Landracing Forum

Bonneville Salt Flats Discussion => Bonneville General Chat => Topic started by: oz on January 25, 2008, 06:33:44 AM

Title: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 25, 2008, 06:33:44 AM
Came across this creation and thought it was a bit interesting unfortunatley cant seem to paste any pics at the moment so you will have to have a look yourselves if you are interested apparently it can produce around 750hp and is good for 330-340 mph I suppose they will have to produce at least 500 before it can be called production it costs MEGA BUCKS so it may or may not hit the required production mark! Reminds me of the Pulse motorcycle from the 70s era I think it was that made a production run of about 350 anyway have a look.

Could cause you Busa Boys a bit of a Headache

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: dwarner on January 25, 2008, 08:52:23 AM
Where in the rules does it say that a four wheel vehicle can run with motorcycles. Doesn't look like a sit on similar to Noonan, McVicar, etc.

Bring it on!

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 25, 2008, 09:00:36 AM




Ferret from Desperate Dans an old work buddy with his pulse thing


Revealed: 340mph hybrid motorbike

By Henry Biggs
January 23 2008
What is your vision of the future of high speed transport? Jetpacks perhaps? Driverless pods, bullet trains, scram jets?

Well according to Dr Peter Markus, a former Mercedes-Benz and Porsche engineer, it is an enclosed hybrid motorcycle capable of 340mph and Lucerne to London in an hour and a half. Its maker intends it as a long-distance commuter for a world in which city transport is provided by solar powered electric vehicles.

The Acabion GTBO looks remarkably like a 1950s Bonneville Speed Week contender, often fashioned from B-52 drop tanks, but its specifications sound bang-up-to-date. An electric motor and 1.3-litre turbocharged petrol unit together produce a scarcely credible 750bhp making the GTBO capable of 100mph in first gear. Hitting the triple tonne takes 30 seconds and top speed is 340mph. But don't think the GTBO has run out of steam; that is simply the point at which the electronics rein things in - 330mph is achieved on half throttle. A low kerb weight and very slippery shape makes it efficient as well as fast; fuel economy at 100mph is said to be 100mpg.

At a Veyron's top speed of around 250mph, the GTBO can still achieve 25mpg and unlike the Bugatti, the GTBO actually has some luggage space. There is accommodation for two and steering is by motorcycle style handlebars although with such a lengthy wheelbase, handling would be interesting to say the least; the two small drogue wheels retract at anything above around town speeds. Although simply intended as an awareness builder for Dr Markus' ideas for future transport solutions, the GTBO is fully functional and anyone willing to part with £1.4 million and wait three years can have one. The bit we like best is the tail - what other machine gives a V-sign to the car it just overtook?

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Stainless1 on January 25, 2008, 09:35:27 AM
The guy needs to put a cage in one and bring it out to Bub.  It is a streamliner by the rules, never make production since the rider is enclosed, althogh 340 is barely competitive.  My bet is lucky to make 340KPH...  :-D
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 25, 2008, 09:50:27 AM
Ah but if it makes 500 does it class as production?
Maybe its a new class production streamliner?
Would a cage class it as modified?
You are probably right about top speed manufacturers always like to put over estimates in there blurb

Dosent really matter though does it! I have yet to meet someone that has a million Never mind 1.4 mill to spend on a vehicle

I kinda like it but I have always ridden naked bikes and dont think I will be changing any time soon
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on January 25, 2008, 10:11:22 AM
We've been around and around on this dimwit before.,2099.0.html (,2099.0.html)

Isn't it amazing when the laws of physics can be suspended?

Wait! Did you miss the page where it cures cancer?
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Stainless1 on January 25, 2008, 10:17:01 AM
Ah but if it makes 500 does it class as production?
Maybe its a new class production streamliner?
Would a cage class it as modified?

Stop reading just the bike threads...   :-o  new bike classes are not included in our futures (see nascar posts) ... But  by the time this guy sells $1,388,409,000 worth of them (500 at today's exchange rate) the rules will be different  :roll:  :-D
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: fredvance on January 25, 2008, 10:23:50 AM
yeah I guess it is kind of like that 250mph turbine bike,lets see did it make 150 last year? Have they even driven that 2 seater streamliner yet?
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 25, 2008, 10:36:05 AM
Knowing Ferret probably not, he has probably bought it as an Investment HMMM?? Maybe there was a reason they only built 350!!
There was another bike kinda similar idea the "Quasar" that never caught on 850cc Reliant car engine in it very futuristic and immensly heavy so the same company/guy made another one the "Pulsar" same story that never caught on either interesting designs though.
Title: Blah Blah Blah Yawn::
Post by: John Noonan on January 25, 2008, 12:01:09 PM
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on January 25, 2008, 12:02:17 PM
Aw, come on, John -- tell us how you really feel.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: bak189 on January 25, 2008, 02:39:50 PM
Sorry JON.....that is JOHN....with a HHHHHHHH

Love  B.B.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 25, 2008, 03:57:40 PM
my apologies didnt mean to bore you  i aint read every topic in the forum just thought it looked interesting
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: PorkPie on January 25, 2008, 05:30:56 PM
yeah I guess it is kind of like that 250mph turbine bike,lets see did it make 150 last year? Have they even driven that 2 seater streamliner yet?

