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Misc Forums => NON LSR Posting => Topic started by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 11:37:31 AM

Title: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 11:37:31 AM
I'm not sure where to put this -- so it goes here.

We've got a whole house (backup) generator.  It's in the garage and is wired to the correct isolation panel in the house.  As of now I have to move the generator to outdoors when I'm running it (not fun during a blizzard) or suffer a hot and CO-filled garage.  I'd like to modify the exhaust system to blow outdoors - probably through something similar to a dryer vent.  So far no problem - except that I think (note THINK) I should isolate,for the sake of vibrations, the pipe going outdoors from the manifold of the engine.  It being a relatively small generator (6kw) the exhaust is about 1", and I don't know if I can find a small-enough flex tube, all metal, to do that.  The generator will be adjacent to the outside wall - so I'd need no more than maybe three feet of this hose/tube.

Ideas?  Thanks.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Bob Drury on November 27, 2013, 12:07:07 PM
  Slim, this may or may not be a fix..........  take a look at electric metal flex tubing as is often used at industrial motor terminations.  I am not sure if it would hold up to the heat but it might be worth a try.
  Grainger calls theirs Ultra-flex flexible metal hose.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: tauruck on November 27, 2013, 12:07:33 PM
Maybe welding a flange onto the end of the pipe that can take a flexible metal hose of the next size up would solve your dilemma. You might lose some bottom end though. :lol:
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 12:15:22 PM
Well, no bottom end is required, this being a generator that runs at two speeds -- off and full.  The only time it isn't at speed is when it's just starting or stopping.

As for the metal flex tubing -- yeah, good.  I was thinking of the hose used to vent the dryer, but even if I could find that in 1 1/2" -- I'd need to have it all metal.  I guess I'll visit Out of Phase Electric, our local electrical jobber.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: 4-barrel Mike on November 27, 2013, 12:27:16 PM
Or something like this: (


1.5" ID

Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Queeziryder on November 27, 2013, 12:34:41 PM

If you have a wreakers yard nearby that does euro boxes have a look at Saab exhausts. They use almost exactly what Mike is showing above.


Are you going to reply to the email that I sent last month?
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 01:17:18 PM
Ah, sloth and stasis hits me again.  What size do you want, Neil?  And, for the record, I see a note from you on the 11th of November.  Is that the correct one?  It isn't last month -- maybe there's another one I've missed.  Sorry.

As for a junk yard - we've got one someplace around here -- probably within 30 miles or so. I'll try and find an excuse to mosey up there for a look-see.  Saab, hey?  Thanks.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: runt13 on November 27, 2013, 01:43:39 PM
remember there are other fumes besides exhaust!

just saying
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 01:50:24 PM
Hunh?  Fumes about which I should be concerned about sending outdoors, or fumes from me when I eat a big meal of prunes and beans?  Seriously - other than exhaust, what else would there be that needs to be taken care of?
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: mitchell968 on November 27, 2013, 01:59:27 PM
dont forget a couple carbon monoxide detectors if your gonna run it in the garage  :-P  you can build a insulated dog house to " intinuate" to noise. wrap the exhaust. many an alaskan has bought the farm doing this . put it outside.      mitchell
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: kiwi belly tank on November 27, 2013, 02:50:40 PM
Any good parts store will have steel exhaust flex tubing in cut to length rolls & you can get a rain cap for the end of it to keep the critters out. Put a Co detector in there with it too.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: rouse on November 27, 2013, 03:29:24 PM

I Like you and Nancy a lot, so do your self and your friends a great big favor and build a dog house for your generator next to the house " outside ". It is a lot easier to run wires through the wall,  and a whole lot less likely to set the house on fire.

I know you'll end up spending a few ( maybe a Lot ) more $$ up front, but you will be able to sleep better at night knowing you haven't built yourself a death trap.

I know you live way the hell up North where things can get damaged by the weather, so maybe to protect your investment in the generator, you may get a little inventive and build you a sliding dog house. One that you can slide on a track into the garage when you're not using it, and outside when you are. Each end of the dog house could have a sealing wall that will seal to the hole you cut into the garage, kinda like a doggie door arrangement.  If you build it right you'll never have to get out in the weather to service it, just slide it in to service, and back out to run. ( alright get your mind out of the gutter, I'm serious here ).

We have our weather events that can KO our power for weeks, My generator is absolutely an outdoors pet.

Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Glen on November 27, 2013, 03:32:18 PM
I would build a dog house out side an vent to atmos. with a tall pipe to get it up and away. You could insulate the dog house as well to make it easier to start when cold. Keep fresh gas for it as well. Start it every couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Glen on November 27, 2013, 03:34:48 PM
Looks like Rouse and I were thinking about the same as we were both typing at the same time.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: rouse on November 27, 2013, 03:53:11 PM
Looks like Rouse and I were thinking about the same as we were both typing at the same time.

Must be one of those "Great Minds" things.  :-D :-D :-D

Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Glen on November 27, 2013, 05:02:26 PM
They make tail pipe extenders for out side generators on motor homes and travel trailers for that reason. And they are a little quieter
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 06:46:42 PM
Thanks for your concern, gents.  The garage is a completely separate unit -- about 30 feet from the house with nothing but air and a sidewalk connecting them (well, wires and pipes, but they're not very good carriers of noxious gases.  Yes, I could build a dog house - that's a fine idea - but since the generator is in the garage and separated from the house anyway -- I don't think it's necessary.  I'm always (repeat ALWAYS) cautious when going into the garage and the generator is running - open a door first to make sure there's a fresh air supply just in case the unit has built up some stinky stuff in the garage.  If nothing else I like having the generator in the garage for the extra heat it provides.  The garage is already heated and very well insulated (6" walls, 12" ceiling), but what the heck - more heat, for free, is fine.  The insulation also helps keep the generator noise down to sleeping quietly levels, too.

