Landracing Forum

Bonneville Salt Flats Discussion => Bonneville General Chat => Topic started by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 29, 2012, 07:03:09 PM

Title: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 29, 2012, 07:03:09 PM
Yes, I know there's already a WF thread, but it's more general in scope, discussing many different things.  So therefore this thread - about the event that starts in just a few days.  Nancy and I are driving through mid-Montana as I type, planning on arriving at Wendover tomorrow (Sunday) night.  We've gotta be there -- the toilets arrive Monday.  Inspections begin Tuesday, and racing starts on Wednesday and ends Saturday.

The forecast predicts nice, but sorta cool, weather.  High 70s at first, dropping to mid-60s toward the end of the event.  Make sure you're equipped with long sleeved shirts and jackets, Southern California people :cry: :cry:

We plan to race the ZX14 - but with me at the helm.  Nancy isn't ready to get back on the bike, so dang it, I guess I'm the one that will find out how fast it'll go this year.  Jeez, how'd I ever draw this duty?

And so on.  Let us know your plans and then - later, once we're running - there'll be information and maybe some run logs here on the thread.  Yes, we do plan on having live streaming audio at WF - in fact, both Max and Chris should be at the event and supplying the best sound we've ever offered.  Let's all hope, okay?

See you on the salt :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: racer on September 29, 2012, 10:55:19 PM
Thanks for the stellar coverage.....

Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for reports.

Ray C Wheeler  
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Elmo Rodge on September 29, 2012, 11:02:01 PM
I should be at the White Goose Bar mid afternoon Tuesday.  :cheers: Wayno
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: landsendlynda on September 30, 2012, 12:03:26 AM
I'll be seeing all of you at Land's End!  Remember the lanes at Speedweek?  Well, they will be there again for World Finals.  I did discover that there was some confusion as to where the thru lane was, so let me try to end the confusion!!

Starting from the South lane (next to where our trailers and motorhomes are parked) That is LANE 1 also known as the SPECTATOR LANE.


LANE 3 is the THRU LANE for everyone who has passes and has no need to stop and purchase anything.

LANE 4 (north side of road, also known as Mountain Side) is the EXIT/EMERGENCY LANE it is NOT the
thru lane for everyone.  The officials (GREEN STICKERS) usually come in on the exit lane early in the morning so that they can be in their designated areas before I open the salt....IF YOU DON'T HAVE A GREEN STICKER AND ARE NOT A VOLUNTEER, DO NOT FOLLOW IN THAT LANE!

Tuesday both Lane 2 and Lane 3 will be available for you to enter the salt and get to the Pit area.

Wednesday I will try to keep all 3 lanes moving so that you can get to the driver's meeting on time, just remember, you are not the only one trying to get there, so be patient!!  There is only so much road available, so stay in line and we will get you thru as quickly as possible.

It's going to be a GREAT MEEt, perfect racing weather!!  Everyone have safe travels and....
I'll see you on the salt!!


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Freud on September 30, 2012, 12:59:48 AM
Lynda you had great teachers.

You have improved on their methods.


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: zzcruzin on September 30, 2012, 11:00:29 AM
Linda,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I sure miss you. Mark.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on September 30, 2012, 11:38:29 AM
OK Slim, to avoid the confusion I renamed the thread.... adding racing
I'll still be there, I'm in Denver already, leaving in the morning
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on September 30, 2012, 05:37:29 PM
Thanks, Stainless.  I was cornfused by the new name, ut figured it out pretty soon - about a second or two after reading your post.  Thanks.  Just for that kindness I'll try to station a porta potty downwind from you.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JamesJ on September 30, 2012, 06:31:16 PM
Is there a Pre entries list?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 55chevr on September 30, 2012, 08:49:30 PM
Thanks, Stainless.  I was cornfused by the new name, ut figured it out pretty soon - about a second or two after reading your post.  Thanks.  Just for that kindness I'll try to station a porta potty downwind from you.

Down wind is good ... much preferable to up wind.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Billy @ AHG on September 30, 2012, 08:52:21 PM
Ten day forecast is 0% rain, ZERO ! what a difference from last year !
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 01, 2012, 01:29:45 AM
Ten day forecast is 0% rain, ZERO ! what a difference from last year !

So are they expanding the schedule?  :-D

Okay, Lynda - we have are marching orders.

See you in Lane 1 - and don't ask where the Midget is . . .  :| :roll:

Dreams deferred . . .

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 01, 2012, 10:16:30 AM
See you tomorrow :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 01, 2012, 01:52:12 PM
Attention everyone that's heading here for World Finals:


Just like at the Shootout and WoS -- the flies are thick and really pestifierous.  They haven't started biting yet, but there sure are lots of 'em.  Smith's sold out of fly strips last time we were here - and regular ol' fly swatters, too.  Shop now and get a good supply before the hoarders get them all!

Other than that bit of bad news, I'll let you know that the salt is in fine shape.  Not perfectly dry for part of the trip from Land's End to here (the pits), but pretty good (albeit bumpy).  And once you're past about the start line it gets smoother and smoother.  Still pretty crappy way down the course -- like the turnout about the 6 1/4 -- it's not very good on the turnout.

Other than that -- expect about 100 entries, about 70% cars and such, 30% bikes.  The weather is forecast to be quite dandy, with the high today in the upper 70s and dropping each day after this -- but still sunny.  Wednesday - oiur first day of racing - is forecast to be fine but breezy, so there.

Enough for now.  Drive carefully and we'll see you on the salt.  And remember to bring fly strips and swatters.  I told you so!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: thundersalt on October 01, 2012, 03:21:55 PM
I'll take flies over percipitation (didn't use the r word  :-D)
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 01, 2012, 06:45:48 PM
I took these photos a meet or two ago and didn't get around to posting them, but - for the sake of showing off unusual pit vehicles, here's the machine that Dennis - the gravel-voiced security guy from Land's End - built and drives.  It's a snowmobile power train in case you're wondering.  Ain't ingenuity great?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: trimmers on October 01, 2012, 07:44:39 PM
Slim:  These flies sound like be the same Central American variety Peter Falk described in the original version of The In-Laws.   He said they snatched small children up in their beaks and flew away with them.  The natives called them Jose Greco de Muertos - Flaminco Dancers of Death!

I've got a box of industrial-strength fly paper that I scrounged.  I also managed to find a couple of the fly sticks like the one I donated to the timing trailer at the Shootout.  I'll be heading out with them in the morning.  See if you can hold out until I arrive with reinforcements in the early afternoon.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 01, 2012, 08:30:45 PM
Harbor Freight sells this marvelous fly-zapper-that-looks-like-a-tennis-racquet for $2.99
Works good anytime, better at night. Just wave it in the general direction of the vermin and enjoy the light and sound show!
( (
Anybody coming from Salt Lake, there are 5 stores!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 01, 2012, 08:37:50 PM
Did you racers see the forecast for Wednesday and on this week?  Tomorrow is fine 82F, but Weds. is 66 and WINDY - 23 - 28 gusting to 41, mostly after lunch -- and it's a headwind.  Thursday and Friday and Saturday will be continuing cool, but not so windy.

I read into the Wednesday forecast:  make your runs early in the day as the winds will be picking up as the afternoon begins.

But the good news is -- no precipitation in the forecast for the next week or so.]

Hey, as long as you're reading this - we got 22 toilets for this event, so don't b looking for big banks of a half-dozen here and there.  In fact - it's likely that at the far (north) end of the pits won't have even one, so do your best to place your pit closer to registration.  With only 100 or so race vehicles here there shouldn't be much lack of room for good pit locations.  Maybe use Tannis and Seth Hammond as the unofficial end point of the pits.  They're way back on the west side, as usual, but just beyond them is where the crunchies are still waiting.  The cones go way further - well, if you've gotta have a toilet nearby - well, be forewarned.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 01, 2012, 08:47:34 PM
Just checked the 5 day and wed after noon shows 17 mph, thurs and fri 7 mph for wendover lets go racing
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Billy @ AHG on October 01, 2012, 11:13:19 PM
One word,, Yard Guard !  OK two words ,  I'll grab a case, I hope they still make it ! That stuff kicked butt ! Killed flies and the ability of humans to reproduce ,  I'm ok with that , just as long as it kills flies !   Remember the Shell 'no pest strips' ?   
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 02, 2012, 02:49:19 AM
Wow - a wonderful bunch of weather tonight in Wendover.

Mrs. Midget and I got in - weather still in the '70's at 10 pm.  Had to call Montego Bay Maintenance to get the air going, but the room is nice, cheap (60.00 - and people wonder why I skip Speedweek).

The Brock Buick is out in the lot - what a glorious monstrosity - looking forward to seeing it run.

Also, the Motor Trend VW team is here with a hybrid entry, which was towed all the way from Michigan with a hybrid Toureg.  The car looks really clean and professional - I might go as far as to say slick, but to have towed it about 300 miles farther than I would have towed the Midget with a Hemi Magnum speaks to a degree of toughness I would not have expected from a Toureg.

Wyoming is a tough, long pull over the divide.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 02, 2012, 10:30:51 AM
Did ya hear what SSS said? Chart below.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Wildcat on October 02, 2012, 01:24:05 PM
Just curious.....what is causing the fly problem?  I'm certainly not a "salt expert", but I have been attending/participating in events for the past 10-12 years, and have never experienced any problem.  Are the fly problem in town, at the bend, on the salt?  Can you enlighten me?  Thanks!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 02, 2012, 01:53:43 PM
The flies are in the pits and in town and most every place.  Not as bad as they were at SpeedWeek - because those flies bit - out of sheer ornerinous.  These just pester you.  But -- that was SpeedWeek this year.  Flies aren't always a problem, but they're pretty common out here.  A couple of years ago they were really nasty at the Shootout.

So - flies aren't that unusual, and if you've not been bothered -- consider yourself lucky.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 02, 2012, 01:54:59 PM
Maybe its your private porta loos? I didn't notice a fly issue at Speedweek.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 02, 2012, 02:00:16 PM
Maybe its your private porta loos? I didn't notice a fly issue at Speedweek.

You shoulda been at the Shootout.  As Pork Pie so eloquently put it, "You kill 1 fly and 30 more come for the funeral."  Not fun at all.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 02, 2012, 02:21:24 PM
Harbor Freight sells this marvelous fly-zapper-that-looks-like-a-tennis-racquet for $2.99
Works good anytime, better at night. Just wave it in the general direction of the vermin and enjoy the light and sound show!
( (
Anybody coming from Salt Lake, there are 5 stores!

  A good way to test it? Touch it with your tongue. I thought I would have to take Linda to emegency, laughing
and giggling non stop from the big blue zap I produced :roll:
 Hey, it didn't seem to be working  :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Freud on October 02, 2012, 02:59:18 PM
Are these flies the little black ones that bite?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 02, 2012, 07:09:54 PM
More bugs everywhere this year due to the mild winter.

So you thought you were at the top of the food chain . . .
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 02, 2012, 07:11:11 PM
Just curious.....what is causing the fly problem?  I'm certainly not a "salt expert", but I have been attending/participating in events for the past 10-12 years, and have never experienced any problem.  Are the fly problem in town, at the bend, on the salt?  Can you enlighten me?  Thanks!

Left overs from the Aussies Invasion. I think they brought them from Australia
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: trimmers on October 02, 2012, 07:40:38 PM
I arrived about noon and was in the pit/tech area.  I only noticed a few flies.  Not nearly as bad as at the Shootout.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Texican on October 02, 2012, 08:32:47 PM
The simple solution to flying insects (esp. mosquitoes) is the reason The British invented the tropics;  Gin and Tonic!
The quinine in the tonic is emitted through your skin and is a wonderful, natural, organic repellant.

Not recommended prior to driving, walking, twisting wrenches or other activities, but not quite as fattening as beer.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 02, 2012, 10:54:20 PM
Harbor Freight sells this marvelous fly-zapper-that-looks-like-a-tennis-racquet for $2.99
Works good anytime, better at night. Just wave it in the general direction of the vermin and enjoy the light and sound show!
( (
Anybody coming from Salt Lake, there are 5 stores!

  A good way to test it? Touch it with your tongue. I thought I would have to take Linda to emergency, laughing
and giggling non stop from the big blue zap I produced :roll:
 Hey, it didn't seem to be working  :-D


Oh, h*ll.  I didn't think they'd try anything that foolish or I never would have given it to her.  d'oh!

A coupla photos...first a sunrise shot...there was some disagreement about the sunrise time, so Jennifer Carey of Lynda's Land's end crew was kind enough to give me this shot that shows the sun crossing the horizon at precisely 7:34 ayem.  Several of us will be there a couple hours earlier than that tomorrow ayem for a prearranged photo shoot. 

Next is a shot of the White Goose Bar pickup and the goose on the hood,

And finally a 49 Caddy Sedanette that shows Jon Potter as the driver (and presumably owner...he has a lotta racing interests: Grand-Am, NASCAR West and this car is set up for the Carrera Panamericana.  It's called the Ballena Azul, or blue whale.   I saw them towing ir back into Wendover as I headed to check into my motel.  I dunno if they have a list of things to correct before passing tech or just what they're up to.

Last paragraph is a story from Jim Knapp (Barnyard Bearcat) and his experience with DJ safety.  He wanted me to mention that Joe Hansen of DJ Safety went to extraordinary lengths to get him a chute strap.  Joe said that he'd sew one up for Jim and put it IN the fence around the DJ facility so that Jim could pick it up on his way to the salt after UPS screwed up delivery of the one that he (Jim) had ordered.  He's very positive about Joe and DJ Safety's customer service.  So there's the plug he wanted to give to DJ.

More photos in a minit.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 02, 2012, 11:41:54 PM
Last batch for tonite.  I'm running on very little sleep over the last few daze, so I'm gonna throw my carcass into bed so's I can get up a 4:30.