Just to let you know, this streamliner bike was and is driven now for more than the last two years...

I know it.........two years ago I was sitting in the back seat of this bike when Gabriel Uttley from the Speed Record Club done his first test ride close to's a great and comfortable ride.

Since this Gabriel rode this streamliner again and again....

Gabriel is also on, may be he can tell you more from his experience.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: JackD on January 25, 2008, 06:46:07 PM
Marketing studies indicate there is 1 born every minute.
That would indicate there is no shortage of willing customers.
The problem is that most of them with enough money are already too smart. :wink:
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: panic on January 25, 2008, 08:17:04 PM
"most of them with enough money are already too smart"

Well, there's always Tom Cruise and his friends with the tin foil hats in Hollywood - they appear to believe anything.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Freud on January 25, 2008, 11:46:08 PM
Pork Pie, what tires will they use when it goes 350 MPH?

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Freud on January 25, 2008, 11:47:06 PM
I was incorrect. It's only supposed to go 340 MPH.

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: RidgeRunner on January 26, 2008, 12:06:54 AM
     340 for an hour and a half?

     B-52 drop tanks?

     Always open for new knowledge  :wink:,

                                            Ed Purinton
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: JackD on January 26, 2008, 01:37:49 AM
I never cease to be amazed.
What will they think of next ? :roll:
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Nortonist 592 on January 26, 2008, 02:20:51 AM
I guess traction, drag, and various other factors don't apply to ths bike?
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Dr Goggles on January 26, 2008, 04:19:43 AM
I guess traction, drag, and various other factors don't apply to ths bike?

Really Norty , can you stop for once being so negative man , you're bringing us down....If it wasn't for the free thinkers we'd all be stuck in the boring "NOW" and prevented forever  from being part of the promise of "TOMORROW"........Physics is so "YESTERDAY"...get with it need to believe....

Sorry , but I don't. :roll:

Just to let you know, this streamliner bike was and is driven now for more than the last two years...

I know it.........two years ago I was sitting in the back seat of this bike when Gabriel Uttley from the Speed Record Club done his first test ride close to's a great and comfortable ride.

Since this Gabriel rode this streamliner again and again....

Gabriel is also on, may be he can tell you more from his experience.
......does anybody know the John Prine song "Living in the Future?"....

We are living in the future
I'll tell you how I know
I read it in the paper
Fifteen years ago
We're all driving rocket ships
And talking with our minds.....(cont.)

I'm not a paid up Luddite but from what I can tell , if you're gonna be commuting fast you ain't gonna be on the ground.......the only place they don't like speed limits is Shermany P.P.........

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on January 26, 2008, 09:54:53 AM
bak189 and John Noonan -- I offer my most humble and aggressive apologies for typing the ward "John" as "Jon", but hey, that's the way I'm used to typing that moniker, and I guess my fingers move faster than my mind controls them -- sometimes.

Whatever, I've fixed the error now, so all who didn't see it before -- will not see it now.

Isn't the modify post function nice?
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: JackD on January 26, 2008, 10:18:24 AM
My ward, he is really a stickler for sbelling. :wink:
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: guttley782 on January 26, 2008, 12:49:46 PM
Yes, it is right that this topic has been discussed before, and does not need repeating ad nauseum. Please just do not make derogatory remarks when you do not even know the guy. The Acabion project is superb, and is a vision of the future. As such it may never reach a "production" stage, but why souldn't the guy try? He is an immensely clever man, and has worked for 15 years on his machine. It is fantastic to ride, the new motor does produce 750bhp, and Dr Maskus's only failing is to tell journalists the theoretical know what jouranlists are like. I have been described as having died in a motorcycle crash racing in the Isle Of Man, instead of "should have" died. I did spend two days on a life support machine, but when I last checked I was still alive. Dr MasKus would rather make one Rolex watch in his lifetime than 10,000 VWs a week. He is passionate about his project, and as JD understands, the world revolves around different characters. I should be doing some further testing this year, and will report here on the results.
Gabriel, over the pond.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Jonny Hotnuts on January 26, 2008, 12:54:49 PM
One thing I find odd is that they are saying it will make 750 HP from a 1.3.

Those numbers dont add up. I have seen a 1300cc busa motor make 704 with 40+psi but it was not what one would call "reliable".

Even if they were able to make a 1300 make 750 hp it would only be able to make that HP for a split second before the thing nuked.

That would be the same HP as a 350 chev making about 3300 hp....and from a "production" ride.
Pure BS.