As for starting it more easily - well, no matter how well the (outdoor) doghouse is insulated - it'll almost certainly be at ambient outdoor temp when I go to start it (unless I provided a heat source in the doghouse).  The garage thermostat is set at no lower than 41F so the generator has that temp to start.  It usually starts on the second tug of the starter rope.  I do run it every few months to make sure -- let it run for 5 - 10 minutes to make sure the thing has had a good warm-up.  As for gas -- I keep a 5-gallon jug of it, clearly marked "For Generator Only" right near the generator.  I put Stabil in the gas so it'll easily last a full year, and then I do run that gas through the Subaru engine and buy a fresh 5-gallon jug.

Here's a photo taken from the house.  You can see the garage on the far right side, and you'll have to trust me when I tell you that it is completely separate.  I just don't have a photo handy that shows it
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: gkabbt on November 27, 2013, 07:41:50 PM
What is all that white stuff in the pic?  :? .....LOL!  :evil:  :-D


Hope you and Nancy have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

In relatively warm and snowless NC

Sorry for the hijack!  :-D
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 07:50:29 PM
That, my friend, is "snow flurries".  And the picture is out of date by a few days.  Since then Rick, our local woodcutter, has delivered, cut, split, and stacked more firewood for us.  Now there is one full and one half row in front of/outside the shed.  The shed is about 12 x 8 x 8, so measures 6 FULL cords.  Add in what's in front and we've got about 7 cords, at least.  And that should get us through this entire heating season and a few weeks, at least, into the next one.  nice and warm here -- come on up for a visit.  I'd let you fling logs into the firepot of the boiler and, if you ask really nicely, maybe I'll let you plow some snow with the Bobcat. :roll: :-D
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: gkabbt on November 27, 2013, 08:15:06 PM
Those "snow flurries" would shut NC down for 2 - 3 days. It's really funny to watch how people handle snow here.
As for the invite and the boiler and Bobcat thing I think I'll pass.....Seems like to much work LOL!

Now if you could find me one of the these to play with, I'd be there by the weekend:





Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 27, 2013, 09:52:35 PM
Well, item #2 -- I can find for you pretty easy.  Ben Yelle, a local heavy truck mechanic, rides one.  It's basically a snowmobile with a skinny track, regular snobile engine, forks and a single ski.  Close enough -- and I've seen it in his shop a couple of times.  I expect I could get him to let you take a ride.  Bluff called, Greg.

As for the others -- well, nope.  I don't think I've got access to any of the threesome.

So you're not coming up here for Winter Carnival -- do I read that right?  You'll miss a great time. :-D
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: mitchell968 on November 27, 2013, 10:26:07 PM
this sweety is waiting for a winter carnival   :evil:
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: wobblywalrus on November 28, 2013, 12:25:43 AM
Jon, remember your old friend, the porta-potty.  Flip the seat down and set it in one of those.  Route the exhaust to the poop tank vent.   
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: gkabbt on November 28, 2013, 05:44:25 AM
Well, item #2 -- I can find for you pretty easy.  Ben Yelle, a local heavy truck mechanic, rides one.  It's basically a snowmobile with a skinny track, regular snobile engine, forks and a single ski.  Close enough -- and I've seen it in his shop a couple of times.  I expect I could get him to let you take a ride.  Bluff called, Greg.

As for the others -- well, nope.  I don't think I've got access to any of the threesome.

So you're not coming up here for Winter Carnival -- do I read that right?  You'll miss a great time. :-D

Jon, VERY good comeback!  :cheers:      Wasn't expecting that!  :-D

As for the Winter Carnival, remember that I do like to take serious road trips!  When and where? Might be a possibility!  :-o

Title: Re: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Frank06 on November 28, 2013, 07:46:47 AM
Nice toys!

+1 on Sta-Bil, I use the Marine grade and only run my generator once or twice per year to exercise it.  We have battery backup and usually(but not always!) things are back online within the one day storage time we have.
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 28, 2013, 09:56:14 AM
Here you go, Gregg.  Take a look at the photos -- and then also look around at the other Winter Carnival URLs.  I went to Tech -- was a snow statue builder when I lived in Co-ed Hall.  It was quite an experience -- Winter Carnival in toto, that is.

It's the first weekend in February, usually.  Check out the dates - and let me help you make your reservations.  Most of the lodging up in the Copper Country will sell out well in advance, but I should be able to find a room for you if I start looking now.  C U at Carnival!!! :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: floydjer on November 28, 2013, 11:38:48 AM
That pic from  your July 4th party Jon ???
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on November 28, 2013, 01:05:50 PM
Jerry, Jerry -- you won't give it up, will you?  Summer here in the UP is a great season to enjoy the outdoors wearing very little and gathering lots of sunshine.  And, better still -- if summer happens to fall on a weekend day we can go on a picnic, too! :cheers:
Title: Re: Whole house generator exhaust
Post by: gkabbt on November 29, 2013, 05:29:28 AM
Jon, Thanks for the info on Winter Carnival. Looks and sounds like a good time!
Not really sure I'll make that as I am planning to get out to Pomona for the GNRS.
As I said before, I do like road trips so we'll just have to see what happens.
