Landracing Forum

Bonneville Salt Flats Discussion => Bonneville General Chat => Topic started by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 14, 2016, 11:40:45 AM

Title: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 14, 2016, 11:40:45 AM
Nope , I don't have anything but hearsay for now - and I'm not going to Bville for the Shootout.

I've talked with a half-dozen folks out there and got about that many stories about the track and who's there and so on.  Most recent was Don Jackson (Salt27 here) who was standing at Land's End watching dragging being done on the international course.  He reported a few puddles - but not bad at all.

Anybody got real information for us/  Let us all know, please.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 14, 2016, 12:04:08 PM
Thanks SSS for this thread, Hopefully it will help making the call to load up for The WF.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: thundersalt on September 14, 2016, 02:56:40 PM
May be SCTA will let Tommy and Jr. work on the SCTA courses while  they're at it :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: DallasV on September 14, 2016, 03:26:56 PM
why wouldn't SCTA just use Cook's course for WF if it holds up good? While I was out there it seemed hard and fairly smooth
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Dynoroom on September 14, 2016, 05:29:13 PM
Would it still be hard & firm after 50 passes?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ronnieroadster on September 14, 2016, 07:13:03 PM
Would it still be hard & firm after 50 passes?

  Mine is but we may not be talking about the same thing!   :-D
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 14, 2016, 08:40:05 PM
Beat me to it.

I guess I'll take a pill.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 14, 2016, 09:01:35 PM
I arrived about 1430MDT.  Conspicuous by their absence are Target 550 (stripped gears again, I understand), and Speed Demon.  I didn't see Barnyard Bearcat, either, but I left around 1700.  On my way out, ACK Attack passed me on the paved road heading in.  Also there is Danny Thompson with Challenger 2, Guy Martin and the Triumph liner, Truz Missile, the Honda J/BFS, Buckeye Bullet, Al Lamb, and (I think) Jamie Williams with the snowmobiles.  There may be another bike or two (Erin and/or Erin?), but I'm not sure who as they weren't unpacked.  I think that covers everybody who was on the entry list.

I didn't drive the course, so I can't report on that.  However, it had rained a bit, so the salt is much softer - and sticker - than it was previously.  At WoS, it was even harder than it had been at Speedweek.  This should have enabled them to drag it smooth, but I guess we'll know more about that tomorrow.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on September 15, 2016, 01:32:06 PM
FWIW Barnyard Bearcat will be attending.  We flunked tech at SW and have been furiously thrashing to put a new bottom on the frame, along with some other mods that should (there's THAT word again) get us the much desired wardrobe adjustment.
We're leaving Sandy Eggo this afternoon.  Should be on the salt around lunch Friday.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 01:43:18 PM
Well, what the heck.  I'm not out there, but Don and Gus Jackson are and Don just told me the first car - the little Honda 'liner - is under way. 

Man, this is gonna be a no-work few days if I try to keep up.

'Specially because now he texts that the car is under way - to the mountain end for a down run towards the pits.  later --
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 02:29:58 PM
Jeff/Trimmers tells me that Danny T. did a coast into the pits - likely rehearsing for a record-return turnaround.  He won't run 'til tomorrow morning.  Rocky says he wants to wait at least 'til tomorrow in hopes the salt will get more firm.  Nobody looks to be hurrying to get ready just now.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 02:43:22 PM
Honda liner:  217 mile, 216 kilo, 229 exit
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 03:13:32 PM
Little Honda liner return run (on a 177 record):  236 entry, 241 exit, no further data.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 04:04:55 PM
Truz Missle just ran 219 in the mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 15, 2016, 04:31:50 PM
thank you for updates ..tidbits guys...
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 04:44:34 PM
Right now there is a lull in the action.
The winds are very calm the sun is shining!
Although there was a little rain, the course appears to be drying nicely.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 15, 2016, 04:51:47 PM
Little Honda liner return run (on a 177 record): ...

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 05:00:34 PM
No, the Honda 'liner would be their little J streamliner -- a 750cc bike engine they built for the car, I think it is.  Maybe it's a car engine they're developing.  I never did get to see the car.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 05:01:54 PM
By the way, if you'd like to give me a swift kick in the butt for choosing not to go to the Shootout -- well, get in line.  I'm sorry I guessed wrong.  A couple of racers are out there sending texts to me, and if you hear anything -- go right ahead and post it.  Thanks.  We'll all thank you. :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 15, 2016, 05:10:49 PM
No, the Honda 'liner would be their little J streamliner -- a 750cc bike engine they built for the car, I think it is.  Maybe it's a car engine they're developing.  I never did get to see the car.

Jon, I was referring to the holder of the record Honda appear to have taken. "James Burkdoll" at 179.56 mph for the mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 05:28:27 PM
Hyundai hybrid just ran 124.4mph on an open record. Going to stop at the end of the track and then turn around and return.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 15, 2016, 05:34:22 PM
i almost hate to even ask..but any pics or other greatly appreciated

more interested in the actual happenings...

thanks again

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 05:39:57 PM
Return 125.4...officially a new record!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 06:18:49 PM
Danny Thompson doing a practice return run pitstop.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 06:50:40 PM
Don sez the service is funky on his cell -- so probly no pics.  In the meantime, the Honda car has a 3 cyl. turbo 660 cc economy car engine.

A Hyundai ran a licensing pass on an open record, then returned and backed it up.  Don't know the class -- speed around 126.  Jeff says the car has nitrous - might run that later?

Motel 6 wi-fi is down so we won't get feeds from anyone there, I 'spose.  And tomorrow -- Danny Thompson will be first off.  I'll forecast a run around 8AM.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 15, 2016, 07:10:11 PM
 It sounds like tomorrow morning may be a little busier if the weather is good. It sounds like Danny Thompson will be running in the morning as well as the  Ack Attack.  We've seen the Castro bike truck but we haven't seen the bike yet. The weather is a little breezy but very very nice. I really can't comment on the track because I haven't been on it but it appears to be OK. I'm sure we'll find out tomorrow
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 15, 2016, 08:41:11 PM
Don tells us that the Hyundai went 133 down, 144 return.  Jeff says The Hyundai is set up for nitrous, but they didn't have the bottle installed today.  It wouldn't pass SCTA/USFRA tech 'cause the bottle was right next to the driver.  The car runs Cat A Group XI (hybrid), Class 3 (1000-1500kg).  The motor's 1,6L, and is an "Ionix" due out in a couple of months.

Dunno if they'll come with factory nitrous bottle, though. . . :roll:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on September 15, 2016, 08:59:55 PM
Any reports from ANYONE about how much of the 11 miles they used and what the part that they used was like?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jacksoni on September 15, 2016, 09:06:24 PM
Good Luck Jim- I'll be looking for some good numbers... :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 15, 2016, 09:08:04 PM
 FIA hybrid class allowing nitrous...dEPArts from the alternative fuels...reduced carbon
footprint discussion...hopefully they wont need any rEPAirs...

more power to them...!!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 16, 2016, 06:27:54 AM
Wi-Fi finally back up at the motel.  That Hyundai is an "Ioniq" model.  They told me that when it goes on sale in a few months, it'll be available in three versions:  "normal" hybrid, "plug-in" hybrid, and "plug-in" full electric.  They also said this one is a prototype without a proper VIN, so it'll end up at the crusher.