First, there's a Ferrari 575 that's entered (and will be driven) by Joe Moch of Advanced Clean Air Technologies inside the trailer.  That's part of tomorrow's photo shoot, along with Cathy Butler's bike.  Both of 'em are running ACAT's catalytic converters and the purpose is to demonstrate that they can run fast AND clean.  Here's some info on it: (

Ok.  This thing made my day.  I guess I did a Clint Eastwood thing and shot it where it stood.   :-D  Ok, I shot it with a Canon (5D)...but I still shot it.  LOL!

It's the Steam Speed America streamliner.  Yeah, a steamer.  It was blowing a pretty decent cloud of steam out the exhaust as I was walking in that direction. (

The 3rd photo appears to be the pressure relief tube venting or "blowing off steam."  Bad, sick, kool...whatever.  I love it.  They're going after the record set by the British Steam Car : ( which is 140 or so for the mile and 148 for the kilometer.  The 933 Steam Streamliner won't be setting an FIA record although there may be an equivalent class under BNI Category A-X-III which is the FIA category for steam vehicles weighing over 1000 kilograms.  Corrections/further explanation on this would be appreciated.

Finally there was a bit of controversy a coupla years ago about the phrase "tipping the jug" or mixing nitro methane with alcohol or other fuel.  Well, I bleeve that's what's happening in the 911 Cummins-Beck-Davidson-Thornsberry roadster pits.  (I think that's the correct team name this year.)  Donny Cummins told me that they'd blown their C class motor at Speed Week and had repaired it, decreased cylinder pressure and are going for a 300+ record in the C/BFR class.  They figger they can run 4 miles on the amount of fuel they can carry, but not much more.  Gonna be real exciting to see how things turn out.  Stay tuned,
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Texican on October 02, 2012, 11:48:12 PM

The early 50's cars had real class styling;  not the generic cough drop look we've been suffering since the mid-80's or so.

When will the gurus that control this crapola get smart?

Lots of folks are buying the Nissan sedans.
I don't much care for them.

You'll never run fast enough to GIVE me a Mitsubishi, after the way they treated our POWs that were captured.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 03, 2012, 01:01:14 AM

I guess I am not following your post, what does any of that have to do with anything?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Kiwi Paul on October 03, 2012, 01:06:48 AM
Jon--I think Jim is referring to the pic of the `49 Cad fastback as posted by our pal Mr for the rest, well,sometimes ya just need to get stuff out.... :-D :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 03, 2012, 01:12:18 AM
Regarding the flies - Kate and I were chatting with Lynda at Land's End and she pointed to my forearm.  I never felt it, but it looked like I had ripped it open an a barbed wire fence.

Once on the salt, we didn't encounter too much of a problem.  The only issue I had was getting my hair stuck in a fly trap at the Goose.

They washed out.

The story I got was the fires drove them out of Idaho, the winds picked them up, and now they're vacationing in Wendover.

Set up was in the bag for most teams, although when we got in last night - late - someone was thrashing over at Mayor Mike's auto parts store.

Grabbed a beer with Max - should have audio up early, but I'm attending the driver's meeting and rookie O, so if it isn't up by 8:00, you can still count on Max's outstanding work.  I'm here to work on clarity issues - I suspect it can be a tad clearer, but I'll want to see the whole system in the field before I start waving my arms around and yelling, "Rumplestiltskin".

By the way - you think the pics of the Caddy look good - you need to see it in person.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 06:17:14 AM

I guess I am not following your post, what does any of that have to do with anything?


I know Texican very well and he was stating his preference for Detroit iron over imported stuff.  I happen to agree 100 percent, and if you look into Mitsubishi's history you'll find the reason that many US veterans dislike them.  Yeah, it's a personal thing, so let's let it go at that.

@Midget: I wish I had had the opportunity to see the Caddy a bit more "up close and personal."  I'm told there's a road racing chassis under it.  I can really dig this, cuz a friend and I are working on a 49 Caddy street machine using a 2nd gen Camaro front subframe and a triangulated 4-link rear has a 3 inch (roughly) top chop that's virtually undetectable...far from the hack job that can be made with a Sedanette ("fastback") body style.  There are some photos on the entry page of my Chevy Asylum page: (

Btw, it's interesting to think that the flies are from Idaho.  There were several of 'em in my motel and I've found a sadistic pleasure in zapping 'em with my Tom Swift electric badminton racket.  Zap!!  Oh, so satisfying.

I gotta get a shower and head out for the photo shoot of dawn's crack...or something like that. more fly.  Goodie.  I can go zap the little sucker!

While I'm in sitting here waiting to acquire  my target for zapping, here are a couple more photos.  First one is a sign in the Vesco liner cockpit.  Seems to make sense.  Second one is Mr.Rogers' Neighborhood: 2 Camaros belonging to Jack Rogers, being taken thru tech by Steve Strupp.

More later, although it might be several hours.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 10:46:35 AM
Good morning boys and girls.  The drivers meeting has just ended and from what I can hear on the radio, some folks are still driving the course and racing should begin shortly.  I've been he since well before zero-light-thirty doing a pre-dawn/sunrise photo shoot.

The temperature is in the high 50s and a few minutes ago there was zero wind.  That changed in a New York second and it's now blowing cross-course from the mountains to the freeway side.  I'm gonna guess that where I am at the moment (near Slim's trailer) said wind is about 5-7 mph.

Drivers are getting in the cars and gettin ready to run.  I gotta go see about some access to the side of the track, then I'll start posting photos.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Texican on October 03, 2012, 10:50:44 AM
Is the streaming thingy up and running?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 11:06:42 AM
Should be.  I just talked to Moxnix and he's about to test it from a different laptop.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 11:17:42 AM
Dead air here
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 03, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
Hey, hey, HEY!  We're in line for inspection.  And that means -- we've got a bike to race.  Thanks very much, Scott Horner & Heads Up Racing, and Mike Garcia - the guy that delivered the bike to us at the salt.

I've got a new toy- wind speed thingie - and it reads about 4 mph from the southwest (here in the line).  It sure feels   ike one heck of a lot more the 4, but - what the heck, a measurer can't be wrong, can it?

The third vehicle of the meet was the roadster of Mariani Farms -- and he qualified at about 213 on his own record of 208.  That number tells me that the course is in good shape and the air is good, too.

Gotta move up in the line -- but I'm also here to report that the streaming is up and running (I think).  Max said it is but I haven't found it yet here on the little Apple.  Listen and let us know, if you please.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JamesJ on October 03, 2012, 11:32:49 AM

The third vehicle of the meet was the roadster of Mariani Farms -- and he qualified at about 213 on his own record of 208.
Was this their new E/STR? When did they raise it up to 208? it was 204 during Speed Week
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 03, 2012, 11:38:18 AM
Yes, it was a '12 SpeedWeek record.  I guess it was their new E/STR.  I didn't see it - just heard over the radio.  They're pitted right next to us - maybe I'll see it later.  Of couse, we're down by impound -- I'll see it soon.

Speaking of hearing things - all I'm getting on the streaming is a buzzy scratchy noise.  Maybe I should go smack Max upside the head.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Shanes824 on October 03, 2012, 11:39:34 AM
nuthin but white noise here in Colorado :?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 11:40:49 AM
Still quiet
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Shanes824 on October 03, 2012, 11:58:08 AM
here we go :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 11:59:36 AM
Audio working now Max.

Little raspy, like the modulation is too high.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 03, 2012, 11:59:47 AM
  AND the new BNI announcer IS :?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 03, 2012, 12:03:55 PM
Chris is tweeking the audio kit, announcer is Harold, forgot his last name.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 12:16:39 PM
Audio levels are good. I think the garble is on the announcers side.

Max, you guys are set up fine, thanks. But, I have to keep shutting it off from the horrible changes in volume and crackly/garbled announcing
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 03, 2012, 12:19:43 PM
T, it's the FM radio we had to scab in, as the tuner I've been using here for years went quiet.  Chris may find another unit and fix the static.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 03, 2012, 12:23:35 PM
Chris is tweeking the audio kit, announcer is Harold, forgot his last name.

 Is Harold the new BNI anouncer that replaced Glen?

 Are you sending this audio from up in the timing trailer?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: mtkawboy on October 03, 2012, 12:30:50 PM
That new Mariani street roadster is far and away the slickest aeroed out one Ive ever seen. Im sure it will set a new standard for them. Not only that the car is a work of art in build quality, appearance, & speed. The rule book must have been stretched to the max :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 03, 2012, 12:32:39 PM
We set up the new kit in Slim's trailer, picking up the 88.9 FM (new frequency for BNI) on an available boom box.  A better tuner will do what we need but there are no electronics outlets here on the salt.  All will be fine, er, tomorrow . . .
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: penny on October 03, 2012, 12:46:32 PM
listening live here in adelaide australia and its 2.15 am our time  .Many thanks friends .
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JC Sparks on October 03, 2012, 12:47:26 PM
 I'm doing some long distance tuning over the cell/internet this week for my buddy Wally Kohler and his side car bike. The record is 166.4 (I think). The past few weeks he made the changes we talked about after speed week and I looked at the atmospheric conditions and made him some tune up maps. His crew chiefs Carlos & Jon loaded tune up #1 in it this morning.  Well,  he just called me and it went 174+ out of the box. I look forward to hearing about his back up run.  JC
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 12:53:40 PM
I'm doing some long distance tuning over the cell/internet this week for my buddy Wally Kohler and his side car bike. The record is 166.4 (I think). The past few weeks he made the changes we talked about after speed week and I looked at the atmospheric conditions and made him some tune up maps. His crew chiefs Carlos & Jon loaded tune up #1 in it this morning.  Well,  he just called me and it went 174+ out of the box. I look forward to hearing about his back up run.  JC

Thats awesome JC!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 03, 2012, 01:06:10 PM
Okay - It's one thing driving down to Webster Groves and testing in the Max Audio Studios - her in the field, well - -We're down an FM receiver - the old Nakamichi gave up the ghost.  What you're hearing is a dynamic microphone set in front of a boom box (with no headphone jack?!?!?!?  :-o ), and the omni mic on top of the Seldom Seen Mobile unit.

I checked the audio right up until it goes into the computer - I can say with confidence that we've got the cleanest signal possible, given the lash-up.

We'll soldier on - comments welcome.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 01:43:44 PM
I'm just now getting back online.  I had a semi-cataclysmic laptop failure and lost some files.  A lot of files.  Fortunately I had some recovery software installed and I've recovered a good number of 'em.  I'm still workin in it.  We're also in a wind hold because of gusting winds coming from all directions (more or less) between 10 and 20 mph.

More later.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 03, 2012, 01:59:51 PM
Harold Osmer is the new announcer.  He comes to Bville this time - for his first-ever visit.  But - he's been the track announcer at the old 605 track (he says -- it's all foreign to me).  He's written books about racing, too - but again, I don't know personally.  Ron Christensen, the regular announcer for SpeedWeek and WoS, ius here to help Harold get up to speed (so to speak).

As you may have read, we're on a wind hold now -- about 10-14 here at the line, and quite a bit higher at the tower.  I'm going to make a low-speed pass first time, but even so -- 150 or so - I'll wait 'til they open the course.  The low speed pass is at the request of the inspectors, following Nancy's crash on the bike last month.  Because there's no easy way to check for a tweaked frame (for instance) - they want me to go out there and see if the bike handles all right.  Of course if I'm all over the track because of the wind -- well, was it the wind or is it me or is it the bike?

So we wait.  I don't have a photo of it but will get one later -- of streaming central HQ at our pit.  How spiffy it looks!?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 02:27:50 PM
Sound is better now.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 03, 2012, 02:28:34 PM
Mariani Farms is pitted right next to us and we've had a chance to give their vehicles a look or two.  Here's a detail for you:  billet wheels and bolt-on wheel cover discs.



Here is a bunch of photos I took yesterday and even the day before as we cruised the pits and the lines at inspection.  Just look and enjoy. . .








Here's a closeup of that new air intake on Jeff Brock's car:






Some people bring their own version of "color" to the salt:



Pork Pie will be driving the MSA lakester again -- trying to bump his record just a few tenths - up to over 200.  He's waiting here at the line with us -- just waiting. . .


Bob Drury's car:


Bob Drury working on his chute:



That's enough for now.  Ray will continue posting, and if we ever make a run I'll get back to the pits and maybe find some more photo opportunities.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: desotoman on October 03, 2012, 02:50:25 PM

Harold Osmer is the new announcer.  He comes to Bville this time - for his first-ever visit.  But - he's been the track announcer at the old 605 track (he says -- it's all foreign to me).  He's written books about racing, too - but again, I don't know personally.  Ron Christensen, the regular announcer for SpeedWeek and WoS, ius here to help Harold get up to speed (so to speak).

Maybe the same person?

Tom G.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 03:42:35 PM
I'm at the 1 1/4, we've just had a truck come down the course blowin huge amounts of black diesel smoke...and then about the 5 mile it lost a tire they're still picking up tread.  Now they'yre sending bikes doen the course.  Wind has died down a lot but that's made the flies come out in hordes.  I'm using a 3-pronged attack while running my recovery process: 2 fly strips (both heavily populated), insect spray and the bug zapper.  I've finally had to close the front of the Burb off and idle with the A/C running. 

I hope to get some photos posted soon.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 4-barrel Mike on October 03, 2012, 03:44:33 PM
Was that PorkPie or Stainless in the Bockscar at 203??

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 03, 2012, 03:56:34 PM
It's the imput, that fluffy sound.  Perhaps they need a wind screen for the mic. 

I hope it's Pork Pie in the car.  He needs a red hat.

New computer is the gnat's ass.

Are these flie attracted to me, or to my mental garbage?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: joea on October 03, 2012, 03:59:35 PM
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 03, 2012, 04:02:25 PM

Anybody hear who this was?  C/BFMS went 379?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 4-barrel Mike on October 03, 2012, 04:07:22 PM
Was that the ?Brodix? powered Triumph Spitfire GT6?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: NathanStewart on October 03, 2012, 04:14:24 PM

Anybody hear who this was?  C/BFMS went 379?

