Landracing Forum

Tech Information => Technical Discussion => Topic started by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 01:50:43 AM

Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 01:50:43 AM
Hey, whassup?  

Not that I'm complaining (yet) but suddenly I moved from 12th to 9th place in points and Turborick dropped from right behind me to two behind me.

Anyone care to elaborate?

Enquiring "minds" and all that.

FH Jim
Title: EASY
Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 02:31:36 AM
It was charity and Club favoritism.
Should I tell him that McKibben set a faster record with his Honda in 72 ?  :wink:
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: dwarner on May 16, 2006, 09:05:45 AM
Misuderstanding on how the points are calculated, how points are earned and exactaly what class you have entered.

Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 09:33:28 AM
Sure, JackD.  

I know there are people like "you" out there.  That's why there is a "?" after the "World's Fastest Honda" on the side of the Barnyard Bomber.  I have looked and looked and asked and asked and the best I've come up with in a couple of years are "rumors" of faster Hondas.  But no hard data to date.

What have ya' got?

Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: jimmy six on May 16, 2006, 10:44:39 AM
In the haste to get out the results, a few mistakes may have been made with previous records; class changes may have also been missed from last years last data entry. If you have a problem with it perhaps YOU should volunteer to take over the position. :<)
Title: What do they know anyway ?
Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 11:55:51 AM
McKibben is in the SCTA book now.

Dan and JD play "Good Cop, Bad Cop" all the time.
Me, I just like to keep them on their feet. :wink:
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 12:09:38 PM
Uhhh, JackD

How about more info?  

Who is the McKibben entry?  

What did he run?  I.e., what class and what Honda?

When did he run it?

How fast did he go?

And no, I don't want to go through 2000 records to find his.

Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: dwarner on May 16, 2006, 12:27:12 PM
There is a clue Jim, just 2300 bike class records to research.

Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 12:36:03 PM
Quote from: dwarner
There is a clue Jim, just 2300 bike class records to research.


Honda knows. Gosh if they know, how hard can it be ?
They know they couldn't beat one of my records and choked on the Cherry they thought they were picking.
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 01:03:43 PM
"All" what bike riders?  Every biker I've talked to said, "I think" or words to that effect.

Gosh, guys, I'm just a simple car driver who isn't "balanced" enough to trust my hide to only two wheels and I'm just tryin' to find out if I have to paint over the sides of my car.

Nuthin' I find ANYWHERE says there is a faster Honda anywhere.  And Honda could care less.  The folks I've spoken to all the way up to western U.S. managers don't know and don't care.

According the the SCTA website McKibben ran 232.717 in 1972.  Project GoldWing ran a close 2nd as 232.439 in 1996.  Now I grant that "backdoors" are not mentioned, and I use my back door of 265.860 to maintain the dubious value of a "title" over the Honda Factory BAR Formula 1's speed of 265.754 (for $9,975,000 less BTW), but still 232+, seems fairly far away.

Am I missing the obvious?  Wouldn't be the 1st time ya' know.


P.S. And don't go gettin' all excited about a potential paint job on the Bomber
Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 01:41:14 PM
The bikers you talked too were either pulling your chain or don't know.
We would never do that.
Honda US doesn't know a lot of things and the record holder is on display at Honda Japan.
In the trade they are known as "SUBMARINE PROJECTS" and as such, rarely see the light of day.
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: Sumner on May 16, 2006, 01:47:50 PM
Jim these guys remind me of a cat I once had.  

I would be milking the cow in the barn and the cat would catch a mouse and take it to the middle of the room and slap it around a little then let it go.  Just about the time the mouse would think it had made it to safety the cat would pounce on it and drag it back to the middle of the room again for another go around.  Some times it would take quite a while before the cat would put the mouse out of its misery.

Hope things go faster for you :D ,

c ya, Sum
Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 02:22:43 PM
Sum learned to sit back and spend more time watching from when he tried to milk the cat.
How many thought they couldn't learn anything from a cat ?
I have a couple of cats you can watch that catch Hawks for sport.
SUM is now more adept at the sport of watching. :wink:
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: fastesthonda_jim on May 16, 2006, 02:29:21 PM

Ahh, you understand.

Actually I look upon it as charity work.  As a sort of "giving back" if you will to the poor lost souls of our community who enjoy no life other than the endless stream of half finished responses to a LOT of list serves.

My form of service is to start "Mouse threads" now and then so their Half-Heimers ridden brain structures can enjoy a few moments of "slapping" and "pouncing" while the rest of us enjoy the nearby milk.

Am I boring you yet?

Well, just in case... I'm going to take my nap now.

Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 02:36:59 PM
The records speak for themselves and the rest is gaming.
Title: What happened with the points?
Post by: dwarner on May 16, 2006, 03:07:11 PM
I guess it would be too simple for Jack to just put Jim out of his misery and tell him.

Title: I was gonna suggest
Post by: JackD on May 16, 2006, 06:18:15 PM
He might paint over the question mark and pencil in car for now.
Some learn harder than others and faster too. :wink:

Lesson of the day for the mouse:
Don't let yourself get caught.

Lesson of the day for everybody else:
Don't sit up front at a tennis match until you understand the game better.