In the FIA hybrid and electric classes (steam, turbine, solar, and ???, too), engine size is not a consideration.  The word was that they'd take the Hyundai (and presumable Buckeye Bullet, too) to the truck stop to get weighed (remember the old joke about the young lady at the county fair?).

Additionally, fuel type is not a consideration in FIA classes.  There are no "gas" or "fuel" divisions - just ""with supercharger" or "without supercharger".  So, if you're ICE-powered (2-stroke, 4-stroke, diesel, or rotary), I guess you should just give it as much juice as it can handle!

Danny Thompson is scheduled to be first up today, around 0700-0730MDT.  Once I get out there, I'll try to keep the texts - with numbers - flowing to Slim.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: BSTER on September 16, 2016, 06:45:05 AM
Thanks for the updates  Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Peter Jack on September 16, 2016, 08:02:11 AM
trimmers, you are doing great work. Keep the information flowing.  :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 16, 2016, 08:20:13 AM
This is the weirdest event coverage I've ever done -- folks out there texting to me and then me posting.  Better than string between two soup cans -- I think. :-D

I'm gonna try to figure out how to post directly from the texts.  I can do it through the Verizon msg site - quicker, I hope, than copy and paste.  We'll see.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 09:28:58 AM
 It's about 7:30 AM here on the salt, and it's a beautiful morning. The Salt is now closed in anticipation of Danny Thompson running.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: comet on September 16, 2016, 09:32:19 AM
Any info is appreciated. It is approaching adult beverage time over on this side of the pond. So any good news on runs will just give me something to toast to.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: tauruck on September 16, 2016, 09:38:55 AM
Any info is appreciated. It is approaching adult beverage time over on this side of the pond. So any good news on runs will just give me something to toast to.

You Pommies start late don't you?. Here's to you Comet!!!!! Have a good one or ten mate. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 16, 2016, 09:48:15 AM
Trimmers reports, Don seconds, that Danny lost a tire, hit a cone, lost a body panel, hit the cone after loosing the tire - not sure in which order what happened.  Danny controlled the situation well - got the chute out in time to help.  Timed in the mile at 267 or so, had a 360 entry speed.  Nothing more for a while - lotsa bits and pieces on the track.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: comet on September 16, 2016, 09:48:37 AM
haha, yeah, it's far later than it ought to be. Especially this week. I should have been opening cans since about Tuesday! It was only a couple of weeks ago I was arriving at the salt, now that is all finished for another 11.5 months and I am back behind my desk day dreaming.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 16, 2016, 09:58:00 AM
RCKirby / trimmers / SSS, thank you for providing reports directly or indirectly from the salt.  Keep them coming please!

Totally unreasonable request: I seem to remember that James Rice has in the past provided a memory stick containing details of the previous days runs, which Jon has posted here.  Any chance that someone else could take on this task this year?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 10:19:51 AM
 Danny Thompson's vehicle was just being loaded and moved off the salt. The Truz  missile is heading to the floating mountain end of the track and preparing to make a run. The weather here on the salt is phenomenal cool and virtually no wind. I understand there will be a couple of sit on bikes running here shortly.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 16, 2016, 10:33:56 AM
Jeff/Trimmers just asked me for an email addy -- Alan Rice will forward timing information to me and I'll post it.  As for a summary at the end of the day - I'll see if someone will grab one from the Rice trailer and send it to the Forum from back in town.  Or something. . .

In the meantime, I can't get the farklin' Verizon message app working on the little puter - so I can't pot the photo of the crushed cone that just arrived here.  Quite the sight. . .
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Finallygotit on September 16, 2016, 10:36:25 AM
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 16, 2016, 10:47:01 AM
It is amazing how hard those cones are at speed. Don't ask how I know that.

I hope Danny can fix the body damage and give it another try.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: comet on September 16, 2016, 10:53:15 AM
Fingers crossed Dannys is easily repairable.
Best wishes to everyone for safe runs here on in.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 11:04:21 AM
 A couple of the sit on bikes have just run. The sound is absolutely phenomenal on the salt this morning. You can hear the bikes coming from several miles away.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 11:10:17 AM
Just from the sound alone it sounds like the sit on bikes are hooking up very well. It doesn't sound like there is a tremendous amount of wheel slip.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 12:15:17 PM
The Truz Missle  just aborted their return run. I'm sure it's very disappointing for them! The Honda streamliner is preparing to run from Lodi mountain to the pits.  They will be starting at the 10 mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 12:22:11 PM
 It sounds like the Honda streamliner will run next. Followed by the Ohio State streamliner. And then the Castro triumph motorcycle streamliner. The air continues to be cool with absolutely zero wind at the moment.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 16, 2016, 12:27:41 PM
... And then the Castro triumph motorcycle streamliner. ...

The story was picked up by several UK newspapers this morning - probably because 'Guy Martin' is a name they know.  They seem in no doubt that he will take the outright record whenever he runs this week.   :-D :-D :-D

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: comet on September 16, 2016, 12:43:30 PM
It/Guy even got a mention on the lunchtime news on BBC Radio 2 today. It goes to show what a big name can do for publicity I guess.
"Good luck to Guy Martin for his attempt at 376mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats later on today" or words very similar to that at least.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TD on September 16, 2016, 12:52:39 PM
Fingers crossed Dannys is easily repairable.
Best wishes to everyone for safe runs here on in.

thompsonlsr has been tweeting:

Major bummer.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 12:53:19 PM
The Honda streamliner just ran a beautiful 256 mph run.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 16, 2016, 01:19:51 PM
previous record they set according to Mike Cook Shootout page said
"J-Fuel streamliner...660 cc FIM cat A-1-4"

so that was normally aspirated..?

and now possibly blown class...
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 01:28:14 PM
 The Honda streamliner just aborted it's return run. Slowing and coming to a stop at the 3 mile. Disappointing for them I'm sure. Weather here on the skt remains ideal. I've been unable to return to the pits so I can't give you any information regarding what's going on there.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jdincau on September 16, 2016, 01:28:23 PM
At Speedweek they were running J/BFS
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 16, 2016, 01:37:23 PM

Danny sez his tire blew at 413 on the GPS.

Buckeye Bullet is (probly) next.

Bell 407 EMS 'copter just landed at the timing tower.  They said they're required (to be on station, I 'spose) by the Triumph's insurance.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on September 16, 2016, 01:39:40 PM
Any news yet on how much of the course is being utilized?  Are they actually starting at 0 or do they idle out across the chunkies until the course smooths out at, say, mile 2?
Bummer about Danny!!!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 02:03:28 PM
Ohio State streamliner on the track right now. Seems like they're doing more of a test run than anything else. They've stopped about a mile and a half before the measured mile and I are going to restart I believe.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 02:07:09 PM
 I'm not sure about how much track is actually being used. I spent most of my time at the time instead. Obviously both ends are probably just a little sketchy. If I happen to get down that way I'll ask around and find out where they're actually starting. Aside from the streamliners I think most of them are using a lot less track. The sit on bikes for example are starting around 3 mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 16, 2016, 02:16:19 PM
any help on verifying the Honda Team running "blown" class or not appreciated

Cook Shootout FB page announced earlier that:

 the Honda Team running J-Fuel Streamliner 660 cc

gained entry in to the Bonneville 200 mph club, showing Dan Warner presentation

the SCTA J Fuel Streamliner record is 219.884

the SCTA J Blown Fuel Streamliner record is 266.561...