WOW  :-o  really??
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Shanes824 on October 03, 2012, 04:14:34 PM
sounds great :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: NathanStewart on October 03, 2012, 04:25:18 PM
Cummins, Davidson, & Beck just ran 297 on a shake down run on a 280 something record.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: DallasV on October 03, 2012, 04:31:09 PM
Cummins, Davidson, & Beck just ran 297 on a shake down run on a 280 something record.

297 on a 22 year old K.C. Leggitt record of 282, with a C motor in 3 miles.  :-o
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 04:32:30 PM
Course sweep underway due to a lost chute.  I didn't catch the car number, but it was the orange Mustang.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: mtkawboy on October 03, 2012, 04:35:51 PM
Ray, could you take a picture of the front of that green I/GS pictured above ? Anything on Salt Cat II would also be appreciated. Great job by all !
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 03, 2012, 04:55:27 PM
Generator tank went dry.  Back on.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Kevin G on October 03, 2012, 05:06:37 PM
I'm a little slow here, there is streaming audio of the event somewhere online?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: nomobux on October 03, 2012, 05:14:07 PM
I'm a little slow here, there is streaming audio of the event somewhere online?

  home page, click on audio tag
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Kevin G on October 03, 2012, 05:21:14 PM
Whoa! Its right there were a guy could easily find it if he just looked.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dynoroom on October 03, 2012, 05:23:30 PM
during the down time for course clean up maybe Ron & Harold could go over who's in inpound or some of the fast speeds today for those of us who couldn't catch all the audio.  :-o
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: penny on October 03, 2012, 05:52:18 PM
Ray about the fly problem . Go to the honey bucket and wipe a little on your back just over your shoulder , that will keep the flies away from your face , and when you are walking it will help you walk real fast ? .LOL
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: NathanStewart on October 03, 2012, 06:17:51 PM
lol guess everybody is listening in versus the update posts we got during the shoot out.  still interested in hearing if that 380 mph mod sports run was keith copeland in the black salt car.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: joea on October 03, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Tom Bryant is doing some fine updates on FB as from the scene...

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 06:27:56 PM
Ray, could you take a picture of the front of that green I/GS pictured above ? Anything on Salt Cat II would also be appreciated. Great job by all !

If you mean 8118, I'll try to find it.  I've just spent at least half the day recovering 2 directories that just...disappeared.  It hasn't been a pleasant time.  Now I have 2 cameras with dozens if not hundreds of photos on 'em and I need to transfer that to the laptop, then back it up.  I'll start the transfer, then head for impound to see what's there.

The only "silver lining" to this whole thing is the sadistic pleasure I've taken while zapping the flies.  I've gotten pretty good at it.

I apologize for not having photos thru the day, but it's wonna them things.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: t russell on October 03, 2012, 06:49:44 PM
Jon and Ray thanks for the updates give the Mrs a hug for me and get one for your self.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Nortonist 592 on October 03, 2012, 07:11:51 PM
I have to ask.  Flies??  I didn't see any at SpeedWeek.  Are they specially imported for WoS and WF?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JR529 on October 03, 2012, 07:23:18 PM
Yes Tom, same person.

Harold Osmer is the new announcer.  He comes to Bville this time - for his first-ever visit.  But - he's been the track announcer at the old 605 track (he says -- it's all foreign to me).  He's written books about racing, too - but again, I don't know personally.  Ron Christensen, the regular announcer for SpeedWeek and WoS, ius here to help Harold get up to speed (so to speak).

Maybe the same person?

Tom G.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 03, 2012, 07:26:52 PM
I made a pair of runs this afternoon.  The first time there was a 1 hour delay for wind, and the second one - about a half hour for wind and a half-hour for an incident on the course.  There - that's out of my system.

So the first run was the first time the bike had been ridden since Nancy's crash at SpeedWeek, and the inspectors asked me to make an easy run - say, oh, maybe 150 or so - to make sure the frame wasn't bent or there were other issues that'd make a flat out run unsafe.  So I short shifted into second and again into third, and just had a fine ride down the course, topping out at 180.  No issues.  Got the inspectors to sign off my logbook and went for another run (after a while, that is, for the wind to come back up).

So I went for the next run - on it way more, way more fun.  It felt fine, no issues, except - - why is the tach getting lower so often?  Sure enough, 193 or something, 195, 196 in the 4th mile, 189 in the last mile.  Hunh?  So when Nancy showed up to fetch me, at the 6, I grabbed the handy-dandy wind speed thingie -- 22 gusting to 27, right smack in the face.  Ooohh, I see -- a headwind.

The bike is back in the trailer and we're about to head to town.  The wind is still blowing hard enough that Bill Lattin and Miriam Makeba (ooops, sorry, Miriam McMillan) are scheduled to make a decision within a few minutes on whether to end it for the day.  Max is about to shut of the streaming audio, too -- no sense in you listening to Ron and Howard (or is it Mutt and Jeff, or Bob and Ray?) talk about stuff instead of talking about who's going down the course.

Return runs are at 8 AM -- not 7.  Sunrise is about 735 or so -- so return runs won't start 'til a bit after that.  Okay?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Cameradude on October 03, 2012, 09:07:38 PM
 HI SSS, Congrats on your runs. I( through Louise) sent you my pics of Nancy's crash. Hope they were of value to you. Your website is fantastic.
 Also, glad she is recovering. Hope to meet you someday.

Good luck, God speed, GO FAST....  Be safe.

Cameradude,  AKA Larry Crosby, Unique Perspectives Photo Art
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 03, 2012, 09:25:00 PM
The Vesco Liner ran 320 mph on a 323 record, made changes and 2nd run had a oil line blow on the dry sump and hurt the engine, putting the B engine in now. The Frick and Frack FM show was boring and nonsense talk about nothing. Getting speeds was slow. We hope to finish the engine change in the morning.
It was hard to get times as a lot didn't want to listen to the chatter that was non racing.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 09:31:15 PM
I have to ask.  Flies??  I didn't see any at SpeedWeek.  Are they specially imported for WoS and WF?

Flies.  From hell. 

Check out the sticky fly strips and the "zapper"

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 03, 2012, 09:41:50 PM
Photos of the 8118 streamliner.  It made my eyes hurt.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: trimmers on October 03, 2012, 10:09:38 PM
lol guess everybody is listening in versus the update posts we got during the shoot out.  still interested in hearing if that 380 mph mod sports run was keith copeland in the black salt car.

I don't know who was driving, but yes, it was the red Black Salt car was once a Triumph GT6.  I was working the other course, and encountered it in impound.  DW told me what it had done.

It seems those guys don't know how to sandbag!  Is that the world's fastest door slammer, or what?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on October 03, 2012, 11:29:12 PM
Quoting....  The Frick and Frack FM show was boring and nonsense talk about nothing. ...It was hard to get times as a lot didn't want to listen to the chatter that was non racing. sense in you listening to Ron and Howard (or is it Mutt and Jeff, or Bob and Ray?) talk about stuff instead of talking about who's going down the course.

It is actually worse than you guys make it sound... I finally put in a book on tape rather than listen to the drivel... could barely decipher who was running and what speed, sometimes the times were announced after the next run, so it was impossible to know what was happening.... talk about wasting air time

On the other hand, I had to call for radio checks from the tower several times since they didn't say a thing on the CB so you couldn't tell if you were on the channel or your if radio was working.

The good news is that Pork Pie made a flawless run, 200.123 middle mile, 203.680 last with a 204.4 exit during the lull in the wind.  Everyone pray for calm winds in the morning.   

I think Dan told me there were 26 in impound when we left.  :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 03, 2012, 11:59:25 PM
Yes, Glen, Stainless, the announcing SUCKED, BLEW, EXPUNGED, VOMITED etc.................not saying this since Glen is a friend. I am saying this as someone who has been a paid announcer in my adult life.

As said before by me, the 7 foot Midget got the audio going well mid-day but the actual content was lame. Thanks to Max, Chris, Jon for the setup!

I will refrain from further dissecting of the announcing :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 12:00:59 AM
Porkpie needs his own reply! Go for it Thomas!!!!! We are all rooting for you manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 04, 2012, 12:08:16 AM
20 or something in impound? Who the heck is in there that have exceeded a record?    That's a lot of people but the only two I know is the salt cat and bockscar.    Hmm

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: MAZDA1807 on October 04, 2012, 12:23:04 AM
lol guess everybody is listening in versus the update posts we got during the shoot out.  still interested in hearing if that 380 mph mod sports run was keith copeland in the black salt car.

I don't know who was driving, but yes, it was the red Black Salt car was once a Triumph GT6.  I was working the other course, and encountered it in impound.  DW told me what it had done.

It seems those guys don't know how to sandbag!  Is that the world's fastest door slammer, or what?
I'm pretty sure it is now. That's way fast in a car. Peter.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 04, 2012, 12:36:14 AM
Porkpie needs his own reply! Go for it Thomas!!!!! We are all rooting for you manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

I got to shake his hand right after the run.  I think he's taken to this little lakester - shifts so clean, it was like the ghost of Ronnie Sox was guiding his left foot.

I don't know that there were twenty in impound, but I dare say you'd be hard pressed to find an event where a higher percentage of the players had an opportunity to be there.

Ray, Slim - any word on the steam entry?   
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: bvillercr on October 04, 2012, 12:46:36 AM
lol guess everybody is listening in versus the update posts we got during the shoot out.  still interested in hearing if that 380 mph mod sports run was keith copeland in the black salt car.

I don't know who was driving, but yes, it was the red Black Salt car was once a Triumph GT6.  I was working the other course, and encountered it in impound.  DW told me what it had done.

It seems those guys don't know how to sandbag!  Is that the world's fastest door slammer, or what?

Love to see a picture of this beast. :cheers:
I'm pretty sure it is now. That's way fast in a car. Peter.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 12:47:12 AM
20 or something in impound? Who the heck is in there that have exceeded a record?    That's a lot of people but the only two I know is the salt cat and bockscar.    Hmm

I have photos of Impound just after the last wind hold started.  But Pork Pie and I are here pounding on the laptops trying to get some other stuff done.  I'll try to list some that I saw there.  The Husdon Boys were there as usual, the 2711 Opel Gt that's really a red mini-Corvette, the yellow 4447 G/STR, Cathy Butler, the 911 roadster, 2 of the Mariani roadsters, Tone's roadster, the Tracer diesel Dodge, the True's liner, the 6969 Barracuda, Brock's Buick and the #248 little lakester (looks like a bad case of claustrophobia to me.

I'll try to get photos posted in the ayem.  I'll be on the salt when the gates to speak.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 12:48:48 AM
Porkpie needs his own reply! Go for it Thomas!!!!! We are all rooting for you manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

I got to shake his hand right after the run.  I think he's taken to this little lakester - shifts so clean, it was like the ghost of Ronnie Sox was guiding his left foot.

I don't know that there were twenty in impound, but I dare say you'd be hard pressed to find an event where a higher percentage of the players had an opportunity to be there.

Ray, Slim - any word on the steam entry?   

No word...just a lotta hot air.  They were in staging when the wind hold sez Pork.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 01:00:41 AM
Porkpie needs his own reply! Go for it Thomas!!!!! We are all rooting for you manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

I got to shake his hand right after the run.  I think he's taken to this little lakester - shifts so clean, it was like the ghost of Ronnie Sox was guiding his left foot.

I don't know that there were twenty in impound, but I dare say you'd be hard pressed to find an event where a higher percentage of the players had an opportunity to be there.

Ray, Slim - any word on the steam entry?   

Ronnie Sox never needed a clutch!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Freud on October 04, 2012, 01:32:09 AM
Pork Pii..........I'll be thinking of you Thursday morning.

Tell Stainless to give it a good tune and raise the rev limiter another 100.

Thanks for the marvelous CD.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 04, 2012, 02:15:14 AM
PP,  If all goes well we will have a shop day---Joey is back in town and we will be able to get back on alum welding---we may have to wait until after you run!!!  Go get that back up done---we got to get this thing together  Sparky  sure wish I was there to see it!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: sabat on October 04, 2012, 07:24:38 AM
Good luck Herr Porkpie!

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: trimmers on October 04, 2012, 07:57:50 AM
Go Pork Pie!

But change that left front first!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: pasodude on October 04, 2012, 10:04:09 AM
Thanks 4 the updates !
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 10:26:36 AM
Audio on.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 04, 2012, 10:31:22 AM
Sounds like Jon's warming up the bike - might want to pull down the omni for a short bit.

Pork Pie run yet?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 10:36:34 AM

Slim is busy being seldom seen.

Chris, I came in late, plugged and played.  Your kit parts and tuning time are greatly appreciated.  Hi Kate.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 04, 2012, 10:38:25 AM
lol guess everybody is listening in versus the update posts we got during the shoot out.  still interested in hearing if that 380 mph mod sports run was keith copeland in the black salt car.

I don't know who was driving, but yes, it was the red Black Salt car was once a Triumph GT6.  I was working the other course, and encountered it in impound.  DW told me what it had done.

It seems those guys don't know how to sandbag!  Is that the world's fastest door slammer, or what?

Love to see a picture of this beast. :cheers:
I'm pretty sure it is now. That's way fast in a car. Peter.

This is from 2011: (

It went 273 at Speekweek this year and 305 at Speedweek last year.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: fredvance on October 04, 2012, 10:41:16 AM
Pork Pie just ran, not good, 137. Darn it.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 04, 2012, 10:43:31 AM
Oouch - like to know what happened to the bockscar there.  Sounded GREAT yesterday.  
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: sabat on October 04, 2012, 10:44:36 AM
Hope it's nothing and he requalifies. Anyone know the conditions predicted today?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 04, 2012, 10:48:10 AM
Much the same, but I heard less wind.

I did Rookie O yesterday and the salt felt really good.

