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: desotoman on April 22, 2010, 05:59:34 PM
Next thing I will hear is he did it with the Air Conditioning on. LOL.

Tom G.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: jimmy six on April 22, 2010, 06:05:42 PM
What old "world record" did he exceed?
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on April 22, 2010, 06:18:03 PM
I'm just happy to see a Lambo getting thrashed.  Seems most of them wind up in a garage and sell ten years later with fewer than 10,000 miles on them.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: thundersalt on April 22, 2010, 06:39:55 PM
I think I'll try stopping like that this year at speedweek.Won't have to keep repacking the laundry.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Cajun Kid on April 22, 2010, 08:03:31 PM
Well to go from 250.1 MPH to Zero in less than 2600 feet,,, without the chute means the Brakes must be awesome.

I also noticed no SFI head and neck restraint, no neck collar, no arm restraints,,,, not sure did he have a full door or at least a window net. No lateral head restaints, no alum containment style race seat..  did not see an external cut off switch.

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Cajun Kid on April 22, 2010, 08:15:20 PM
What old "world record" did he exceed?

I will make comments about my observations about the lack of what we all feel are "needed" and should be "required" safety equipment...

But I will not question his speed,,, 250.1 in a standing mile in a wheel driven car is worthy of accolades.

however, Like Jimmy said... was it a world record ?  if so who, where and in what had the previous record ?

Or is this simply a Track Record ?

No matter what the answers,,,, that was one FAST run...

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: 1 fast evo 2 on April 24, 2010, 08:25:32 AM
It was a track record for Goliad and an (I think) world record for a lambo.
I spoke to the builder while I was there and he said the car was purchased, shipped to him, they built the car in like 3 weeks, they trailered it to Goliad, and the owner took delivery of the car for the 1st time.
Total cost of UPGRADES 200,000 + the cost of the car.
The driver/owner seemed like a nice guy but not such a good driver. He wasn't trying to stop like that if you listen in the video the car did that every time he let off the gas, I'm assuming he was chopping the gas and standing on the brakes.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: SPARKY on April 24, 2010, 09:52:40 AM
 :evil: Chute?, how else can mr. Holt find out just how effective the circular braking technique is! :evil: After all this car was put together by underground racing, we may see other Youtubes featuring vids featuring other landmarks from around our great Republic.

 No less than the editor of Hot Rod Mag has experienced the effectiveness of circular braking in an emergency. :evil:
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Cajun Kid on April 24, 2010, 03:49:11 PM
The Lambo appeared to have a Chute.... why did he not deploy it ?
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: nrhs sales on April 24, 2010, 05:27:30 PM
Jeez, some of you guys sound like you work for OSHA for cripes sake!!

 "Oh no, he doesn't have the proper safety equipment!!, He could crash and die!!" Wah wah wah!! 

  A bunch of you need to watch Worlds Fastest Indian again so you can understand what it means to be real men!!   
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: SPARKY on April 24, 2010, 05:35:09 PM
REAL MEN?????  :? Don't you try that with me BOZO!!!!!!    :-D lol
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: desotoman on April 24, 2010, 05:45:56 PM
Jeez, some of you guys sound like you work for OSHA for cripes sake!!

 "Oh no, he doesn't have the proper safety equipment!!, He could crash and die!!" Wah wah wah!! 

  A bunch of you need to watch Worlds Fastest Indian again so you can understand what it means to be real men!!   

Sometimes real men are STUPID. HA HA HA HA.

Tom G.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: jl222 on April 24, 2010, 09:52:33 PM
Jeez, some of you guys sound like you work for OSHA for cripes sake!!

 "Oh no, he doesn't have the proper safety equipment!!, He could crash and die!!" Wah wah wah!! 

  A bunch of you need to watch Worlds Fastest Indian again so you can understand what it means to be real men!!   

  YEA especially when a motorcycle goes just as fast with just leathers and helmet :roll:

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: SPARKY on April 25, 2010, 02:10:56 AM
faster  :-D
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on April 25, 2010, 01:54:50 PM
Jeez, some of you guys sound like you work for OSHA for cripes sake!!

 "Oh no, he doesn't have the proper safety equipment!!, He could crash and die!!" Wah wah wah!! 

  A bunch of you need to watch Worlds Fastest Indian again so you can understand what it means to be real men!!   

"He could crash and die!!"  


And then a crew of real men will arrive with a stretcher and pry what's left of him out of the car, while another crew of real men will load what's left of the Lambo onto a flatbed.  Then a real man to call his next of kin.  Then there's the crew of real men who will try to make him look pretty enough to show off to his family and friends.

It's a dangerous sport.  Many people who post here have lost good friends while racing.  They're not whining, they're concerned, and I think they're the ones keeping it real.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Peter Jack on April 25, 2010, 02:18:32 PM
Thanks MM.

Safety has improved so much since the '50s and '60s and it's up to all of us to take advantage of it. There's no way we should be able to put volunteers, safety crews, friends and family through the trauma and aftermath of a tragedy when it was readily preventable. What we do on our own is one thing, but what we do when it affects so many others shows a totally irresponsible attitude on both the part of the participant and the part of the organizers.

I've lost too many friends and acquaintances over the years when we didn't know any better and didn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge. Take full advantage of the safety equipment that exists and follow the rules as they are set down. That way the sport continues to grow instead of being legislated out of existence.