BOTH of the above are the listed Bonn. 200 mph club MINIMUMS  posted on their updated site list......

at SW Honda ran Blown class

wondering if they switched to NA as indicated by Cook FB post of classification....and thereby gained
entry in to Bonneville 200 MPH club
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 02:24:30 PM
Ohio State streamliner just ran a short little 183 mph run. They  coasted safely into their pit. Not bad considering they started slightly a mile before entering the time tomorrow. Sure was quiet!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jdincau on September 16, 2016, 02:24:58 PM
      I think that If they set an FIA record above 200 they get a hat irrespective of the BNI records. By the pictures on the Shootout Facebook page it is the blown motor.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Speed Limit 1000 on September 16, 2016, 02:36:05 PM
      I think that If they set an FIA record above 200 they get a hat irrespective of the BNI records. By the pictures on the Shootout Facebook page it is the blown motor.
Then we need to vote to change the bylaws of the 2 club to stop "easy" records!

Hard earned 2 club membership,
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 16, 2016, 03:03:41 PM
previous record they set according to Mike Cook Shootout page said
"J-Fuel streamliner...660 cc FIM cat A-1-4"

so that was normally aspirated..?

and now possibly blown class...

FIA cat A-I-4 is blown.

Records before the Shootout stood at 177.8 for km and 179.56 mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 16, 2016, 03:21:03 PM
ok...thanks Tricky

i see they ran 40 mph under the published 200 mph club minimum,
according to current bylaws

and gained entry into that club..

thanks for sorting out the class being "BLOWN"

as the FB announcement on mike cook shootout site referred to it as J Fuel Streamliner

im still confused

thanks for all info and updates..!!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 16, 2016, 03:36:56 PM
The 2 club web page says which is--- higher RECORD/MIN applies  the FIA is not mention on the frt page requirements---I have not read all the by-laws in detail

The face book page says they ran 227 in J Fuel the existing record on the 2 club site says  219.+++ as some one has already stated---

SOOOO what's the beef if the speeds listed from the 2 websites are correct--

whoops Iwill go check the minimums---checked and found nothing but the two previously mentioned

Blown and Unblown records---

What am I missing guys??????
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jdincau on September 16, 2016, 03:54:55 PM
According to the 200 MPH Club web site, if the class is not listed the minimum is 200. FIA cat A-I-4 is not listed.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 04:01:03 PM
Truz Missle just ran 258mph  and sounded exceptionally clean. I made it down to the pits and found out that a lot of vehicles are using pretty much all of the track.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 16, 2016, 04:06:30 PM
Would somebody who does Facebook like to tell Bo Burkdoll that it was his Dad's 1987 record that the Honda team took?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 16, 2016, 04:08:26 PM

There is some mistakes being made some where---and the may be in me accepting what was written on Cooks FB page
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jdincau on September 16, 2016, 04:15:15 PM
Would somebody who does Facebook like to tell Bo Burkdoll that it was his Dad's 1987 record that the Honda team took?

I think Bo already knows, he commented asking about the class on the Cooks Facebook post about the record.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on September 16, 2016, 04:36:04 PM
Barnyard Bearcat is finally on course accelerating towards the mountains from the extreme south end.  Those of you hoping for a Banzai pass may be disappointed as we’ll be easing into the throttle, hoping to avoid “interfacing” with any spectators and/or garnering any supplemental timing slips from the various sanctioning and licensing bodies monitoring our progress.
About half track the sanctioning bodies will change, the track will get a little firmer and the spectator problem will lessen dramatically, so speeds can be increased.
We expect to use the full course this pass so no chute will be deployed.  
Then we expect an orderly and successful turnaround, hopefully no longer than two days, but are prepared to spend longer should difficulties (they have been quite generous with their visits these past few weeks) make themselves known before making our return run.
Our fingers are crossed.

CU on the salt Saturday sometime
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 04:50:34 PM
Truz Missle just made a return run pass at 259 mph. That should give them a new record it 258! The Honda streamliner is up next. They've been very successful out here today!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 05:13:39 PM
 Honda streamliner just ran 260 mph. It sounded good and clean. It sounds like that the triumph streamliner could be on its way down to the mountain to take its first run. Again, that's what it sounds like.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 05:15:56 PM
 As far as the weather is concerned here on the salt it seems to be ideal for a motorcycle streamliner pass 69° with winds around 1 to 2 mph.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 05:19:01 PM
I talked with the Ack Attack crew and I believe they will be holding until such time as the  Triump streamliner makes its run. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't run until tomorrow morning, or even a little bit later.i'm not sure if I'm posting too much, if I am let me know and I'll shut up a little bit.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 16, 2016, 05:27:34 PM
...i'm not sure if I'm posting too much, if I am let me know and I'll shut up a little bit.

Definitely not too much!  You just answered questions I was about to ask (Triumph/Ack Attack)!

Any word on Speed Demon?  Are they coming, or maybe already there?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 16, 2016, 05:33:44 PM
Speed Demon won't be there.  The team hurt an engine at SpeedWeek and doesn't intend to be at the Shootout - per the last I heard from Ron Main.  With Danny done - how 'bout Freyvogel or Nish or maybe Speed by Spectre?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Phil UK on September 16, 2016, 05:35:48 PM
Suggestion was Guy Martin was to complete a test run 5 hours ago prior to a full blown attempt yet no news?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 05:42:40 PM
The last we heard was that yes indeed to Triumph streamliner was going to make a pass today.  The Honda streamliner is going to make its return run within about 30 minutes and then the Triumph should be headed down to the The 11 mile. A lot of anticipation out here on the salt to watch it run.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 06:12:20 PM
Honda aborted their run.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 16, 2016, 07:04:05 PM
 I don't have all the particulars but I believe the triumph streamliner may have tipped over while it was being towed. They are not going to make a run today. I don't have any more information about it. Perhaps someone at the pits can chime in with more details. The last car to run today will be the Ohio State streamliner. From my understanding you will be making another test pass.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SaltPeter on September 16, 2016, 07:17:26 PM
From Triumph Global about Guy and the Liner ......

"On heading up to the start finish line under tow at the 2 mile marker the Triumph Infor Rocket past over a rut in the track which along with the soft surface caused the vehicle to fall onto its side. Guy is in great shape, the vehicle is undamaged and currently being re-prepped. We are also assessing whether the surface further up the track is suitable for a further run this afternoon."

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 16, 2016, 08:14:32 PM
JOE A  you keep saying minimum---  the 200 Club hat requirement is the 266.+++ Y&C J/BFS record ---- the should be the bar for a hat---- Am I finally understanding your point?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 16, 2016, 08:39:37 PM
actually its deeper than that...

FIA A-1-4 is a Blown class

FIA does not distinguish Fuel from Gas class

so per 200 club folks on the ground...they would be trying to
surpass the fastest SCTA matching/equivalent class...

which is Rick Yacoucci 269.480 J-BGS...set 9 years ago..on a shorter track...


I have paramount respect for Mike Cook and Dan Warner 200 mph Club president...

we are just wannabe's speculating on whats actually going on..

I trying to explain it to others ..

Bylaws say:   ....Federation Internationale Motocyclisme (FIM) and Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) record categories submitted for membership shall be reviewed and subject to acceptance by a 2/3 majority of the Club Board of Directors....

so perhaps 6/9 2 club board members reviewed and accepted the pending FIA ratification record
 a little more than 40 mph short of SCTA equivalent as ok for admittance to "the club"...

like I said...I a wannabe...peering in from outside at this juncture...