Actually, Rookie disorientation in my case - it was good all the way down to the 5 on the 2 course - but I got turned around and - well, let's just say the salt looked good . . .
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: NathanStewart on October 04, 2012, 11:05:57 AM
waters manghelli (sp?) and romero went 217 with a 231 qualifier for something around 224.

yes, pork pie had problems so no record... bummer.  go requalify.

i think the true's set a record.

mariani farms just ran 270 in their regular roadster.  that's fast!

haven't heard anything about the black salt mod sports yet.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:12:35 AM
Good morning.  I'm at the starting line and the record return vehicles are just to run.

As promised, here are some photos from Impound, presented without comment:

Oops.  A little late.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JC Sparks on October 04, 2012, 11:19:54 AM
 My long distance tune up must be working, my buddy Wally Kohler just set the record for SC-G (side car bike) #1448 @ 176 and change on a 166.6 record.  Now that the record is out of the way I want to hop it up.
 Anyone have any pics of the bike this week?  JC
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 11:30:16 AM
My long distance tune up must be working, my buddy Wally Kohler just set the record for SC-G (side car bike) #1448 @ 176 and change on a 166.6 record.  Now that the record is out of the way I want to hop it up.
 Anyone have any pics of the bike this week?  JC

Congrats! You have come a long way with that bike since Speedweek! 10mph on the record is awesome! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:49:37 AM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 04, 2012, 12:20:54 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

more info on the car: ( (

Didn't put it together until today.  Impressive to see them back out since this in 2008:,4480.0.html (,4480.0.html)
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: fredvance on October 04, 2012, 12:26:52 PM
Congratulations to Mike Garcia backed up his 218 qualifer with a 217, on my 214 record. Well done.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 12:32:19 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

more info on the car: ( (

Didn't put it together until today.  Impressive to see them back out since this in 2008:,4480.0.html (,4480.0.html)

I did not know that thing was front wheel drive. Thanks for the links.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: CGoodson on October 04, 2012, 12:44:39 PM
The streaming radio coverage is good but, I can't understands what they are saying. Not very clear like earlier this . :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 04, 2012, 12:53:25 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

 WOW...they blew everyone into weeds :-o

  Ray..could you interview them and find out stuff? engine-blower-hp-fuel-frontal area of car-cd-weight-how did it hook up, handle, ect :-D

  My Bville pro computer program shows its possible.

 Hp 2550--frontal area 16 sq ft--CD .25 weight 4900 lbs = 380mph

  Frontal area, cd and weight could be more resulting in more hp

  Also Bville Pro assumes you can hook up better than you can, and I doubt that he could, so he probably had

more hp than he could use and what Bville Pro results show.

          JL222 :cheers:

  The above posts answer some of the questions.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 12:56:49 PM
Is it better?

There is an odd interference that comes along every once in awhile, perhaps another radio devise that climbs on our tuner.  The slight hum we could not overcome yesterday, Chris thinking it might be a problem in Chicago on the server.  I'll do what I can to keep the broadcast clean. 

The computer is working ding dong dandy. 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: BHR301 on October 04, 2012, 01:24:30 PM
I see (hear) that Frick and Frack are back on the radio!! They remind me of the announcers we used to have on a lot of the midwest short tracks, knew very little about the racing but sure loved the sound of their own voice...

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Ruby55 on October 04, 2012, 01:34:25 PM
Listening to radio of WF, humming sound in foreground and announcers voices sound like they are across the room from mic. Can barely hear them.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 01:34:41 PM
Generator quit, takes about 3 minutes to restart, then reboot the computer.

Jon chunked a front tire, is removing the wheel.  Gone to town for a tire swap.

Gen quit again.  Need another option.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 02:50:59 PM
Went to an inverter running off my vehicle.  It's worked for 3 years, but idles at 4 mpg.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: sabat on October 04, 2012, 02:55:58 PM
Ray - any chance you've photographed Mike Garcia's APS/G 1350 entry? He was in impound this morning and backed it up  :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 38flattie on October 04, 2012, 03:14:38 PM
Were Beck and Davidson able to back up the qualifying run in the 911 roadster?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 04, 2012, 03:16:32 PM
Were Beck and Davidson able to back up the qualifying run in the 911 roadster?
Don't know, but I heard they lost a blower belt on the run.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 03:29:05 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

 WOW...they blew everyone into weeds :-o

  Ray..could you interview them and find out stuff? engine-blower-hp-fuel-frontal area of car-cd-weight-how did it hook up, handle, ect :-D

  My Bville pro computer program shows its possible.

 Hp 2550--frontal area 16 sq ft--CD .25 weight 4900 lbs = 380mph

  Frontal area, cd and weight could be more resulting in more hp

  Also Bville Pro assumes you can hook up better than you can, and I doubt that he could, so he probably had

more hp than he could use and what Bville Pro results show.

          JL222 :cheers:

  The above posts answer some of the questions.

With all due respect, if you want a reporter at your command, hire me at $300 per day.  Simple.  :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 03:31:01 PM
Ray - any chance you've photographed Mike Garcia's APS/G 1350 entry? He was in impound this morning and backed it up  :cheers:

I don't know which bike that is.  Got a better description?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 04, 2012, 03:40:54 PM
Ray - any chance you've photographed Mike Garcia's APS/G 1350 entry? He was in impound this morning and backed it up  :cheers:

I don't know which bike that is.  Got a better description?

Its got only two wheels, does that help?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 38flattie on October 04, 2012, 03:44:46 PM
Were Beck and Davidson able to back up the qualifying run in the 911 roadster?
Don't know, but I heard they lost a blower belt on the run.

That's a bummer!

Thanks Doug!!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 03:51:54 PM
Ray - any chance you've photographed Mike Garcia's APS/G 1350 entry? He was in impound this morning and backed it up  :cheers:

I don't know which bike that is.  Got a better description?

Its got only two wheels, does that help?

That's a good start.  Ironically, right after I posted that, I heard someone say "Shiny new red hat" so I grabbed the camera and shot this (and the next one):

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 04:15:35 PM
A few more pics:

Pork Pie asleep at the shifter.   :roll:

And his was a great run.  The reason for the earlier problem was a shifter solenoid that locked up.

The Motor Trend VW hybrid running in Production Supercharged that sounds like a herd of elephants farting when it's at idle.

Jamie Williams leaves the starting line.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 04, 2012, 04:23:08 PM
Best quote I have heard from the new accouncer is "Scott Guthrie never heard of the guy but he has alot of records."
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 04:26:16 PM
From real early this morning, some course grooming and record returns;

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 04:29:36 PM
Any word on Big Tim with his new diesel Dodge pickup? I do not know his number.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 04:47:05 PM
I talked with Tim last nite.  He was prepping the truck for a run.  He said that he'd been so busy teching other vehicles that he hadn't had time to get his own done.  He made one run earlier today and I have a very long lens shot of it from course 2 to course 1, but I'll post it when I get to that point.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 04:49:03 PM
Thanks Ray! Expect BIG things from that truck, they have the test motor in it now for shakedown.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 04:49:59 PM
More from this morning:

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JonAmo on October 04, 2012, 04:52:13 PM
Next Favorite quote, (announcer says)  "Hey Ron (Christianson) do you know Ron Main?"

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 05:02:15 PM
The "Steamliner" finally got a run.  One of the starters asked us (photographers) to move back farther than usual, so we did.

Just after I shot the 2nd photo, Lee Kennedy motioned for me to come closer, presumably so I could get some closer shots... the 3rd one.

And the launch which was silent but pretty rapid.  As the starter said, "it's the fastest steam car I've ever seen."  I had to agree, since neither of us saw the Steami' Demon in its day.

All in all, it was a successful shakedown run.  We'll see what happens...and if they decide to run again...or what.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: bvillercr on October 04, 2012, 05:09:54 PM
Ray, thanks for the reporting....oh wait, I forgot your just a photographer. :-D
Title: Re: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Hellcat Customs on October 04, 2012, 05:50:42 PM
Is there anywhere were the new established records are posted as the world final is under way?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: joea on October 04, 2012, 05:54:36 PM
...i got a call from competitor..."sorry dont know much to tell you so and so
on different course...the fm's not announcing speeds...the communication out here
f'in sucks..."...

gotta love it that the new guy comes across as a box of rocks trying to report on
somethin he has NO first hand KNOWLEDGE OF.....with all due respect...means I have
absolutely NONE...not one  ounce of respect for  anything
he has to say....i dont give a flip if I ever hear what he has to say...IM SO  NOT
like GLEN DID.......

did i mention that what the new announcer says means NOTHING to me and my close peers, thank goodness
Ron Christensen is there for us.....ill wait to chat about who ran what with my peers......of which the announcer
is NOT.....

i usally sit on messages like this overnight at least...i did go back through it a few times and tone it down
without stronger words, more palatable etc.....

maybe its age...sometimes leaving things un-said is more of a travesty than expressing it... sure the new announcer is a swell guy, good person etc, not disputing that....not his fault... the
changes and new system etc....

hope the new system is helping logistics of running of meet, enhanced commo and safety...THAT is very admirable...BUT its a slap in the face
to have someone with no first hand knowledge be put up to offer "color commentary"......
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 05:55:10 PM
Ray, thanks for the reporting....oh wait, I forgot your just a photographer. :-D


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 05:57:05 PM
Tell us how you really feel Joe?  :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 04, 2012, 06:07:19 PM
Ah Joe, I need you for the laughs.

So this Scott Guthrie guy holds a few records? Any idea how many? I'd give you my opinion, BUT I CAN'T COUNT THAT HIGH.

Is there anywhere were the new established records are posted as the world final is under way?
Yesterday's runs are up. (
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 4-barrel Mike on October 04, 2012, 06:35:49 PM
And the records they're running against are here: (

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: maj on October 04, 2012, 06:36:36 PM
Late catching up in the morning here
Thanks everyone for the updates and pics, sound is coming through pretty good except for interferance (feedback ??)

old news about Jons tire now , but the guys out the back of the truck stop changed quite a few for us during WOS and shootout
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 07:29:06 PM
The buzz is ticking me off to no end.  Brother Chris left yesterday and I hope he is not listening.  Our tuner died, the replacement is sensitive to things.  And, I'll tell the rest of the story in my memoire.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on October 04, 2012, 07:47:04 PM
PP's record return didn't get shifted out of first....air solenoid stuck, after I stopped yelling at him for running 5 miles we got the car together to run a little motor check...
Well here we are... back in impound, 201.985 middle mile, 204.482 last mile.  DA yesterday 5765, todays back up 4155, the requalifier 4589 so really good air for Bonneville.

The operational changes for the meet, not so good.  Feels a little like being at the Bub, no communication, don't know what is happening, who is running, how fast, when the course is shut down... unless D and D'er relay the info between discussions of a lot of crap I don't give two shits for.  
I for one would be happy to have dead air rather than the "color" that has nothing to do with our racing.  Like someone said, must like the sound of his voice.  Ron is not providing his usual announcer sheet info so it seems he is off his game.  

As far as the buzz you guys are hearing, we hear a little here on the FM... sound like 60 cycle on our radios.
Hopefully everyone will recross their fingers for PP, we try again in the morning.  Really wanted to try a couple of tuning changes this meet, still running the Speedweek tuning numbers.... yep NA friends, the air is that much better in October.  
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: nmbuellist on October 04, 2012, 07:50:24 PM
My long distance tune up must be working, my buddy Wally Kohler just set the record for SC-G (side car bike) #1448 @ 176 and change on a 166.6 record.  Now that the record is out of the way I want to hop it up.
 Anyone have any pics of the bike this week?  JC

Congrats! You have come a long way with that bike since Speedweek! 10mph on the record is awesome! :cheers:
Way to go Wally--Wayne
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: joea on October 04, 2012, 08:00:12 PM
What am i missing about the C BFMS Mr Copeland ???

Running right at 380 mph  !!! Wow.... Nearly  80 mph up from last year ... Nice job... Within 10 mph of BF streamliner records of speed demon C motor and mr Teague BFS   ...
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dakin Engineering on October 04, 2012, 08:20:18 PM
  Was it flies on the track making it greasy or
The airfilter full of flies?

JK, good pass
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 08:32:12 PM
Next Favorite quote, (announcer says)  "Hey Ron (Christianson) do you know Ron Main?"


That's another gem!  I dunno if I'd state it as strongly as Joe, but I gotta agree...the FM broadcast is awful and the FM (handsets...which is what I use) don't report the speeds unless specifically requested. 

I'm back at the motel now and I've got a buncha photos to post including SSS's starting line departure just before I headed out...and Jim Knapp was putting the Barnyard Bearcat in line right after him.  He's been wrenching and fabricating like there's no tomorrow for the last 3 days here and ever since the Shootout.  I hope he did well.

Photos in a little bit.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: sabat on October 04, 2012, 08:45:52 PM
Thanks for the pics and reporting Ray, much appreciated.  :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 04, 2012, 08:59:26 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

 WOW...they blew everyone into weeds :-o

  Ray..could you interview them and find out stuff? engine-blower-hp-fuel-frontal area of car-cd-weight-how did it hook up, handle, ect :-D

  My Bville pro computer program shows its possible.

 Hp 2550--frontal area 16 sq ft--CD .25 weight 4900 lbs = 380mph

  Frontal area, cd and weight could be more resulting in more hp

  Also Bville Pro assumes you can hook up better than you can, and I doubt that he could, so he probably had

more hp than he could use and what Bville Pro results show.

          JL222 :cheers:

  The above posts answer some of the questions.

With all due respect, if you want a reporter at your command, hire me at $300 per day.  Simple.  :-D


  Ray ''with all due respects'' were did you get the idea I was commanding you?  '' Could you'' is not a command.

  At 380 mph in a doorslammer and allmost 50 mph faster than any other time slip from a doorslammer:-o and probably top time of the meet, there are a lot of other forum viewers besides me that would like to know more on how they did it, and that modified sports car should be the talk of the pits. You seemed to be giving out more info than just pics and speeds and I didn't know anyone else to ask.


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 04, 2012, 09:27:14 PM
 At 380 mph in a doorslammer!!