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on January 26, 2008, 01:02:26 PM
JH, maybe he really does know how to make 750 hp reliably from 1300 cc, and, if he does, he's probably not interested in sharing his how-to with the rest of the world.  I agree -- it does seem hard to believe, but give him the benefit of the doubt is the way I'll leave it.

Speaking of nothing, are we still on for a visit 21 February?  We arrive the afternoon before then (for the banquet) and look forward to seeing you and all of your dogs (or whatever).
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: JackD on January 26, 2008, 01:58:14 PM
If you allow the press to exaggerate your claims and make a better story, you are guilty of same.
The good work of a lifetime can be instantly trashed with bad press. :roll:
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: 1212FBGS on January 26, 2008, 02:10:20 PM
yep what Jack said...."The good work of a lifetime can be instantly trashed with bad press".
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Super Kaz on January 26, 2008, 04:06:17 PM
Marketing studies indicate there is 1 born every minute.
That would indicate there is no shortage of willing customers.
The problem is that most of them with enough money are already too smart. :wink:

How do I get Like that Stud? :oops: J/N Wish I could be at the Banquet to see You,and Michelle :cry:!How Long till the 1st race of 2008 :|?
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: PorkPie on January 26, 2008, 06:40:48 PM
Pork Pie, what tires will they use when it goes 350 MPH?


Freud, I think the brand called

Honestly, the tires will be a question.....but will this bike run 350 in public traffic.....

like the most Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini......they can run on the paper 200 mph.....but how much of this cars will ever run in there lifetime so fast......the most never.......

It's cult....It's popular.......It's the proud......and It's the "show how much money I owe..." that this cars sales.......

The idea of Dr. Maskus is not to go 350.......the idea behind is to find a new way of transportation in the future........instead of three SUV on the bikes who transport more people than are sitting in the SUV.................

And thanks, Gabriel, to send a update....and if you need a proper know where you have to to get again a ride in this bike.....
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: PorkPie on January 26, 2008, 06:49:52 PM
Pork Pie, what tires will they use when it goes 350 MPH?


oops, sorry, something went  wrong.....installed last night a new virus scanner.....and since this I'm working on to calibrate the scanner.....thought that my note didn't went thru.....
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: guttley782 on January 27, 2008, 03:30:21 AM
Jack and Kent are quite right about the press, but if that is all Dr Maskus is guilty of, then surely it is a small crime. What must be lauded is his effort in creating such a futuristic and beautifully made machine. I am currently looking at registering the Acabion for the road in England, though it would be awkward here in the narrow streets of York. It is designed for a future road system, though we could still register it here, and then travel to our speed friendly Autobahns in Germany to test the top end.....
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: JackD on January 27, 2008, 05:09:04 AM
Most of the roads in England are pre-motor vehicle in design and the mix they have now is astounding.
In London for example, they drive fast and all, but are going in all directions at once.
They build better vehicles than roads.
When the return on investment approaches the cost, the investment money will soon follow.
The best answer for them is an efficient mix of public transportation that allows fast transit over long distances, and they are doing that. :wink:
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: 1212FBGS on January 27, 2008, 12:43:30 PM
gabe, can ya get one on your boat?... :-D
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: guttley782 on January 27, 2008, 12:53:26 PM
Yes I could!!! I would like to get the Acabion across the pond, even if it will prove what it can do. I like Jack's summary of our transport system. The stupid M25 that was supposed to cope was so short sighted it defies belief. we need to look at the Germans for good roads.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Jonny Hotnuts on January 27, 2008, 01:20:07 PM
Speaking of nothing, are we still on for a visit 21 February?  We arrive the afternoon before then (for the banquet) and look forward to seeing you and all of your dogs (or whatever).

Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Stan Back on January 27, 2008, 02:07:32 PM
Someone get SK a Harley calendar.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: oz on January 28, 2008, 02:51:08 AM
Yes I could!!! I would like to get the Acabion across the pond, even if it will prove what it can do. I like Jack's summary of our transport system. The stupid M25 that was supposed to cope was so short sighted it defies belief. we need to look at the Germans for good roads.

Would you be the Gabriel that I met in the summer at a sprint meet near Bedford,Tempsford I think it was, I was Simon Reeses buddy that wanted to talk about running at Bonneville.Last time out I think you said you were running a Yamaha R1
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: tomsmith on January 28, 2008, 10:45:03 AM
Does this mean the Moller aerocar has competition?  Maybe they should get together with the guy that hae the 120 miles/gallon carburetor that the auto makers supressed.  I want them all.  Imagine flying/driving my Moller-Acabion through the traps at 340mph and getting 120miles/gallon on pump gas.  If I get it an inch in the air, I won't need tires.
Title: Re: 1300cc P/P Bike 340mph
Post by: Peter Jack on January 28, 2008, 11:04:47 AM
That would be the Fish carburetor, famous by reputation in the '50s and '60s, although I don't know if anyone ever saw either drawings or the item itself.