Dan W. and Mike C. are the epitome of integrity in my book...!

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Tman on September 16, 2016, 09:16:47 PM
Joe, you are not a wannabe. Your resume and records make you a valid commentator.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 16, 2016, 09:26:41 PM
right now...n...those guys on the salt are putting it on the line...

myself...sitting at home (working on stuff) not...

and questioning whats going on can be detrimental.

and can be a negative to this site...

sometimes we cant help but have dialogue on whats going on when we are not
"in the mix"....

kudos to those...putting it on the line..!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 16, 2016, 10:56:31 PM
But the BOTTOM LINE---is----WHATS UP---

Or as my Sister in Law Sally L. says  "What the hell is going on?"
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jl222 on September 17, 2016, 12:47:43 AM
 Broken driveshaft... blown tire. Does rough courses have anything to do with it?

  Amazing no crashes after problems. Good designs and driving  :cheers:

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 09:39:09 AM
Good morning from the salt it is about 7:40 AM. The triumph streamliner is being towed down to the 11 mile. The course was groomed again last night.. Hopefully a good clean run for the team.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 17, 2016, 09:42:36 AM
I had to return to Idaho yesterday afternoon, but am watching here intently.

Keep up the good work!!!

Is anybody else waiting in the wings?

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 17, 2016, 09:49:50 AM
Let me guess -- the Ack team will wait for Guy to run - so they can get a better idea of the conditions.  Valerie won't run 'til October, the sit-on bikes are having fun.  Danny's gone home, Mary and Jim got a record (pending  :roll:), Hyundai and Honda are happy and still there --

Who'd I miss?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 10:05:09 AM
The triumph streamliner just ran 172 through through the middle mile with a 184 exit speed. He only started at the 8 mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 10:14:56 AM
 The triumph streamliner's pass was kind of interesting. It sounded like the motors were surging.  They would power up and then go quiet. He may possibly have been testing to see how much traction he was getting down the track. He may have had a problem with the transmission searching for a gear.  At the timing stand I'm not privy to any kind of information other than speculation. There are to sit on bikes and the snowmobile that will be heading down to the 11 mile.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 10:56:15 AM
 The three bikes have just run. Fastest around 220 mph, slowest around 180 mph. Again it sounds like there is only limited tire slip.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 11:28:45 AM
The snowmobile just ran about 158 Miles per hour. It sounds like it may have had a small fire as they sent the fire ambulance.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 11:36:55 AM
The fire on the snowmobile was minimal. A wire on a header.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 12:08:41 PM
 A couple of the motorcycles made return runs. The second of the two ran about 221 mph and will be making a return run in about two hours. At least that is his window. Up Next is the Hyundai Car. They have opened the salt for everyone to move around for about five minutes and then they will shut the salt back down for the car run.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 17, 2016, 12:29:43 PM
Does anybody know if the Hyundai has installed the nitrous?  When I was there, I saw that it was set up for it. They seem to have gotten about everything they could out of the car, so it might be time for them to go to the bottle.  If they have a noticable increase in speed (over the low 140's they've been running) it could be the explanation.  
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: RCKirby on September 17, 2016, 01:47:57 PM
 I'm sorry folks but that's the end of my reporting at the shoot out. I have to go home to work. I talked to the folks with the Ack Attack  and they are in no hurry to run their streamliner. The triumph streamliner has the medical helicopter again on site so perhaps they will run today. I'm headed home!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 17, 2016, 02:35:47 PM
Thanks for your input. Looks like we're all waiting to see if the Triumph can do anything, including the Ack team. No need to risk anything when you have the record.
Here's some info while we wait.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 17, 2016, 02:42:23 PM
For a minute there I thought it was serious stuff -- not like the spoofs that Triumph has often released.  But before I took it really seriously -- there was Woody!.  Now I KNOW they're joking! :evil:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 17, 2016, 03:04:34 PM
Triumph FB site announced about and hour ago that Cook Shootout
course closed for motorcycles the rest of day due to course conditions...

edit: that was an post from yesteday

bikes headed to end of course to run now
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: WOODY@DDLLC on September 17, 2016, 05:47:15 PM
Busted!  :-o SSS, Look again, I tried to redeem myself by bringing Dr. Joseph Katz to the party!  :-D :-D
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Ivan S on September 17, 2016, 05:51:03 PM
The triumph streamliner's pass was kind of interesting. It sounded like the motors were surging.  They would power up and then go quiet. He may possibly have been testing to see how much traction he was getting down the track. He may have had a problem with the transmission searching for a gear.  At the timing stand I'm not privy to any kind of information other than speculation. There are to sit on bikes and the snowmobile that will be heading down to the 11 mile.
electrical problems reported on twitter - for those that do there is some info following #triumphlandspeed and @bennetts_bike
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 17, 2016, 06:15:38 PM
Seems like not much is happening.  Maybe my timing was pretty good when I left the salt yesterday afternoon!
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 17, 2016, 11:37:57 PM
Hmmmmmm--an English entry has electrical problems----that is sorta like Yogi's "De Ja Vu all over again!!"
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: gkabbt on September 18, 2016, 06:39:24 AM
Here are some pictures I took of the Triumph streamliner at the World of Speed Museum this past February:








These and all my pics from the World of Speed Museum are here in my Google Photos:

and here is the link to the museums website:


Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Black Rose Racing on September 18, 2016, 09:48:38 AM
Thanks to RC for the track reports and most likely some very nice upcoming footage.
And Trimmers as well.

Gregg nice photos of the WOS visit, great place. There is nice photo of Ms. Burkland on the WOS Museum home page.

This is what Museum Director Ron Huegli does to relax
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 18, 2016, 04:47:20 PM
From Triumph (about an hour ago?)


Tricky course conditions at the legendary Bonneville Salt Flats have once again proved challenging during the latest stage of the Triumph Motorcycles Land Speed Record attempt. With clear sun and virtually no wind rider Guy Martin set off from mile marker 9 to record his FIM-required certification run.

Setting off smoothly Guy was making good power in mile one when the Triumph Infor Rocket Streamliner lost traction on a damp section of the salt surface, causing the rear of the machine to step out of line and the streamliner to go down on the course. Guy was completely uninjured in the incident, however the streamliner will now require a full inspection before any further runs can take place.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Dakin Engineering on September 18, 2016, 05:54:02 PM

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 18, 2016, 07:34:15 PM
Cook's FB page says the Triumph experienced an unrecoverable handling event shortly after push-off and tipped over on its side at about 75MPH.  Guy Martin was uninjured.  The latest is that they're finished for now.

Eron Okonek set a record at 217+ and got a red hat.

The Honda streamliner upped its record to 261+.

The Truz Missile set a record at 262+.

ACK Attack and Buckeye Bullet are planning on running tomorrow (Monday).

With these new records, I wonder just how accurate the reports of marginal conditions really are.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Graham in Aus on September 18, 2016, 09:49:57 PM

The Truz Missile set a record at 262+.

Wow Jim and Mary True! 1000cc that's really flying! Is it still unblown (N/A)  :cheers:


As for the Triumph, I'm glad Guy is safe, I do wonder about experience for the whole team, as folks say its not if these liners will fall, but when. Hopefully some good learning experience for all!