Mod sports are on their way to becoming "STREAMLINERS"

WOW is this ever becoming true!!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 09:57:26 PM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

 WOW...they blew everyone into weeds :-o

  Ray..could you interview them and find out stuff? engine-blower-hp-fuel-frontal area of car-cd-weight-how did it hook up, handle, ect :-D

  My Bville pro computer program shows its possible.

 Hp 2550--frontal area 16 sq ft--CD .25 weight 4900 lbs = 380mph

  Frontal area, cd and weight could be more resulting in more hp

  Also Bville Pro assumes you can hook up better than you can, and I doubt that he could, so he probably had

more hp than he could use and what Bville Pro results show.

          JL222 :cheers:

  The above posts answer some of the questions.

With all due respect, if you want a reporter at your command, hire me at $300 per day.  Simple.  :-D


  Ray ''with all due respects'' were did you get the idea I was commanding you?  '' Could you'' is not a command.

  At 380 mph in a doorslammer and allmost 50 mph faster than any other time slip from a doorslammer:-o and probably top time of the meet, there are a lot of other forum viewers besides me that would like to know more on how they did it, and that modified sports car should be the talk of the pits. You seemed to be giving out more info than just pics and speeds and I didn't know anyone else to ask.


The last thing I wanna do is get into a pissing contest with anyone.  However, a "could you" followed by a request for an in-depth interview and a write-up with info that is similar to something one would find in a magazine article is a little more than I can provide as a casual request. 

I agree that the accomplishment of a run from a BFMS car that comes close to a BFS record borders on the unbelievable.  I'd like to know all his speed secrets, too.  But if you were to follow me around from before sunup to after sundown, you'd see that 1) I'm almost constantly on the go,either shooting photos for folks here and other places or editing them for posting, which is done thru a painfully slow cell phone connection.  I'm sure there are many different ways this could be done, but for a an old man who's disabled because of severe heart disease and the results of a bungled coronary bypass surgery...well, it's the way I do things.  And 2) you'd find that the time to do an interview of that depth and even if that data was made available (which I'm not sure it's something that would be freely and accurately given out to be posted all over the web) the time required to put it together as a piece of investigative journalism would be far more than the time required for a photo and a caption.

One of the reasons I do LSR photography, aside from my love for this form of motorsport is to 1) enhance a fixed income and 2) to support my own racing habit, which is done on a shoestring budget.  I know there are plenty of other salt racers who can empathize with that.  So when I'm asked to do a big, time-consuming job, such as a full event coverage and glam shoot, the aforementioned amount is what I ask.  Sometimes I get it, sometimes I'm told to forget it.  But I don't get it if I don't ask for it.  So it wasn't said completely in jest.

I'd love to do that sort of thing for big bucks all the time, but, alas, I don't.  And I'm supposedly taking this year off.  HA! 

So there's the whole answer/explanation as I can best give it.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 04, 2012, 10:02:26 PM
Ray, Slim, Max, and all teh other VOLUNTEERS here on the site. Thanks for all you do! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Richard 2 on October 04, 2012, 10:04:24 PM
Black salt racing pitted next to us at Speedweek (nice crew).  He said they had a standing bet with Blowfish on the first one to 340 Mph, I guess they won that bet. They broke the transaxle at Speedweek.
Richard 2

bThey broke their ring gear in the transaxle
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 10:05:01 PM
A few more shots from the Course #2 starting line:

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 10:13:20 PM
Black salt racing pitted next to us at Speedweek (nice crew).  He said they had a standing bet with Blowfish on the first one to 340 Mph, I guess they won that bet. They broke the transaxle at Speedweek.
Richard 2

Hmmm....that's an interesting story.  I'd like to see if George/Troy/Danny pay off on that one...and I'd like to see if Blowfish could run anywhere near the 380 mark.

They had a bit of a bad day when the thing swapped ends a few times.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: MAZDA1807 on October 04, 2012, 10:23:43 PM
That looks like a really mangled peice of sheet metal. Was George driving, was the driver ok?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: maguromic on October 04, 2012, 10:24:59 PM
What an accomplishment!!! First time I saw the car at Speed Week 2011 it looked like a well engineered car. Now they have proved the point in a big way and set the mark with a blown C motor.  :-o They have  some good shots of the car on there web site  Tony
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 10:26:30 PM
That looks like a really mangled peice of sheet metal. Was George driving, was the driver ok?

That's the deck lid and Danny Burrow was driving.  He was fine.  Maybe a little dizzy from goin around and round for a mile and a half or so, but otherwise fine.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 10:30:22 PM
A few more (I promised a lotta people I'd get their photos on here.)

I've never seen this roadster before.  Has a really high windscreen.  I dunno how it works out.

Mike Garcia's...friend?...wife?...Significant Other?  She did great for her first time on the bike.

Something's not quite right here....

Oh, yeah.  That's it.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 10:53:50 PM
Another roadster I'm not familiar with.

Jill & PP during a slow moment.

Jamie gets a good push-off, but didn't go as fast as he wanted.

The Old Crow lakester....more in the next post.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:01:50 PM
"Four fingers" of Old Crow...and in the last shot, since we saw Jill from the front, I guess you could say that "turnabout is fair play."   :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: AJR192 on October 04, 2012, 11:03:07 PM
After listening to the return runs this morning, I guess that the New format really does convey the fact that this really is the last amatuer form of motorsports left in the world. And sadly it now mostly includes the announcers. I realize this is whatever the FNG's name's first try at covering a land speed event. But it is not Ron's and he is having a hard time trying to cover for this guy's lack of knowledge. He should have done his homework beforehand. Maybe the SCTA needs to put him on a five second delay so Ron can pull his foot out of his mouth before the stupidity broadcasts itself worldwide. This entire situation is giving the SCTA a huge black eye. Too bad.........
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:13:42 PM
From Impound:

The McLeish Brothers have a GT-6 and it's FWD like the Black Salt car...just a small difference in power plants.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 04, 2012, 11:31:03 PM
Ray, if it's convenient, stop by Slim and Nancy's trailer and I'll give you access to my 4G hotspot for uploading your pix.

I'm just going to ride out the last race with the hum and static, bring one good tuner w/antenna and a good back-up for next year.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:44:36 PM
The Mooneyes Modified Roadster is within a gnat's *ss of hitting record speed.  I wish 'em luck.

The "Winder Wonder" (my name, not theirs) liner sez "WV Power" but...

....there's a star in ring logo on that cam cover.

Clayton Ebert (who gets into his race car from a wheelchair) almost wrung 100 mph (99.96, I think) outta a stove-stock Pinto.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:56:05 PM
The man without whom we wouldn;t have this forum to gather as a big family wouldn't exist, gets his leathers on,  Thanks, Slim.

This dude liked the verbiage on the front fender that he had to get a cell phone camera photo of it.

"They went that-a-way, Slim!"

See ya tomorrow, Nancy,

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 04, 2012, 11:57:53 PM
Ray, if it's convenient, stop by Slim and Nancy's trailer and I'll give you access to my 4G hotspot for uploading your pix.

I'm just going to ride out the last race with the hum and static, bring one good tuner w/antenna and a good back-up for next year.


Thanks, Max, but my phone is only 3G.  :(

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 12:09:43 AM
Will the wifi on your computer sign onto my Verizon hotspot with the sign in password?  I can run up to 5 devices at a time and send it out 4G, though I'm running a designated Verizon air card doing 3G for the signal to Meridix. 

See you tomorrow on one of your drive by visits to the trailer.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 12:13:25 AM
Will the wifi on your computer sign onto my Verizon hotspot with the sign in password?  I can run up to 5 devices at a time and send it out 4G, though I'm running a designated Verizon air card doing 3G for the signal to Meridix. 

See you tomorrow on one of your drive by visits to the trailer.

That might work.  I'll come see ya after record returns

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Texican on October 05, 2012, 12:34:22 AM
Record returns are over and Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing appears to have broken and coasted thru the lights...and still bumped the record.  But there may be some  damage to the motor.

 WOW...they blew everyone into weeds :-o

  Ray..could you interview them and find out stuff? engine-blower-hp-fuel-frontal area of car-cd-weight-how did it hook up, handle, ect :-D

  My Bville pro computer program shows its possible.

 Hp 2550--frontal area 16 sq ft--CD .25 weight 4900 lbs = 380mph

  Frontal area, cd and weight could be more resulting in more hp

  Also Bville Pro assumes you can hook up better than you can, and I doubt that he could, so he probably had

more hp than he could use and what Bville Pro results show.

          JL222 :cheers:

  The above posts answer some of the questions.

With all due respect, if you want a reporter at your command, hire me at $300 per day.  Simple.  :-D

  $300/hr might be more like a fair number.  Knowledge and skill sets mean anything in this sport?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SabreTooth on October 05, 2012, 12:35:33 AM
Will the wifi on your computer sign onto my Verizon hotspot with the sign in password?  I can run up to 5 devices at a time and send it out 4G, though I'm running a designated Verizon air card doing 3G for the signal to Meridix. 

Hi Max,

Do you have any in-use pictures and perhaps high level specifications of the audio streaming equipment you have set up. I'm interested in the technical challenges posed by transmitting from the Salt and how we might collectively be able to assist perhaps beyond just donations. For example, does the heat cause computer failures in peak ambient temperatures? What audio to computer conversion equipment is being used?

On the subject of announcer, I tried listening today for a while. It was hard work (buzz aside). We Brits (even ex-pats) have a term (OK many) for such commentary, one of which would politely state "useless drivel," or perhaps "verbal diarrhea" would be more appropriate. I'm might just be a recent addition to the LSR community but, as a man of generally few words, I have to say that I enjoyed previous broadcasts far more, key, informative and delivered in a timely and professional manner. Thank you Glen for your voluntary past (and perhaps future) services rendered.

I'd be happy to help from afar if I can. Feel free to contact me offline if desired.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Texican on October 05, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
After listening to the return runs this morning, I guess that the New format really does convey the fact that this really is the last amatuer form of motorsports left in the world. And sadly it now mostly includes the announcers. I realize this is whatever the FNG's name's first try at covering a land speed event. But it is not Ron's and he is having a hard time trying to cover for this guy's lack of knowledge. He should have done his homework beforehand. Maybe the SCTA needs to put him on a five second delay so Ron can pull his foot out of his mouth before the stupidity broadcasts itself worldwide. This entire situation is giving the SCTA a huge black eye. Too bad.........

Not to "pile on", per se, but I was at the salt today, (Thurs); and boy! What a disappointment!
I guess one of the funniest lines was a quizzical comment about the car with an INFINITY engine as if that brand didn't belong in a race car.
I guess this boy has never heard of F1.

Last I checked,they were doing fairly well powering... what cars are they?  ...
Oh, yeah! RED BULL Just who is this guy Vettel?

This announcer needs to talk to the turkey that owns RMR.

His name is Spencer Young, and he owns a car store in Layton, UT.

They deserve each other.

I, too, empathize with Ron; he's a good guy.
We don't need the ratcheting jaw continual blather.
However, if the FIRST rule of broadcasting is, "There shall be no dead air",
these two have obeyed it in spades!


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JR529 on October 05, 2012, 01:08:52 AM
Not to "pile on", per se, but I was at the salt today, (Thurs); and boy! What a disappointment!
I guess one of the funniest lines was a quizzical comment about the car with an INFINITY engine as if that brand didn't belong in a race car.
I guess this boy has never heard of F1.

Last I checked,they were doing fairly well powering... what cars are they?  ...
Oh, yeah! RED BULL Just who is this guy Vettel?

Red Bull cars are powered by Renault RS27 engines. Renault owns a part of Nissan and the Infinity nameplate is owned by Nissan so they fly it on the cars bodywork but Infinity/Nissan have nothing to do with the engine. It's All Renault and only "Renault" is printed on the engine cover.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: maguromic on October 05, 2012, 01:20:43 AM
Infinity did build a purebred Indy car engine and Tom Walkinshaw's TWR took it to the next step by redesigning an all new unit for Indy and LeMans. It was also used as a road engine in a super car.  Tony
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dr Goggles on October 05, 2012, 01:28:12 AM
I always thought MS cars were weird.......then I saw Keith Copelands car and I was gone......then the bloody McLeish's turn up with another Triumph MS, dead on again....I am a fan, yes you heard it here....HOWEVER, these things are barely "door slammers"........front wheel drive when you think about it John ( Langlo) is pretty obvious and a huge advantage, CoG way up front OVER the drive's a bit like a dog team, they just whip the shit out of it and hang on, no worries about the back coming around, it's light and it's being dragged along....simple really....but then again 380, with a 360, sheesh!!!!!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 05, 2012, 02:08:33 AM
I always thought MS cars were weird.......then I saw Keith Copelands car and I was gone......then the bloody McLeish's turn up with another Triumph MS, dead on again....I am a fan, yes you heard it here....HOWEVER, these things are barely "door slammers"........front wheel drive when you think about it John ( Langlo) is pretty obvious and a huge advantage, CoG way up front OVER the drive's a bit like a dog team, they just whip the Subaru out of it and hang on, no worries about the back coming around, it's light and it's being dragged along....simple really....but then again 380, with a 360, sheesh!!!!!!

 Well, they do have doors :roll: But yea, modified sports can do a lot more aero stuff than altered.

 I could be wrong but Jack Lufkin's sports car had a lot to do with current MS sport rules when he was going
close to 300 mph back in the 60's or 70's, Looked more like a streamliner, but still fast.


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 38flattie on October 05, 2012, 07:43:04 AM
Ray, thanks for the updates and pics! Next best thinmg to being there! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 08:16:32 AM
Ray, thanks for the updates and pics! Next best thing to being there! :cheers:

You're welcome, man..and thaks for the good words.

Gotta shower then head back to the "Dyno."

Btw, Flattie, ya think this is the "fast pig" Bob Akin was talking about?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Peter Jack on October 05, 2012, 09:08:15 AM
He probably inspired the paint scheme!  :-D :-D :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 10:03:55 AM
Audio on.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 10:37:58 AM
Pork Pie, red hat!!!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 10:38:09 AM
Pork Pie just got his red hat!  200 in the 4, 201 in the 5, avg 202.00.  Good job!  Photos in a minit.