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: arnie on April 25, 2010, 06:27:43 PM
Just so you know there is a 4 point cage in that car.  Look again at the video.  There's a main hoop and 2 rear braces. 
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: 1212FBGS on April 26, 2010, 06:02:09 AM
Aaron NHRS

"real men" don't jeopordise our or any other sport.... Motorcycles are expected to crash... that's why bikes got axed from the Nellis program a couple of years ago after someone posted video of Jason crashing at B-ville.... but also people expect some level of professionalism and implied safety at a sanctioned event like those held by the SCTA-BNI or even those held at the Texas mile.... these organizations have a responsibility to the competitors for safety and if they knowingly allow something unsafe and injury occurs then it will have a ripple effect on all organizations..... We are lucky Jason didn't die and were lucky this guy didn't get hurt (4point roll bar wouldn't help this guy when his car disintegrates at 250, that bar offers nothing more than a false sense of security)... I know for a fact that the el-mo per event insurance premium had doubled over last year due to a motorcycle accident.... yep blame it on us bikers.... We need to help keep our sport safe... if this guy or you wants to be a "MAN" and hurt himself in private testing then good for ya, but lets not allow it in one of our sanctioned events...
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Joe Timney on April 26, 2010, 07:08:30 AM
Well stated, thank you

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Genuine GM on May 03, 2010, 06:54:48 PM
If you can afford 200K in mods, you can afford the couple thousand for safety equipment. 

As far as real men.....  the grave yard is full of real men that died before their time. 

I'll be as safe as possible, a guy proves nothing by taking short cuts and risk everything.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: KeithTurk on October 24, 2010, 09:04:19 PM
Looking forward to how he turns out now that it's crashed..... I know he's been reported as being alive....  just waiting for further news of his condition...

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Hooley on October 25, 2010, 03:34:25 PM
Well, I watched the Lambo do his flying Sat.  It was wild crash similary to Jim Kirk's at Speed Week. It was reported at the track that He was all right and went to a hosptil for obsveration. I was sure glad to hear that.I know he will be banged up for a while. I wish him a speedy recovery.  I was setting at about the 3/4 mile and had a good view. He went through the mile looking good, deployed the chute and there was a lot of smoke from the left side of the car. It was then it went to flying.
  One of the early runs I was at the starting line and  noticed the Chute lanyard going under the car. A real low placement. There was a cross wind that could have had an effect. Most of the cars were factory performance production fast cars. They didn't seem to be required to have the equipment that Bonneville requires.  Not very many cars used chutes. But they did have real big brakes. sometime duel calipers.  It is funny that this was talked about early in the year.

          When they resumed racing I went to the 1 Mile to watch the chutes being deployed. I watched for an hour or so and no one used one.  And they didn't seem to have a problem stopping even at speeds of 150 to over 200.

                                    Enough from me  Hooley
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: javajoe79 on October 25, 2010, 03:51:49 PM
 So do you think waybe the chute mounted so low as well as the crosswind got it tangled up with one of the wheel? Glad he is ok and maybe this will make them look more seriously at their safety regs.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: SPARKY on October 25, 2010, 03:57:27 PM
To quote a rather notable American Forrest Gump; "stupid is as stupid does".
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: fredvance on October 25, 2010, 04:00:10 PM
One of the ladies in the pit I was hanging out in got pics of the chute deploying, it did not get tangled up in anything. When it opened it yanked the rear wheels off the ground. the next frame it looked kind of like Kirks at SW
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Richard 2 on October 25, 2010, 04:45:49 PM
What old "world record" did he exceed?

I will make comments about my observations about the lack of what we all feel are "needed" and should be "required" safety equipment...

But I will not question his speed,,, 250.1 in a standing mile in a wheel driven car is worthy of accolades.

But how is the MPH speed measured, is it exit speed or average speed in the standing mile.

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: fredvance on October 25, 2010, 04:57:49 PM
exit speed
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: woz on October 26, 2010, 05:59:49 PM

crash video posted in Bonneville general chat area
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: SPARKY on October 26, 2010, 07:25:15 PM
i am glad i didn't sell or install that chute---

I think JT nailed it----- too big, too short, too low.

Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: jl222 on October 26, 2010, 09:51:01 PM
i am glad i didn't sell or install that chute---

I think JT nailed it----- too big, too short, too low.

  would someone explain why big chutes work at the drags AT faster speeds [sometimes 2 BIG chutes] and not in the mile :evil:
  To low yea to big to short no, also are these cars all wheel drive?
  This car has been squirrely in the past not sure the chutes to blame, but someone said there was a picture of the wheels coming off the ground in which case don't blame the chute for being to big when its not installed properly.


  What kind of HANS device was he wearing [or is that a question that shouldn't be asked]?
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Glen on October 26, 2010, 10:32:58 PM
They were running in a strong cross wind and heard two others were blown off the course. I agree with JT on the size and the chute was flying high.
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Richard 2 on October 26, 2010, 10:52:41 PM
Wonder what that car weighs?
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: bvillercr on October 27, 2010, 12:13:19 AM
I wonder if they will start having wind delays.  Seems that the wind was howling and possibly should have waited it out. 
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: entropy on October 27, 2010, 01:08:28 AM
They were running in a strong cross wind and heard two others were blown off the course. I agree with JT on the size and the chute was flying high.

there was a stout R quartering head/cross wind, but no one was blown off course.  Two passes by lambos, i don't remember which ones, ended when they got out of shape in 2nd? gear, spun.  Both drove away.
I was concentrating on my bike, and i have CRS so my observations may be flawed.  :-D
Title: Re: VIDEO - 250.1 mph Lamborghini !!
Post by: Richard 2 on October 27, 2010, 10:17:28 PM
Here are some spec's on the Lamborghini Gallardo (all wheel drive 3459 lb) car.