 :-D :-D
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 12:13:18 PM
The Ackattack is going to run soon not going for any records mostly for the video guys they have a couple of 360 VR cameras set up Al Lamp is just off
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 19, 2016, 12:19:11 PM
Ack---glad to see you guys are out  :cheers: 
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 12:22:27 PM
Al Lamb ran 216 not going to be a 400 mph course
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 19, 2016, 12:42:14 PM
Thanks, Mike, for the information.  Feel free to keep it flowing, too.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 01:02:05 PM
Ackattack on wind hold
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: burbanite on September 19, 2016, 01:33:33 PM
Cook's FB page says the Triumph experienced an unrecoverable handling event shortly after push-off and tipped over on its side at about 75MPH.  Guy Martin was uninjured.  The latest is that they're finished for now.

Eron Okonek set a record at 217+ and got a red hat.

The Honda streamliner upped its record to 261+.

The Truz Missile set a record at 262+.

ACK Attack and Buckeye Bullet are planning on running tomorrow (Monday).

With these new records, I wonder just how accurate the reports of marginal conditions really are.

This is a post from Mikes Facebook page regarding the Honda team, anyone know what he is referring to?

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 01:40:10 PM
Erin O ran 225 Al Lam on return run
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 01:44:11 PM
Al Lam return 190 Ackattack ready to go next timing light out timers working on it
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 19, 2016, 02:18:28 PM
Well here's hoping an improving course for next week WF :-D
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: ack on September 19, 2016, 02:51:59 PM
Ackattack cruised through the the mile at 125 got the Video guys happy packing up and heading home.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 19, 2016, 03:17:32 PM
Now that's a record!  :-D
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 19, 2016, 03:22:51 PM
Cook's FB page says the Triumph experienced an unrecoverable handling event shortly after push-off and tipped over on its side at about 75MPH.  Guy Martin was uninjured.  The latest is that they're finished for now.

Eron Okonek set a record at 217+ and got a red hat.

The Honda streamliner upped its record to 261+.

The Truz Missile set a record at 262+.

ACK Attack and Buckeye Bullet are planning on running tomorrow (Monday).

With these new records, I wonder just how accurate the reports of marginal conditions really are.

This is a post from Mikes Facebook page regarding the Honda team, anyone know what he is referring to?


Well, earlier at the Shootout, the Honda liner set a new FIA record at 227+MPH.  Later, they went back out and upped it to 261+ MPH.  Both were in FIA Category A, Group II, Class 4.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 19, 2016, 03:33:29 PM
I'm just wondering who's left down there to run?  Buckeye Bullet? Barnyard Bearcat?  Hyundai Ioniq? Truz Missile? The Honda liner?  Anybody else?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: burbanite on September 19, 2016, 04:45:43 PM
Cook's FB page says the Triumph experienced an unrecoverable handling event shortly after push-off and tipped over on its side at about 75MPH.  Guy Martin was uninjured.  The latest is that they're finished for now.

Eron Okonek set a record at 217+ and got a red hat.

The Honda streamliner upped its record to 261+.

The Truz Missile set a record at 262+.

ACK Attack and Buckeye Bullet are planning on running tomorrow (Monday).

With these new records, I wonder just how accurate the reports of marginal conditions really are.

This is a post from Mikes Facebook page regarding the Honda team, anyone know what he is referring to?


Well, earlier at the Shootout, the Honda liner set a new FIA record at 227+MPH.  Later, they went back out and upped it to 261+ MPH.  Both were in FIA Category A, Group II, Class 4.

Thanks but I don't think I was clear with my question. Anyone know what Don Ford was talking about in his post?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stainless1 on September 19, 2016, 10:57:17 PM
Just got back from the Shootout.... The course is very smooth... outstanding job of course prep by Mike JR.  The salt on the ends is thin.  This is the best course of the year, the others so far have been a bit bumpy.  The rains that  shortened the WOS made the salt a little soft, which allowed Mike JR to pack and polish a really nice course.
I hope the SCTA asks Mike to let them use this course for the WF, it would be a pleasure to run on it. 
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 20, 2016, 01:41:16 AM
Since when does anyone individual have claim to a specific part of the salt ---is that part of their permit??????
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 20, 2016, 09:04:14 AM
Best I can tell it's a common courtesy between the various folks that hold events on the salt.

Each one puts in an enormous amount of work to prep the salt for their event, and it could, at least on some level, create problems if some other group came in and screwed up all their work.

I agree if you knew for sure that you're running the last event of the year, it shouldn't make any difference, but otherwise not stepping on each others toe makes sense to me.

I'm just glad we got to run this year, so I'm not that hard to please, just point to where you wont me to run and I'm happy.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 20, 2016, 10:49:03 AM
It's abit like starving people getting testy about the last few morsels of food ...

there is bountiful offerings on the other side of floating mt...

If people get hungry enough ...they will find a way to access it
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 20, 2016, 11:14:12 AM
It's abit like starving people getting testy about the last few morsels of food ...

there is bountiful offerings on the other side of floating mt...

If people get hungry enough ...they will find a way to access it

Couldn't have said it any better :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 20, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
It's abit like starving people getting testy about the last few morsels of food ...

there is bountiful offerings on the other side of floating mt...

If people get hungry enough ...they will find a way to access it
The other side of Floating Mt is Hill AFB Eagle Range, there's a lot of brass in the salt there.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Old Scrambler on September 20, 2016, 06:15:59 PM
Burbanite..................I believe the Honda team's respect for Sam refers to the July Test & Tune event when Sam Wheeler crashed and was lost to all of us............the Honda team was ready to make another run but instead packed up and returned to the hangar.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Sumner on September 20, 2016, 08:43:13 PM
It's abit like starving people getting testy about the last few morsels of food ...

there is bountiful offerings on the other side of floating mt...

If people get hungry enough ...they will find a way to access it

 :cheers: :cheers:

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 20, 2016, 10:03:55 PM
kiwi, im speaking about the other area Mike A. visited and scoped out that has
leases held by many private parties...
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 20, 2016, 10:28:52 PM
I believe the BLM sold the mining rights to a Canadian company for the salt to the north of the Silver Island Mountains, if that's what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: burbanite on September 21, 2016, 01:35:32 PM
Burbanite..................I believe the Honda team's respect for Sam refers to the July Test & Tune event when Sam Wheeler crashed and was lost to all of us............the Honda team was ready to make another run but instead packed up and returned to the hangar.

Ahhh, that makes sense to me now. I did not know that they had done that but in my dealings with them they seemed like a group that had that kind of quality about them. I'd love to see them back again in the future as they certainly added to the event.

Thanks for the insight.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 21, 2016, 07:50:36 PM
Cook's FB page sez the Buckeye Bullet got a new class and absolute (electric category) record at 341.2 with a best exit speed of 358!!  Go Bucks!  Beat the "team up north", too!  (Sorry, Jon)

And Jamie Williams did 196+ on his snowmobile.

I never did see or hear anything about Barnyard Bearcat.  So, if you're out there, Jim, what's the story?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 21, 2016, 11:17:56 PM
I think they are running as the TRUZ MISSELL 
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Peter Jack on September 21, 2016, 11:29:33 PM
That's a different car Sparky.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 21, 2016, 11:55:36 PM
Come on guys ..the "barnyard bearcat" immensely unique and awesome ..and should never be mixed up with anything else ..!..

Jim and Mary True campaign their liner the Truz Missile
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 22, 2016, 05:41:06 AM
Yes, the "Jim" to whom I was referring was Knapp, rather than True.

