Landracing Forum

Bonneville Salt Flats Discussion => SCTA Rule Questions => Topic started by: AlanGalbraith on June 01, 2005, 11:12:00 PM

Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: AlanGalbraith on June 01, 2005, 11:12:00 PM
Can anyone think of any?
 how about how you go about working on your bike/car once in impound? Is that written down anywhere?
Title: Re: Unwritten rules
Post by: wmtsmith on June 02, 2005, 12:45:00 AM
Be sure and get your time slip time noted and signed off as you enter impound... if a bike be sure to go to the bike trailer--if a car get His Honnor the Mayor notified when you want the time to start---you will have four hours to work on it ---if not after FIA
Title: Re: Unwritten rules
Post by: dwarner on June 02, 2005, 10:15:00 AM
 Works the same way as a USFRA event. I seem to recall you not having any problems with them.
Title: Re: Unwritten rules
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on June 02, 2005, 11:01:00 AM
Along these lines, yesterday I printed out a copy of the m/c inspection form, read it closely, and sent a query to the inspector-general asking for clarification of this, opinions on that.  Some things didn't read right to me.  Some things are those that are "Hey, I've always wondered why it says this but you don't catch me on 'em", and there are a few that flat don't make sense the way they're written.
 It's one hell of a lot easier to ask a question now and receive an answer that will require changes -- than it is to wait a few hours in tech lines, then be told that something-or-other isn't right, go back to the pits, and do the wait in line all over again.  If there's something that you know, deep in your heart, isn't quite right but maybe you'll sneak it through -- ah, heck, get it out in the open and fix it.  Makes waiting in line much less stressful.
Title: Re: Unwritten rules
Post by: JackD on June 02, 2005, 03:09:00 PM
The unwritten rule that varies by official and applicant is the worst.
 There will always be levels of experiencs that have to come togrther and work.
 The object is to make it work without giving an advantage to anyone by virtue of selective application of the rules.
 There will always be an entrant that needs exrta help and others that take extra advantage.
 The rules have to balance in the middle of that.
 Tough job, no lie.
Title: Re: Unwritten rules
Post by: joea on June 02, 2005, 04:44:00 PM
per Jon W. ..."If there's something that you know, deep in your heart, isn't quite right"
 per Jack D. ..."rule that varies by official and applicant is the worst."
 and "object is to make it work without giving an advantage to anyone by virtue of selective application of the rules"
Title: Today in the e-mail
Post by: JackD on June 05, 2005, 01:34:08 PM
In keeping with the "FRACTION CONTROL" method of operation, somebody sent Me a new expression to use.
It's "Flavoratism".
How many of You have tasted it ?
And another said, "This might be the year of the roadster, but it is also the eve of the motorcycle."
And who doesn't believe the Devil might have made Me do it the first time, but after that, I had a lot more help ?
"Remember, how high you do it on the wall is less importamt than your direction relative to the wind."
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: RICK on June 08, 2005, 07:05:31 PM
Whats the rule on 'camping'?  
 thanks Rick
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: Tom Shannon on June 08, 2005, 09:34:36 PM
:lol: Rick;

BLM rules state no camping on the salt flats. However the infamous "Bend in the Road" is about 1 mile from the salts edge. Dr Flamo and his "roads end" gang always keep things "interesting". Hey its free,and all the kids on mini bikes,mosquitos,and fireworks you can handle! Plus all the racers headed for the 6AM impound opening whizzing by your tent at daybreak!

Ya' gotta do the "Bend in the Road" at least once.
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: RICK on June 17, 2005, 08:32:36 AM
So I'm still a bit confused.  If i  have a 48 ft. trailer with my car in back, and living quarters in frt,  do I have to pack up and go to the bend, or do you mean if i want to pop a tent, go to the bend?
  I would'nt think you would have to pack up and totally leave each night, but I've screwed up before, so just wanted to be sure on all the "UNwritten rules.
        thanks  Rick
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: joea on June 17, 2005, 08:51:43 AM
NO one one the salt at night.........
 most have a pit set up on salt, and leave car and
racing stuff secured in the pit on a tarp or in

camping at the bend in the road only..

PLENTY of room for you,  I think you  will find it
pretty much perfect...........

Joe :)
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: dwarner on June 17, 2005, 08:51:56 AM
There is no camping on the salt overnight. If you are living in your hauler you just leave the racer in your pit overnight and move you living quarters to the bend. You can stake a spot at the bend for your tent so you can leave your hauler on the salt overnight.

Everything at the bend seems to be secure so I would guess you could feel safe leaving your stuff there during the day.
Title: Unwritten rules
Post by: mtkawboy on June 17, 2005, 01:29:35 PM
New here, just a spectator, but you can go down the road to the west of the turn off and turn down a side road for a little more quiet and actually get some sleep