The FM broadcasters sem to have taken some advice and one is calling one course and the other calling the other course.  They seem to be a little better.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Plmkrze on October 05, 2012, 10:44:23 AM
Ray, thanks for the updates and pics! Next best thinmg to being there! :cheers:

And SSS too!!! :-)

Ditto. :cheers: :cheers:

We sure had fun last weekend didn't we 38Flattie!!! :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 10:49:51 AM
Some shots of the sunrise and the land rush from impound.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 05, 2012, 10:53:08 AM
Hey - remember me?  Well, yeah -- but I had fun yesterday, that's for sure.  Three runs, one hurt front tire, but all three got me a titch over 200.  But the bike still doesn't get past about 201, so today I'll swap a sprocket and see what that'll do.  It's chilly out here this morning, though -- 43 at the airport just now, so maybe I'll wait for a bit of warmth before taking the bike out.  And if the temp isn't cool enough -- the wind is about 15 crosswind here in the pits.  

Doug Grieve backed up his record with the Salt Cat II, Jeff Brock didn't do it with the Buick, Pork Pie did (as you already know), and just now we've had a spin so things are going to be on hold.  I'll be back.  By the way, this is the first spin of the meet -- and he didn't hit a light or a sign or anything.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 11:03:33 AM
Hey - remember me?  Well, yeah -- but I had fun yesterday, that's for sure.  Three runs, one hurt front tire, but all three got me a titch over 200.  But the bike still doesn't get past about 201, so today I'll swap a sprocket and see what that'll do.  It's chilly out here this morning, though -- 43 at the airport just now, so maybe I'll wait for a bit of warmth before taking the bike out.  And if the temp isn't cool enough -- the wind is about 15 crosswind here in the pits. 

Doug Grieve backed up his record with the Salt Cat II, Jeff Brock didn't do it with the Buick, Pork Pie did (as you already know), and just now we've had a spin so things are going to be on hold.  I'll be back.  By the way, this is the first spin of the meet -- and he didn't hit a light or a sign or anything.

Yer right, Slim.  It's chilly and windy.  And there was a small fire on the car that spun, but it wasn't anything serious (at least not a cataclysm)

Vesco liner 444 just ran on Course 1 and has an unofficial 339.226 (per Ron Christensen) record speed.  Not bad at all.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 11:15:17 AM
Bike #277 (I don't have an ID on that one.)

Shug Hanchard pushing his roadster into positon

Two shots of a Bockscar full of Pork.

Oh...Jim Knapp just launched the Barnyard Bearcat on a return run after a 297 qualifier.  He got a 300 mph run, but the average was just under the speed needed for a Blue Hat.

I'm on the way to Impound to put some rocks in Pork's pockets so he doesn't float away in the wind.  His feet weren't touching the ground after qualifying yesterday...with this wind, I hope Stainless and John Boy have him tied to the ground.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 38flattie on October 05, 2012, 11:15:59 AM
Ray, thanks for the updates and pics! Next best thing to being there! :cheers:

You're welcome, man..and thaks for the good words.

Gotta shower then head back to the "Dyno."

Btw, Flattie, ya think this is the "fast pig" Bob Akin was talking about?

I wish my pig(car) looked like that- It looks fast just sitting there! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: hotrod on October 05, 2012, 11:22:24 AM
Ray give him a rock for me.

Way to go Pork Pie!

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Ole Don on October 05, 2012, 11:52:04 AM
Hearty congratulations to Bob "Stainless Steele", the team, and my friend Thomas "Pork Pie" Graff. Once again proving this isnt easy, but keeping at it has rewards.
  Radio is OK today. Music, or talking about the subject. Is that Moxnix with Ron?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: sabat on October 05, 2012, 11:56:04 AM
Pork Pie just got his red hat!  200 in the 4, 201 in the 5, avg 202.00.  Good job!  Photos in a minit.

Congratulations!   :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: fredvance on October 05, 2012, 12:06:52 PM
Congratulations to Pork Pie, I am so happy for you. Also to Bob for making the dream come true. :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Freud on October 05, 2012, 12:13:26 PM
Eric, Don would have said, "what took you so long?"


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 12:14:23 PM
PP got his new hat.  I think I'll burn his old one while he isn't looking.   :evil:

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 05, 2012, 12:17:01 PM
We just had a visitor here in the SSS pit:

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 12:24:45 PM
Nope, not me.  Howard is working with Ron C.
Sound was clean this morning, getting scratchy, could be interference from so many radios around or driving by.

Ron/SaberTooth, hey.  I've made the mistake in believing laptops would haul the freight for this out here.  From netbooks to 4G Toshibas, all would work, in theory.  In practice, we've come up against a surprising lack of reliability for a 12 hour webcast. Even with chill pads, the computers have stopped erratically from heat. 
This time I brought a refurbed office computer, Windows 7 Pro, 4G, using the 4G hotspot today, opening just the Meridix producing program with no other activity, no reading the forum, no shopping on eBay, no email, etc.  I'm real happy with the way it works all day long without a glitch.
We used the 1k watt Honda gen set outside to power it, but the little guy just didn't want to run all day every day.  Upgrade required.

Right now, we have a collection of bits, a Shure mixer and a DJ mixer in line to blend in the omni mic on top of the trailer pointing toward the course, omni mic inside for live talk if we do that (which we are not doing this time) and an A/V interface along with a MicroPort Pro feeding into a USB port.

But, when Chris was here this week, he tweaked a few things and we plan to get together in Milwaukee this winter to re-do the kit into a rack mounted portable unit for plug and play.  The computer will fit in a rack space, we'll put a tuner in, and use a Mackie XFPro 8 channel also in the rack.  And, an inverter generator that will run 12-14 hours a day on one tank of fuel is in the cards. 

You can hang out at one of the races and be the audio guy, start it, go online, do a sound check and go enjoy the day or sit here in the safety and comfort of Slim and Nancy's pit and enjoy the sounds, smell, and view of the vehicles through the lights.  I will for sure be at BUB, for sure at The Shootout (maybe with a low power FM set for fans and for safety).  Since I cannot guarantee I'll be at Speedweek, WoS or WF, though do want to be, Slim could use a part time person to monitor the equipment while he is racing or down at the starting line posting on here.  If the system is as good as it's been these past few days, it shouldn't need constant minding.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: salt on October 05, 2012, 12:37:19 PM
Add me to the list of folks who don't care for the radio banter. Thanks for making it available to us here on, Moxnix & Jon, but I'll do fine without . . . miss Glen . . .


Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Ole Don on October 05, 2012, 12:41:52 PM
I used to joke about bottling that sound and selling it to Geezers as vitamins. Now you guys have gone and done it. To sit in southern Illinois on a cold rainy day and hear a car running a gazillion RPMs past the trailer and shifting to a higher gear is indeed vitamins for a Geezer. I feel better already. Check to follow Slim.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 55chevr on October 05, 2012, 12:45:13 PM
I Listening to the webcast from WF and the mindless banter of the announcers is terrible.  It would help if they knew what they were talking about.  Latest is "vintage motorcycle goes back to 1954,I believe".  Could they at least read the rule book?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Schruiber on October 05, 2012, 12:50:35 PM
Pork  Pie - Congrulations to "ze red hat"!

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SabreTooth on October 05, 2012, 01:28:12 PM
Ron/SaberTooth, hey.  I've made the mistake in believing laptops would haul the freight for this out here.  From netbooks to 4G Toshibas, all would work, in theory.  In practice, we've come up against a surprising lack of reliability for a 12 hour webcast. Even with chill pads, the computers have stopped erratically from heat. 

No such thing as a "mistake," that's just a learning experience and most people start of prototyping with what they have available and at hand. I'd have done the same. I've been doing a little reading up on industrial type mini-computers for other reasons and noted yesterday that use of a solid state disk drive might allow a mini industrial fanless computer to be happy at 70oC plus. The same computer with a regular HDD would be rated to plus 45oC.

We used the 1k watt Honda gen set outside to power it, but the little guy just didn't want to run all day every day.  Upgrade required.
...And, an inverter generator that will run 12-14 hours a day on one tank of fuel is in the cards. 

I wonder if a low power audio set-up (i.e. equipment that is USB powered or runs off wall warts or is designed for 12V) solar panel solution and decent lead acid battery would be a cheaper alternative / back-up to a generator.

Right now, we have a collection of bits, a Shure mixer and a DJ mixer in line to blend in the omni mic on top of the trailer pointing toward the course, omni mic inside for live talk if we do that (which we are not doing this time) and an A/V interface along with a MicroPort Pro feeding into a USB port.

So, for inputs you have:
1 x Omni mic for the course(s)
1 x Mic for live chat (presently unused)
1 x Input for the FM broadcast (line in at some point)
1 x Input for the CB?

I'd like to thank all the folks reporting on the goings-on with pics, word and sound on the Salt this week. I had hoped to be there but it was alas not to be.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 01:37:14 PM
The number 2711 Opel GT "mini-Corvette" just spun, rolled and caught fire.  The EVs were on the scene in well under a minute.  They had the fire out in seconds, the driver got out (or maybe was already out), walked to the ambulance.  According to the course radio, there were no obvious injuries and was being examined.  Additional info:  According to an SCTA official, the driver extracted himself from the car before the EVs arrived.  Another high mark for the emergency exit requirements and checking during tech inspection.

This is a case where SCTA's safety procedures worked perfectly and just as they were designed to do.  Same goes for the safety rules in the rule book.  What could have been real bad appears to have resulted in a wrecked car, but no serious driver injury.  

My hat's off to the course workers and EV crews.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 05, 2012, 02:05:52 PM
Chris is tweeking the audio kit, announcer is Harold, forgot his last name.

 Is Harold the new BNI anouncer that replaced Glen?

 Are you sending this audio from up in the timing trailer?


   Bit confused, listening to FM broadcast, I here another, is that other the BNI  broadcast that talks to the racers?

  And tells them to take it to inpound? And who [is the person] that tells them to ''take it to inpound''?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 02:09:09 PM
This is NOT the way you want to see your push truck!  Bob Drury looped his Stude and got a lot closer than I'd want to be to his push truck while still spinning.  Fortunately, the two objects didn't try to occupy the same space.

Note the flying course marker on the far left.

I got 43 shots of the launch and spin in 28 seconds.  I'll post more in a bit.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Queeziryder on October 05, 2012, 03:05:18 PM
Any news on "One Run" Bob ?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 03:10:53 PM
Jim, yes, AM/FM tuner, FM for BNI events, AM for World of Speed.  We've done CB in the past, but BNI events will not be giving times on on it any longer.  So, just what comes over the tuner is what we are uploading from now on.  Conversation mic may be used during long shut downs or we'll just keep their broadcast radio feed active.  

I jumped in the back seat of the Landracing truck and rode to the starting line, Slim did his run, we picked him up and drove the great circle route back to timing slip stand and the pits.  The unattended new kit was still functioning.  Now one "watching the kit" is not on a short leash.  Plug, play, walk away, I'm pretty happy.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 55chevr on October 05, 2012, 03:11:25 PM
Noonan/Moreland - 225 ... great run ...
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 05, 2012, 03:24:05 PM
This is NOT the way you want to see your push truck!  Bob Drury looped his Stude and got a lot closer than I'd want to be to his push truck while still spinning.  Fortunately, the two objects didn't try to occupy the same space.

Note the flying course marker on the far left.

I got 43 shots of the launch and spin in 28 seconds.  I'll post more in a bit.

  When you hid those markers the plastic conduit leaves dents on side and sometimes on top, and are expensive to fix. Thats the reason we went with a non candy color and no grafics when we had the body work done and repainted the car as matching was impossible.

 I wonder if BNI could use balloons on short tether for course markers and just use the conduit for mile markers?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 03:48:44 PM
Any news on "One Run" Bob ?

You mean THIS "One Run" Bob"?

Other than the guess that he might be a bit dizzy and the "dainties" might be a bit soiled, nothing.  I also bet there's a "Lee Kennedy love note" on the car.  (Just a minor attempt at humor, Lee.)

Course 2 has been closed for the remainder of the meet.  There were statements made about closing Course 1 since that's where the Opel flipped and burned.  I guess they decided there wasn't as much damage to the salt as originally thought.  I'm in the pits now piggy-backing on Mox Nix's WiFi link.  Big thanks, Max.

I'll edit some photos and post 'em while I'm here.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Malcolm UK on October 05, 2012, 03:55:49 PM
Congratulations Pork Pie from the Fast FACTS editorial team and the members of the Speed Record Club around the world on your 202 mph record and red hat.

PP - looking forward to the first hand story of your WF runs.

Thanks to all who are recording what is happening on the salt this week and to SSS for the site.

Malcolm, Derby.

Looks as though British sports cars may be the car to be running fast - perhaps the Lucas bits were kept (LOL).
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 55chevr on October 05, 2012, 04:08:14 PM
SSS went 200.247 ...
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 04:32:32 PM
The kit works, I'm unhooking my short leash, grabbing my camera and going walkabout.  Cheers.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 04:43:49 PM
Noonan/Moreland - 225 ... great run ...

Here's John making his bike "unstreetable" so he can run in the Altered class.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 05:14:50 PM
Things are pretty quiet here at the moment.

So here's a shot of Glen Barrett in his role as Vesco team member.  This was after Eric's Blue hat run.  That kinda got swept aside, but it's been a long, hard struggle to get.

And Clayton Ebert after setting the record in the F/Classic Production class at just over 100 mph...he was just as happy as PP or Eric.