Jim Knapp's Barnyard Bearcat is now powered by three Suzuki GSXR-1000's, while Jim and Mary True's Truz Missile runs a single Yamaha 1000.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jacksoni on September 22, 2016, 07:41:44 AM
Yes, the "Jim" to whom I was referring was Knapp, rather than True.

Jim Knapp's Barnyard Bearcat is now powered by three Suzuki GSXR-1000's, while Jim and Mary True's Truz Missile runs a single Yamaha 1000.
I've always been interested in Knapp's car and changes. Where my red hat came from.. :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 22, 2016, 08:05:03 AM
Jim Knapp hangs around this site s a lurker, I know, so maybe he'll get off his butt and let us some details and pics of the car.  I've got a bunch - would have to search for a while.  But the powertrain is a wonder of chain, jackshafts, sprockets and gears and my-oh-my.  It's worth seeing, for sure.

Jack - did you drive it with the engines as they are these days?  What was the fun quotient of keeping everything in alignment? :evil:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: jacksoni on September 22, 2016, 08:37:15 AM
Jim Knapp hangs around this site s a lurker, I know, so maybe he'll get off his butt and let us some details and pics of the car.  I've got a bunch - would have to search for a while.  But the powertrain is a wonder of chain, jackshafts, sprockets and gears and my-oh-my.  It's worth seeing, for sure.

Jack - did you drive it with the engines as they are these days?  What was the fun quotient of keeping everything in alignment? :evil:
Slim- I built that car in 1982, (rained out) and first ran it in 1984 as a 1 liter (took two pistons out of the 4 cyl Cosworth Vega)- then put them in and went 145 and 193 in I/GS and G/GS respectively on a short course. It was still wet after the rainouts of '82 and '83. Both records at the time. (you may notice that Costella/Yaccouchi have put 200 mph on that I/ record.  :cheers: :cheers:.) Anyway, following year with turbo got red hat with 216 and later upped to 250.xx. Best pass was 272. Jim ran close to my blown record speeds with a NA G/ engine and then but the bike engines in to run F/GS and 305.  Many  :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: racefanwfo on September 22, 2016, 06:09:57 PM
So what happend to all the car and bike streamliners that where going to be at the shootout. I thought that the 400 and 500 mph barriers where going to be broken this year.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 22, 2016, 06:39:22 PM
Well, Target 550 stripped gears again at WoS so they headed home. Speed Demon already holds the records for the class it would have run in, so Poteet had nothing to really gain except additional expenses.   The Triumph streamliner bike was there, but didn't fare well at all.  ACK Attack was there - just in case - but they, too, already have the record.  Valerie Thompson (BuB 7 streamliner) was going to try in October, but the prospects for that don't sound good now.

As for the other streamliners, Buckeye Bullet (341+), the little Honda (261+), and Truz Missile (263+) all set records.  I never did hear what Barnyard Bearcat did - if they ran at all.

Danny Thompson blew a tire ("blowed a tar" for you NASCAR fans out there) at about 413 GPS MPH.  He had started at mile 11, and it blew around mile 8.  His entry speed (from the 6-mile to 999.6' less than 6) was still 360MPH.   This was on a 414+ record, so he was definitely looking good.   Although he got it stopped without further problems, it did too much damage for them to repair on the spot.  When he came by the timing trailer (at 5-1/2) we could see the body panel was gone from over the L/R tire.  I heard later it screwed up a driveshaft, too.  I ran into him at the truck stop as he was heading back to Colorado, and he sounded like if he could secure sponsorship, he'd consider another shot, despite having said earlier this was it.   

I think that covers 'em all.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Old Scrambler on September 22, 2016, 08:17:15 PM
...........don't forget about Sam Wheeler :-(
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 23, 2016, 12:20:50 AM
maybe the driveshaft got the tire
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 23, 2016, 05:41:32 AM
maybe the driveshaft got the tire

Maybe.  You'll have to ask Danny about that.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stainless1 on September 23, 2016, 10:09:20 AM
Based on tire shredding start location and drive shaft location a mile or so down track, my guess is tire got the shaft
But it really sounded awesome for a minute or so, I hope he finds a way  to come back  :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: dw230 on September 24, 2016, 04:30:54 PM
OK, I am up to post #65 and it is time to add some clarification.

The Honda streamliner ran J/BFS just like Speed Week. The Cook FB page is wrong, the web person does not do the fact checking that a 1st year journalism student is taught.

The club by-laws state that to gain membership a record must be broken. It does not state which/whose record. In the case of an International meet such as the shootout the FIA/FIM record would prevail. The originators of the by-laws had their collective hearts in the right place as we understand the 'intent' of the sentence. However, 'intent' would not pass the sniff test in court. So the Honda Team driver, Hikaru Myiagi, was awarded his membership for the ultimate 268 record set against the old 171 FIA standard.

You may be pleased to know that I have already written, did so on the salt, a proposed by-laws change that will appear on the ballot later this year. If you have strong or not so strong feelings about this issue please vote. I did this because over the years has been the dumping place for those who choose to complain but are shy of standing up.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: dw230 on September 24, 2016, 04:40:16 PM
Re: post #85

Thanks for the strokes Joe.

I am trying to keep the club legit for records. To this end I did a phone poll while on the salt of the eight board members not on the salt(I am the 9th) and got an overwhelming 7 yay, 1 nay vote.

Again, I must stress that the 'intent' of the sentence is not all encompassing.

Dan Warner
Bonneville 200 MPH Club
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: salt on September 24, 2016, 05:17:32 PM
Re. post 153 Dan Warner -
let's not add new confusing information to old confusing information, please.

The "ultimate" Honda J/BFS FIA record attained at the 2016 Mike Cook Shootout was not "268" but 261.875mph, at least that's according to Honda's own web site.
Waay faster than the old FIA record, but still slower than the SCTA/BNI J/BFS streamliner record of 266.561mph, set during Spedweek, 2007 by Costella/Yacoucci. This 266.561mph record is also shown on the web site of the Bonneville 200mph Club as the "minimum" to break to attain a "red hat," by the way.
Correct me if I'm wrong.


Kraut Bros.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: dw230 on September 24, 2016, 05:29:52 PM

You are correct on all accounts. I misspoke the record speed but even as I was measuring the engine 268 was being spoken. I did not see the final FIA record sheet.

The 266 you mention is indeed the speed to beat if you are at an SCTA meet, the 171 or 177,  if you prefer, was the record to beat if you are running FIA. Just like the old days when there was a record for SCTA, a record for USFRA and a record for FIA in the same class. Took four of us 5 years to sort out.

There is a chance to clarify this situation forth coming. Vote your heart when you get your ballot.

Dan Warner
Bonneville 200 MPH Club
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: salt on September 24, 2016, 05:43:48 PM
Thanks, Dan, I will.

I still remember what a monumental task that was for you guys to "unify" all those records. Thank you for your service to the Club!


Kraut Bros.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: SPARKY on September 24, 2016, 07:45:33 PM
Willi---I am with you on this---I will vote to have the Minimum/Records page listed speed be the MINIMUM speed that has to be certified to EARN a hat.

I missed the minimum with a record that was a little over 3 mph below the 270 MINIMUM on the backup. Multiple tries and 7 years later I earned my red hat with  299.?? by breaking a SCTA RECORD that was above the 270 minimum that I had missed earlier.  So I have danced on both sides of that MINIMUM!!!!!!!

I will vote in support of the SCTA records and MINIMUM as listed! 
Having said that a record set under FIA conditions---ie 2 runs opposite directions with in 1-2 % would be a subject worthy of discussion.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stainless1 on September 24, 2016, 09:30:53 PM
Well guys, there  are a few things to consider with the FIA... One hour turn around.... extra distance.... do those balance the 4+1 for SCTA records or do we need to extablish FIA/FIM minimums.  It took a long time to sort it out years ago...
I guess the membership has an opportunity to vote what they feel coming up....

Who wants to serve on a committee to establish minimums if the club votes to do it that way.

Glad I'm not Dan
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 26, 2016, 10:49:57 AM
There was a much simpler time in the not so distant past, when folks would simply set a record over 200 to gain entry to the club.

Fact is; all you had to keep straight was setting your class record, and that was over 200MPH. Simple right, and left little room for squabbles and/or hard feeling over arbitrary minimums and/or how they were derived. I have had old friends that were 2 club members from the early 60's, and they told me that they had reservations about the whole idea of the open minimums deal.

They thought the minimums would just lead to arguments over who and how the minimums were set, as apposed to what really should be important and happening, racers celebrating setting a class record at over 200 at Bonneville.

I don't have a red hat ( Yet ) and therefore have no standing to say much about how the club sets up it's bylaws. I am however, a life long racer and have all the respect for every one involved in every aspect of racing.

On this issue I am an interest outsider wishing the best for the folks that put in so much effort to make the Bonneville 200 MPH club the prestigious organization it has been sense its beginning.   
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stainless1 on September 26, 2016, 12:59:14 PM
Johnnie, Have one of your 60s racer buddies show you the rule and records book... You will not see a million  :roll:  classes.
 I was one of the people involved that was affected by minimums that seemed arbitrary at the time.  The year after my son went 200.0something exit speed on a normally aspirated gas 1000 the minimum was set to 205.  That was the first time a gas 1000 had touched the mark.  A couple of years before a fuel (N20) 1000 went 206 to get in the club...
I argued the point, I was a club member, but I did not prevail.  So I made more changes to the fairings and we worked on rider position (thanks Pork Pie on both) and Rob went 208.959 and got in the club... Special Construction then went to closed tails and all of the APS records went up... but not the minimums.
With that said, if you look, most of the minimums are in new classes and streamliners, not long time traditional classes, fewer in cars than bikes.  But the Club reviews minimums every 5 years, and you can petition the club to reconsider a minimum that you think is arbitrarily high, be sure to do a lot of research on records from the past and present.
The FIA and FIM numbers and classes controversy is not new... options to change the bylaws will be presented to the membership and with any luck we will decide what needs to be done. 
It is not supposed to be easy  :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: rouse on September 26, 2016, 01:58:53 PM
Problem with those friends is, they are no longer with us. I was repeating what they had predicted would happen. I guess keeping things simple is just too complicated.

I enjoy running at Bonneville and chances are good that if I keep it up I'll end up in the 2 club one day, if I live long enough that is.

One thing that's for sure, I know the rules for the class I'm running, and that's what we build too.

It's up to the 2 club to set their own bylaws, I will sit back and long for the simpler, good old days.

Oh! yell, If I set any record over 200 MPH, you can bet one thing for an absolute certainty, We will be celebrating the accomplishment with an Ice Cold Beer, ( you're invited :cheers: ), even if that comes without the red hat.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 26, 2016, 06:32:54 PM
Let's look at minimums . . .

For instance, you're running a AA/Blown Fuel Mustang (yes, I know it's not a class -- only a for-instance.

The C record is 250.

The B is 260.

The A is 270.

The double A is 245.

The club thinks (generously) that 265 will qualify you for membership.

Wa-wa-wa.  246 is cherry-picking (see motorcycles).

What's wrong with this.  You can petition for a review of the minimum.  Do you think you deserve one in this case?

As an aside, it also cuts down on rent-a-rides.  Who'd want to be in that club. 
It legitimizes the roster.

Just saw in the wonderful Bonneville Racing News someone was proud of setting 90 bike records in one Northwest meet.  Gee, I'd be so proud.  I guess it helps the cash flow.  (How much does it cost to change classes?  Can you run more than one at a time?  Sorta like an NBA player getting the championship of fathering children.)

Stan Back
(and wait)       
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Peter Jack on September 26, 2016, 06:49:29 PM
Let's look at minimums . . .

For instance, you're running a AA/Blown Fuel Mustang (yes, I know it's not a class -- only a for-instance.

The C record is 250.

The B is 260.

The A is 270.

The double A is 245.

The club thinks (generously) that 265 will qualify you for membership.

Wa-wa-wa.  246 is cherry-picking (see motorcycles).

What's wrong with this.  You can petition for a review of the minimum.  Do you think you deserve one in this case?

As an aside, it also cuts down on rent-a-rides.  Who'd want to be in that club.  
It legitimizes the roster.

Just saw in the wonderful Bonneville Racing News someone was proud of setting 90 bike records in one Northwest meet.  Gee, I'd be so proud.  I guess it helps the cash flow.  (How much does it cost to change classes?  Can you run more than one at a time?  Sorta like an NBA player getting the championship of fathering children.)

Stan Back
(and wait)      

I'm with Stan!  :-D :-D :-D  :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

And I do understand that may be dangerous company.  :roll: :roll: :roll:

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 26, 2016, 07:23:23 PM
I'm not a 2 Club member but I thought I'd add a couple of things that might also bear consideration.

The SCTA-BNI  "I" engine class covers 750 to 1000cc's, but the FIA groups (A-I-5 and A-II-5) are for 750 to 1100cc.  So would somebody running the Shootout with a 1070cc engine be held to the "I" or "H" SCTA-BNI minimum?

The SCTA-BNI "E" class (3000 to 4276) doesn't align with FIA A-I/II-9 (3000 to 4000).   Would any 4-liter FIA records have to exceed the SCTA-BNI minimum for 4.276?

FIA A-I/II-10 (4000 to 6000) doesn't match SCTA-BNI C/D, either

FIA also has separate groups for rotary (i.e. Wankel) engines.  How will those be handled?

Then, there's turbine (wheel-driven), electric, and steam.  Both FIA and SCTA-BNI assign these classes based on weight, but they're all different: only 3 classes each for SCTA-BNI, but FIA has 11.

FIA has hybrid and solar, too, but not SCTA-BNI.

DW:  I just thought I've give you something to ponder to keep you out of mischief!

Jeff in Boise

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 26, 2016, 08:39:24 PM
"The SCTA-BNI  "I" engine class covers 750 to 1000cc's, but the FIA groups (A-I-5 and A-II-5) are for 750 to 1100cc.  So would somebody running the Shootout with a 1070cc engine be held to the "I" or "H" SCTA-BNI minimum?"

How simple can this be?  If it's 1070cc, it doesn't fit in "I".  Lots (most) records are run under the class limit.  If you are over, you're in a different class.

I'm sure they measure the engines in the FIA attempts.  And can tell if the Blown or Unblown.  Any not running the "event gas" are fuel.

Next case . . .
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: saltwheels262 on September 26, 2016, 08:39:39 PM

 I will sit back and long for the simpler, good old days.


I'm pretty sure back then that there were two backup runs to be made to set a record. Making it a total of three passes to set a record.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 26, 2016, 08:41:36 PM
They weren't "back-up runs" as both were counted for the record.