Then a coupla shots of Copeland's TR-6.  For the record:  The guy I talked to didn't know (or didn't want to say much) about the car or motor, other than someone else built the motor for them and they've never calculated the Cd.  I got very little info from him.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: fredvance on October 05, 2012, 05:30:20 PM
Noonans front fender is illegal in naked class.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Richard 2 on October 05, 2012, 05:47:23 PM
  Something I remembered about Copeland's TR-6 car is the engine and transaxle are installed backwards with the ring gear flopped over to the other side, made a neat package. Also had a full removeable belly pan and 4 electric screw jacks from harbor freight to raise the car.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPDRACR on October 05, 2012, 05:55:08 PM
Fred, Thats why John is removing the fender in that picture. Story is that tech told John to go see "so-and-so" they have a fender You can borrow.john did and qualified at 214 yesterday went to says sorry John that bike does not meet class,
you have an illegal front fender.
So this morning they cut up a fender untill tech likes it and He runs 225 today.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JR529 on October 05, 2012, 06:35:53 PM
Infinity did build a purebred Indy car engine and Tom Walkinshaw's TWR took it to the next step by redesigning an all new unit for Indy and LeMans. It was also used as a road engine in a super car.  Tony

I am pretty certain that it was never in F1, powered any car driven by Vettel or entered by Red Bull.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 05, 2012, 06:43:43 PM
Sound is down from the FM, but we're good when they come back on.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 07:01:32 PM
Infinity did build a purebred Indy car engine and Tom Walkinshaw's TWR took it to the next step by redesigning an all new unit for Indy and LeMans. It was also used as a road engine in a super car.  Tony

I am pretty certain that it was never in F1, powered any car driven by Vettel or entered by Red Bull.

No.  Red Bull used Cosworth motors in 2005, Ferrari motors in 06 and 07, Renault from 08 thru this year.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 07:21:20 PM
A few more before I split for the evening.

Joe Moch's Ferrari

I should know whose bike this is but my brain's gone dead

Another shot of Bob Drury's spin

And "Rockin Ronnie" Scoggins from BC on a 500 cc 2-stroke side car.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 05, 2012, 07:45:55 PM
The last batch of the day.

John Rains' Helipower Firebird leaves the starting line

Hot Rod Ali Youngblood's roadster.

The Steinegger &  Eshenbaugh roadster in the pits...

...along with a shot of its motor.  Pretty trick.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: AJR192 on October 05, 2012, 08:23:23 PM
Well, Bob Drury kept his promise about the use of Dallas Volk's Tagline. He broke something. But it does not appear to be records or parts. Just the conduit....
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jimmy six on October 05, 2012, 09:57:49 PM
Just go home from the "Event". Accomplished what we set out to do. I don't know anyone who doesn't want to go faster than what they do and this time is no different. Rang the neck of our GMC twice so I guess I build a pretty good bottom end. Our little air compressor told us I need to seal it up a little better before we bring it out again. A 169.2 record with a "parts wash" GMC pushing a 32 grille shell ain't too bad. On top of our class for 27 years and I'm still not satisfied...some day I've got to retire.

As for all the complaints I read when I opened this thread about what's happened on the FM radio I've only got one minor one. I would have liked to have either or both recap times after every 5th or 6th vehicle has run. I thought they did OK on the announcing as they happen but after a few runs they need to go back and resay the speeds and vehicle #'s.

As many of you know I'm a pretty good talker but I would not want to be infront of a mic for 8-10 hours and need to yak continiously and I don't any of you would like it either if you would.....Speak Up.. I've listened to Ron's story of his youth every year and probably will hear if far as long as he has a mic infront of him. He favors the vehicles he either likes or knows the rest of us are SOL.

I liked Glen in the tower and what he did and I miss it; but guess what, the times don't come from the tower any more they are on the FM and that's it. Maybe Glen would have like that FM job but to me he will be the Chief Timer just like Gary C. was before him; it's for sure he know a hell of a lot about many, many racers and their vehicles...Personally I don't want to hear "take it to impounds" from anyone else so I hope they never use it.

Congrats to the Red Hats...wear them proudly. Mine is never too far away and think on how lucky I can do this and wear the hat too.................................JD

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: JamesJ on October 05, 2012, 10:30:55 PM
So what how did the Mooneyes car run?  Maybe I missed the update...
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 05, 2012, 10:39:16 PM
An interesting week of front end issues on the bike.  But things could have been way worse. . .

So I think I told you that I hurt a front tire the other day.  I don't know if I hurt it -- but after one run I noticed a thumb-size chunk missing front the front tire, just off to the center.  About 3/4" wide and 1 1/2 - 2" long.  Gone - right down to the cord.  It looked like it just flew off on a run - no other damage showing, no nearby cuts or any indication that something made it happen.  So off to the tire changer we went to mount one of the other fronts from the pit trailer.  No big deal - made an easy run to season the tire a little bit, and then right back at it.

Did I tell you that I was able to run 200 this week?  Or 199 or 200 or sometimes 201 then back to 200.  Okay, so I changed to a smaller sprocket (37 down to a 36T) and ran it hard in fifth gear to the 3 1/2 then clicked into 6th and pulled WFO through the last mile.  Nope -- same old 200 in fifth and darn near it in sixth (couldn't quite pull the smaller gear).  So off came the 36 and on went a 38.  Made a run -- sure as heck, 201.  WTF?  I guess that's all the bike wanted to go with my not-so-small frame stretched on it.  So Jason McVicar got on to make a run or two.  He left kinda easy - getting used to the bike - and when he thought it was feeling fine he pulled on the throttle and an - ready for this? - 201.  Ah, heck, that was a gramma run - next time he'll get on it, he said.  He left the line, ran 160 in the first mile - 190 in the middle, 160 and slowing in the last.  Oh, crap, Nancy and I were thinking as we went to fetch him.  Nope - he had front-wheel bounce - hard, he said.  We went to the pit, washed the tire and didn't see any flaws, and then - when cleaning the wheel rim - noticed one of the balance weights was missing.  Ah-HAH!  That explains it.  So we'll quit now.

The bike runs really well at 201, but gee-zul-man, where's the 206 we need?  Maybe we'll find it next year.  I had the fun of about 8 runs at 200 or so, I had the interesting challenge of two front tire issues, and - and we got to see everyone and watch some fantastic land speed racing.  And we got to watch Max keeping the streaming audio running.

Next year -- watch out!  We'll be back.  Tonight we'll pack up the room and check out in the morning, then pack up the pit, help tear down the course, and hit the road towards way up north.  

And that's that for tonight.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 05, 2012, 11:37:01 PM
Congrats to the Red Hats...wear them proudly. Mine is never too far away and think on how lucky I can do this and wear the hat too.................................JD

JD,  Very rarely do I get out of the house with out "The HAT"
 I do wear it proudly for as you said: " The Record is for ( today or a day)???  but the hat is forever."
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 06, 2012, 09:47:04 AM
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.  43 degrees here this morning.  My skinny pins are asking for long johns, but the sun is, once again, rising on the final day of this 2012 World Finals.  I'll remember it as the Pork Pie red hat meet.

We're on. 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 06, 2012, 11:34:58 AM
Barnyard Bearcat had a turn-in on the record return.  He qualified at 305 yesterday.  Maybe another chance to get the Blue Hat today?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 06, 2012, 11:47:08 AM
Brrr.  I spent a few minutes out of the pickup, taking the screws up from holding down the tarp.  Wow, that's chilly.  I'll warm for a minute or two and then go do some more clean-up chores.  We'll hang around 'til the very end, head to SLC for supper with one of the boys, and then head north and east.

Still lots of fun stuff to see, though.  Don't give up yet.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: NathanStewart on October 06, 2012, 12:12:58 PM
Heard Copeland went 380 again. Did he make a return run?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: fredvance on October 06, 2012, 12:20:50 PM
Yes, had trouble at the start, ran 176 at the two. 346 or something like that at the five.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: GH on October 06, 2012, 12:24:10 PM
Did the Salt Cat team back up their 242 run?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 06, 2012, 12:30:47 PM
Nope, problems, done.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on October 06, 2012, 01:07:52 PM
Like JD, we left the salt after we accomplished our goal the year.  After reviewing the data it is obvious the Bockscar was well piloted and went as fast as it was capable of with the tune provided.  Congratulations Pork Pie, 202.8, you did a stellar job, we are proud of you and you should be proud of you. 

We are back in Denver, cleaning up, BRRRRRRR... its cold here too.

I hope the organization gets the announcing squared away, the competitors need to know what is happening and get the speeds in a timely manner so they know whether they should hurry to impound or loaf it back to the line.  I am used to knowing what is going on during the meet, not knowing due to lack of communication is what I hate about the Bub, and what I disliked about this World Finals.  Our announcing got better with time, hopefully because they read this thread, or maybe they just got tired of repeating the drivel and non racing banter and dedicated some time to announcing times for the competitors, or maybe we learned to tune out everything but the info we needed. 

Good luck to all those still racing.  :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 06, 2012, 02:03:46 PM

   I hear another broadcast in background, a few minutes ago a female voice. I assume the ''voice in the background'' is the official BNI broadcast to the racers.
 The internet broadcast I'm listenig to seems to be getting second hand info.

  Can anyone verify this?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: saltcatracing on October 06, 2012, 02:14:32 PM
Salt Cat backed up the XXO/BGS with a new record of 241.506 mph.  We then tried to improve upon our existing fuel record (223.970 mph) and ran into problems.  Great racing season, set 5 new records!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 06, 2012, 04:47:36 PM
The audio we sent was from our FM tuner picking up the BNI FM on the new frequency of 88.9.  Speeds are no longer announced on the CB.  In the radio trailer, they have computer monitors tied to the timing tower computers.  Also, they have communications radios going that we could hear in the background today. 

Our kit did well.  I asked Texican if, in future years, he might like to look in on it once in awhile if I'm not at every meet.  Perhaps two or three others might be willing to do the same, learn how to turn it on in sequence, or turn it back on if it does go off line, and, of course, turn it off in proper sequence at the end of a race day and shut off the generator.  Easy squeasy, pays nothing but my thanks if I'm trapped at home while the lucky people are on the salt.  Just a thought, I'll ask again next summer.

Well, speaking just for myself, I had a great time, despite not being in the game, getting a timing slip, and being a racer.  Someday.  I finished my bucket list October 20, 1989 and now everything is a hobby, a vocation, or simply something I enjoy.  Perhaps I'll enjoy an FIM project thyis winter. 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 06, 2012, 05:07:01 PM
Salt Cat backed up the XXO/BGS with a new record of 241.506 mph.  We then tried to improve upon our existing fuel record (223.970 mph) and ran into problems.  Great racing season, set 5 new records!

Outstanding!  It was great to see ya and visit a bit.  See ya in August!  (Or maybe in May of ya do the Mojave Mile.)

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 06, 2012, 05:17:33 PM
Got home a little while ago.  I shot a lot of the return runs from the 1.5 mile.  I'll post some later.  I found a box sitting on my was a new Radeon 6840 dual-monitor graphics 4840 had bitten the dust and was causing my "mainframe" system to shut down.  So I installed that, got it running, now I have to transfer files from the laptop, get the Target 550 post taken care of, unload the Burb and a buncha other stuff.  The fun never stops.

It was great to see so many friends on the salt...and it was a great season.  I came back with my Burb and race car intact.  Coulda been a lot worse.  My cameras took a little hit:  My Canon 7D lost a shutter which I got fixed and my 40D just plain croaked.  I bought Pork Pie's old 5D Mk I which had been completely rebuilt, so I now have a full frame camera as well as a crop-sensor camera and a 20D backup.  This arrangement worked out pretty well. 

And like everyone else, I have a long list of "over the winter" projects.  But the plan is to be back at WoS with a car that actually runs like it's supposed to and a full roll cage...and a halfway decent paint job.

Best regards to everyone,
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: mtkawboy on October 06, 2012, 07:21:20 PM
Atta boy to my Salt Cat buds & all the other record setters, plus thanks to Slim, Ray & everyone else for the info, news & pictures, great job by all
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: wobblywalrus on October 07, 2012, 01:11:37 AM
Yes, thanks to all.  It was enjoyable watching it from afar.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 07, 2012, 06:23:28 AM
CONGRATULATIONS  PP and thanks to SS #1 and crew

Thanks to SSS, Ray & U techies for meet coverage and the sound--- :cheers: I am sure video will not be far behind,  Thanks to ALL the SCTA VOLS---thanks to GB for the volunteer service all these years----- and "MEMORIES  Computers are  bring us so much and make SO MUCH more hp and speeds possible 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on October 07, 2012, 06:51:37 AM
I'm back home now after we had a very educational trip to the world finals.  I wanted to say thanks to Slim and Max (I also thanked each of them in per$on) and thanks to all the SCTA-BNI workers, inspectors, and the Lands End Crew (I love that Lynda offered to yank us out of our vintage truck and rough us up some if we didn't behave....good times!)  I beleive we have satisfied Lee Kennedy and his team of our ability to run safely. On friday we were told to only run to the 3 mile, so we did. We ran 322 in the quarter and let off at the 3 as promised. Pretty sure that earned Bob his unlimited license. Kinda sorry I was so busy working on the car that I didn't get over to the Vesco pit and introduce myself propery to Mr Glen B. (Hopefully i'll have more time at Speedweek) Did  Ray or anybody happen to get a picture of our car at speed on the course? 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 07, 2012, 11:56:29 AM
I'm back home now after we had a very educational trip to the world finals.  I wanted to say thanks to Slim and Max (I also thanked each of them in per$on) and thanks to all the SCTA-BNI workers, inspectors, and the Lands End Crew (I love that Lynda offered to yank us out of our vintage truck and rough us up some if we didn't behave....good times!)  I beleive we have satisfied Lee Kennedy and his team of our ability to run safely. On friday we were told to only run to the 3 mile, so we did. We ran 322 in the quarter and let off at the 3 as promised. Pretty sure that earned Bob his unlimited license. Kinda sorry I was so busy working on the car that I didn't get over to the Vesco pit and introduce myself propery to Mr Glen B. (Hopefully i'll have more time at Speedweek) Did  Ray or anybody happen to get a picture of our car at speed on the course? 

 Wow :-o  322 in the 1/4 :cheers:  How was it entered? Name-class-number?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 4-barrel Mike on October 07, 2012, 12:20:28 PM
This one from Oct 5???