In the olden days, you had to qualify over the record (didn't count) to run for the record.  Then two "record runs".
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: saltwheels262 on September 26, 2016, 08:47:02 PM
Got it, Stan.
Thanks for the correction.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 26, 2016, 09:13:04 PM
How simple can this be?  If it's 1070cc, it doesn't fit in "I".  Lots (most) records are run under the class limit.  If you are over, you're in a different class.

Yes, I realize it doesn't fit into "I", which was exactly my point.  While some FIA classes are equivalent to SCTA-BNI classes, some others are not.  So, where do you draw the line?

Also, is this going to work both ways?  If a 200+MPH FIA record is higher than the SCTA-BNI record, would the FIA record have to be exceeded for a red hat at Speedweek?

I guess what I'm trying to convey is that the deeper you look into this situation, the more complex it appears.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 27, 2016, 12:02:22 PM
"So, where do you draw the line?"

At the class breaks.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: TrickyDicky on September 27, 2016, 12:26:14 PM
"So, where do you draw the line?"

At the class breaks.


How many lines???
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: joea on September 27, 2016, 12:49:19 PM
very good questions Trimmers...

considering when in recent times ... two cars...and one bike...had SCTA classes
that perfectly align with FIA/FIM...and entrants ran in meets prior to the
Shootout....made runs that were short of the published Bonn. 200 Mph Club minimums....did not garner entry...

then ran weeks later in Shootout....still ran under published minimums
in same vehicles..same classes that perfectly align...

and were inducted into the Bonn. 200 mph club....
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: nrhs sales on September 27, 2016, 01:34:19 PM
and folks wonder why I started my own "2 club" for the AMA event!!! :|
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 27, 2016, 02:48:53 PM
"So, where do you draw the line?"

At the class breaks.


How many lines???

Who is the WLSRA?
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: salt27 on September 27, 2016, 03:49:56 PM
"So, where do you draw the line?"

At the class breaks.


How many lines???

Who is the WLSRA?

World Land Speed Racing Association
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stan Back on September 27, 2016, 04:44:44 PM
I believe that the 200 Club was an offshoot of the SCTA.  And still aligned with the SCTA. All the board members appear to be SCTA members.

So, maybe, they can include members who set a record over 200 -- only at Bonneville.  It's in their name.  It's that simple.  The FIA and the FIM can run at multiple locations.  The Bonneville 200 MPH Club is for Bonneville.

And they have hundreds of SCTA classes to get a record from.  If your 50cc P/P bike runs over 200 -- you can apply to the club.

Say if you run under FIA at Bonneville and surpass the applicable SCTA record, you can apply.  Same with USFRA.  And as to classification -- aren't most 200+ FIA records set by streamliners?  Doesn't the FIA check and release displacement certification?  Isn't unknown fuel considered fuel in SCTA.  Doesn't the SCTA records require the Gas records be set with the Event Gas?  Isn't the 200 Club President an FIA referee?  I'm sure he can tell a streamliner from a production car.  He's most knowledgable in certifying for SCTA records.

I see nothing wrong with giving an FIA record-holder membership if his runs surpass the equivalent SCTA record.  He did it the hard way -- under time constraint.

I, personally, think that giving an FIA record-holder a membership if he did not surpass the equivalent SCTA record should be a problem.  But that's just me.  You know how I am.  

You can't be a World Series winner by winning the World Cup.


Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 27, 2016, 08:30:05 PM
I agree 100% with what Stan said.   If there's an equivalent SCTA class, then that class record (200MPH or more) should be exceeded to get a red hat in an FIA meet - at Bonneville.

The problem is that there are FIA classes which have no SCTA equivalent.  They're the ones for which some other procedure should be developed and applied.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Stainless1 on September 27, 2016, 10:00:23 PM
Trim, can you research and publish a list of all of the FIA/FIM classes, class description and the current records to make it easier for a lot of us to understand. 
Yea I know... that is a lot of work  :cheers:
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: kiwi belly tank on September 27, 2016, 10:31:21 PM
"So, where do you draw the line?"

At the class breaks.


How many lines???

Who is the WLSRA?

World Land Speed Racing Association
Well I figured that's what WLSRA meant but "who are they?"
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Jack Gifford on September 28, 2016, 12:45:02 AM
WLSRA has a website- from which I didn't learn much. The drop-down menu entry "governing body" shows only "coming soon". :roll: A motley group of a half-dozen vehicles is shown for "existing records". Classes include boats, hovercraft, and ???
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: trimmers on September 28, 2016, 06:31:29 AM
Trim, can you research and publish a list of all of the FIA/FIM classes, class description and the current records to make it easier for a lot of us to understand. 
Yea I know... that is a lot of work  :cheers:

That's a pretty tall order!  Dave Petralli had such a list with him at the Shootout - in book form.  The print was mighty small and it was many pages long.

You can find them on the FIA's website at:      once there, scroll down to "List of Records - Category A".  clicking on that will bring up the list in pdf.

If I run short of projects over the winter, maybe I can compose a condensed list for publication here.

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: dw230 on September 29, 2016, 06:02:42 PM
OK, now that I am out of bed, on the down side of a horrendous cold I can give a couple of brief responses.

I am still trying to iron out the details of my pending Bonneville 200 MPH Club by-laws change so I cannot at this time expand further.

A couple of things, WLSRA(?) does not race at Bonneville. The Club by-laws are specific about the venue. They are out.
SCTA-BNI records are SCTA-BNI records, FIA/FIM records are FIA/FIM records - the two do not cross borders.
If a class is in either of the two organization rule books then it is a legal class.
The FIA/FIM steward at the Shootout will classify the vehicle, not the SCTA-BNI or
I do certify FIA records at the Shootout either by direct measurement  of displacement or weight at the direction of the USAC steward on site.
We run both class A(streamliner or other body) and class B(stock production body) as certified by the FIA at the Shootout.
Gas/fuel? makes no diff, FIA/FIM states that liquid is liquid when it comes to fuel.

If you are a Club member you will have a chance to vote when you receive you ballot.


The Bonneville 200 MPH, est. 1953, was a standalone organization setup by the late Dean Batchelor and the publisher of the original Hop Up magazine. I am sorry but his name escapes me for the moment. The keyword here is 'stand alone", no affiliation to the SCTA in structure. The only tie in is that in the  time period the SCTA was the only group competing at the salt.
Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: Malcolm UK on October 02, 2016, 11:03:34 AM
The FIM records for the flying start kilometre and mile are listed under 'Rankings' and then 'see results' on the following link

The rules and classes for bikes have not been re-published on any part of the website which I can get to, but then these internet places cause me all sorts of problems. [I have a printed 2014 copy for reference and the section to look at is 18.01.]

The FIM do have classification by 'body' types so you will have 'open' (A Division); 'partially streamlined' (B Division) and streamlined (C Division).

From the section called 'calender' you can get to supplementary regulations for the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials and the Cook Shootout, which do differ as some classes are excluded from the BMST (including non wheel driven two wheelers).

Just three examples:

in 2012 Jamie Williams rode his Suzuki Hayabusa to a World Record for the mile and kilometre in the FIM description; I.A1.B.I.3+.2000

in 2016 Kerry Alter rode his Hayabusa to World Records in I.A1.B.I.3+.1600

in 2010 Rocky Robinson rode to the outright World Record in I.A1.C.V.3+.3000

Title: Re: Shootout 2016
Post by: maj on October 02, 2016, 04:29:48 PM
The 1650 class came about after 2012 , one thing i think they neglected to do was realign the 2000cc records to fit either 1650 or 2000 classes depending on the measured capacity at the time