7800    A    BFS    Dalton Jackson Spl   322.114  333.333   290.890   148.046  90.900   333.333

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: landsendlynda on October 07, 2012, 01:04:23 PM
Just had to let you all know what a WONDERFUL event we had!!!  Everyone was excited every morning about the perfect racing weather we had and the records that were broken!!!  Everyone was patient waiting for the gate to open and there wasn't one person that needed a "discussion"!!!  Of course, there was the normal joking, but the coffee and food (I guess I'm nicer when I have food in my stomach too!  :roll: ) kept me out there ready to greet everyone!!  Thank you all for sharing your triumphs with me and allowing me to be part of your dreams.  I think this was the BEST World Finals ever!! 

For those who didn't missed the perfect racing weather!!!!!   :cry:
For those who couldn't come......wish you could have been here, you missed the perfect racing weather!   :-(
For those who got their records....CONGRATULATIONS!!   :cheers:
For the new RED HAT owners............WOOHOO!!!!!!! Life long dreams came true!!! 
and finally....
For ALL of the Land Speed Racers............THANK YOU FOR DREAMING AND CHASING THOSE DREAMS!!!!!!
Hope all of you have a safe journey home and a safe year.......
Now, better get busy, you only have 10 months to get ready for Speed Week 2013!!!!!   :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: desotoman on October 07, 2012, 01:31:50 PM

 Wow :-o  322 in the 1/4 :cheers:  How was it entered? Name-class-number?


7800    A      BFS     Dalton Jackson Spl    322.114    333.333    290.890    148.046    90.900    333.333

Tom G.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RichFox on October 07, 2012, 01:33:03 PM
This one from Oct 5???

7800    A    BFS    Dalton Jackson Spl   322.114  333.333   290.890   148.046  90.900   333.333

Bob finally got his car back to the salt? I am shocked. Great quarter speed. What happened later?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: 38flattie on October 07, 2012, 01:39:07 PM
Salt Cat backed up the XXO/BGS with a new record of 241.506 mph.  We then tried to improve upon our existing fuel record (223.970 mph) and ran into problems.  Great racing season, set 5 new records!

You guys really inspire me! :cheers:

Congrats JD! :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: racer on October 07, 2012, 01:50:10 PM
Missed the final event this year, building a land speed dream.

Hope next year is safe and FASTER.

Thanks to all involved.

See ya on the salt in 2013.

Ray C Wheeler

Just had to let you all know what a WONDERFUL event we had!!!  Everyone was excited every morning about the perfect racing weather we had and the records that were broken!!!  Everyone was patient waiting for the gate to open and there wasn't one person that needed a "discussion"!!!  Of course, there was the normal joking, but the coffee and food (I guess I'm nicer when I have food in my stomach too!  :roll: ) kept me out there ready to greet everyone!!  Thank you all for sharing your triumphs with me and allowing me to be part of your dreams.  I think this was the BEST World Finals ever!! 

For those who didn't missed the perfect racing weather!!!!!   :cry:
For those who couldn't come......wish you could have been here, you missed the perfect racing weather!   :-(
For those who got their records....CONGRATULATIONS!!   :cheers:
For the new RED HAT owners............WOOHOO!!!!!!! Life long dreams came true!!! 
and finally....
For ALL of the Land Speed Racers............THANK YOU FOR DREAMING AND CHASING THOSE DREAMS!!!!!!
Hope all of you have a safe journey home and a safe year.......
Now, better get busy, you only have 10 months to get ready for Speed Week 2013!!!!!   :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on October 07, 2012, 02:04:39 PM
This one from Oct 5???

7800    A    BFS    Dalton Jackson Spl   322.114  333.333   290.890   148.046  90.900   333.333

Bob finally got his car back to the salt? I am shocked. Great quarter speed. What happened later?

Yep, thats us.  This is what happens when you partner drag racers with dirt modified guys.
That was really just a shakedown run.  We were required by Lee Kennedy to only run to the 3 mile,  that's why the speed drops off because the chute was out and the fuel was off. The initial numbers show a lot of promise and now its time to get ready for speedweek 2013.  Our driver hasn't been in the car for quite awhile and we wanted also make sure there wasn't any rust on his balls. :-)
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on October 07, 2012, 02:06:48 PM
I was kinda hoping someone like Ray got a picture of the car with the chute out or under power to look at.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 07, 2012, 04:50:35 PM
Hey Gman, good to meet you, & thanks.

Did anyone stay to watch Andy Green and the Bentley contingent running today?  I know the company has a new entry for the Euro racing series, Continental GT Speeds for we lesser folk, and did the 200+ on ice.  Who better to have test your car for top speed, if Mr. Green was on the salt?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: landsendlynda on October 07, 2012, 06:27:56 PM
The Bentley stuff doesn't start until tomorrow, and yes Andy Green will be there!!

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: norcalracer on October 07, 2012, 07:10:10 PM
What a great race weather and salt were spectacular.I just wanted to say that i noticed that the mariani race team did amazing.Two drivers breaking records and receiving there red hats one in e street roadster and one in egas roadster and did it in amazing fashion good job to the two brothers.Also there other driver super dave silveria ran a 272 mph record in there a gas roadster wow that thing just flew,also super dave ran the c fuel streamliner to a speed of over 362 mph but had a motor issue after the run and could not back it up.That streamliner is going to do some big things in the future i think.i have seen it two different times now at over 362 mph .They have some beautiful cars and are always eager to talk and or offer a shirt good job to them and all the other record breakers.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Milwaukee Midget on October 07, 2012, 10:55:44 PM
Absolutely the best time I could have had without a car was World Finals.  Congrats to Pork Pie and Stainless - sorry I couldn't get over to talk, but everytime I saw you, you were busy.

Tell Pork Pie to dump the Fedora - he has a better looking hat now!

Thanks to every one of the volunteers and Max, Ray, Gatekeeper Lynda, Wayno, Jon and Nancy, Dan ( I
TOLD you rye makes for a better whiskey than corn) and the White Goose Bar and Music Venue.  And thank you all for making Kate feel so welcome - if she wants to come back, it makes it a lot easier for me to talk her into it.

I've returned to Beerhaven inspired . . .  8-)
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 07, 2012, 11:33:30 PM
I was kinda hoping someone like Ray got a picture of the car with the chute out or under power to look at.

I wish I could say that I did.  Maybe PP was out there and got something.  All I got were the 3 shots I made when ya showed me the great scrapbook.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on October 08, 2012, 02:41:59 AM
   Well it is about 11 p.m. here in Vancouver, Wa. and Lionel Pitts and I pulled in about a hour ago.
  I guess I won the award for the most carnage caused by one driver at the W.F's, first with my rather expensive spin on Friday which ruined $1600. worth of tires, plus the drivers side window on the Stude, and then topping it off by taking out the finish line timers on Saturday when the clutch let go at the four at around 230.
  I was trying to shut the car down as it filled with smoke from the clutch and clipped the timer at the five.
  Worst of all, after we towed back to our pit and jacked up the car to drain the fuel we discovered that the oil pan had a new convex shape on the bottom, so apparently a connecting rod let go during deceleration from the clutch deal.
  The bizare part is that I never heard or felt a thing from the engine, the motor never lost oil pressure nor over reved.
  The event was actually a good (although expensive) experience as we had no data to rely on for the track and weather conditions.
  The salt and course were excellent but our approach in tuning sucked.
  I mistakenly thought that I would start off using my last years Speedweek Tune Up but after two aborted runs caused by the engine nosing over as soon as it went into high gear, we backed down the timing and fattend the fuel and  that led up to me mowing down the quarter (or half?) mile marker on Friday.
  On the Saturday path of "course destruction"  the car started darting around near the two mile which may or may not have been due to the clutch going away but in truth I just couldn't get the car to hook up. 
  The air was so good (4,000' + or -D.A.) that I think the car needed more weight and rear downforce and probably a lot more finess on the throttle by the driver.
  On the positive side, I had a nice chat with Dan Warner, Pork Pie, and Glen who looked great in his Vesco team shirt (and seemed relaxed and having a great time).
  I also got to meet Wayno and one of my personal hero's, Stan Back.
  I also want to thank Lee Kennedy for not shooting me, and the SCTA Inspectors especially Mike Spacek who went out of his way to help me make the repairs and allow me to run after my Friday Spin.
  I hope to see you all at next years Speedweek with a taller wickerbill, a heavier car and a lighter throttle foot.
  For those who have never been to the W.F.'s, you are missing out on one great event, no hoopla, no sideshow's, just great people having a great time.
  I was honored just to be with all the LSR familly that gathered on great salt with unbelievable weather and Cheap Rooms!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: wheelrdealer on October 08, 2012, 06:56:29 AM
Sounds like you had the full experience.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Elmo Rodge on October 08, 2012, 07:20:08 AM
Bob, I'd have to say that was an "Adult Portion".  :roll: And it was good talking with you. Wayno
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: DSR88 on October 08, 2012, 07:43:15 AM
Well Bob, it sounds like you had fun let me know when you want me to send you your replacement clutch.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 08, 2012, 10:53:38 AM
I listened to the broadcast a few times and it wasn't worth the bother even as background noise.
Anyone following the forum posting would have very little idea what was going on. When you guys post you assume that everyone knows what you are talking about, and that ain't the case.
SCTA still hasn't posted Saturday's runs.

There were a lot of fast runs. One really stands out. Keith Copelands record of 364 is the 10th fastest record on the books.
They ran 380 on Friday. That's only 10 mph short of Speed Demon's C record. Just a tick slower than Fast Freddy's A/BFL record and FASTER than Fast Freddy's AA/BFL record (329).
I guess were going to have to call him Kwick Keith! :cheers:

EngineEntry NameDriverDateSpeed
D/BFS Poteet & Main Speed Demon G. Poteet 8/12 422.509
AA/BFS Burkland's Streamliner T. Burkland 10/04 417.020
A/BFS Speed-O-Motive/Teague A. Teague 8/91 409.986
AA/FS Spirit of Rett C. Nearburg 10/09 392.503
C/BFS Poteet & Main Speed Demon G. Poteet 8/11 390.709
B/BFS Teague-Welch-Banks A. Teague 8/00 381.867
A/FS Spirit of Rett C. Nearburg 8/11 379.606
AA/GS Spirit of Rett C. Nearburg 8/09 368.136
A/BFL DRM Racing-Tony Waters F. Dannenfelzer 10/09 366.586
C/BFMS Black Salt Racing K. Copeland 10/12 364
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 08, 2012, 11:38:13 AM
Dean the FM broadcast sucked at best, More BS then racing and many turned it off, most of it showed that the two were talking about stuff the racers didn't want to hear like taking the kids scuba diving and growing up in Wendover. I heard complaints every where. I sure had fun being part of the Team Vesco record setting liner at 339 mph and spending some great time with the Hammonds as well as others. It was sure more relaxing then 12 hours everyday announcing.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 08, 2012, 11:58:30 AM
 Bob says "I hope to see you all at next years Speedweek with a taller wickerbill, a heavier car and a lighter throttle foot."

Bob I know about "hat fever" I had it in 2007; some times it breaks out in your right foot as "no control--Lead Foot in motion"   :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: trimmers on October 08, 2012, 12:51:05 PM
They ran 380 on Friday. That's only 10 mph short of Speed Demon's C record. Just a tick slower than Fast Freddy's A/BFL record and FASTER than Fast Freddy's AA/BFL record (329).
I guess were going to have to call him Kwick Keith! :cheers:

I talked to one of their crew when they were staging for their record run on Saturday morning.  He told me that their data actually showed the car had reached 387MPH (on the down run), but hit the rev limiter, and the engine shut down.  This would help explain why their average for Mile 5 (the third timed mile) was only 380MPH, as the exit speed was down to 373MPH.

Maybe that's what happened again on the Saturday record run, as the engine shut off even earlier, but then re-lit, and they still managed to up the record.  

It's hard to tell what this car may have in it, but I guess we'll just have to wait until next year to see.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 08, 2012, 01:31:09 PM
Bob D didn't tell you the fuel line was not connected it the pits when I went to see him and got strayed. it's ok I still like the old fart. :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: PorkPie on October 08, 2012, 01:43:18 PM

at first, I'm safe back home.....and I could work it out to get my smile through the plane door.... :roll:

Thanks to all the well wisher at the salt and at the internet.....I fear I got this time more bruises from the "congratulater" than from driving the car...... :-D

About my runs.....Stainless had all the rights to yellling on me after my first return run.....I done a stupid rookie mistake....had to go out latest on the end of the 2 mile....was a big lesson for me.....luckily the engine survived my "attack" and JohnBoy could fix the valve of the airshifter at last everything works great out....job hat on the the head....and I'm for ever in the book....and if only in the 200 Club.....but I'm a very proud member.

Congratulation to all who also set a record....especially on Friday and Saturday.....this was real hard work....Jim True told me the same experience....fighting against the hard crosswind.

Again a big, big thank you to Stainless, JohnBoy, Barc, Aaron, that they brought the Bockscar back to finish the job.

...and Milwaukee...dumping my Fedora....that thing is only 10 years old....and is my trademark....alright....honestly....I try to replace the Akubra during the year...but couldn't do it...the Akubra hat comes from Australia and is hard to find in Germany....I know a store close to my place...but I never had time to go there....

This was a fantastic year for me at the salt....a long time dream became first the record....and now the

Stainless and his team shows what Bonneville Spirit means....

...and that they let me run on my last return run with this crosswind.....I have no idea what they had in their or never.....or....the trust in me that I would bring the racer safe back....what I done at last.....

There is still more in for a faster record...but than the course and weather condition had to be better......I done my best without killing something....and I hope that Stainless voice could recover meanwhile.... 8-)

now starts the ten months wintertime....may be we have to wake up to eastern to be ready for August.....

Stay crazy, stay upright

Looking for to see you all in August 2013

....did I have to chance now from record holder to 200 Miles Club member????????
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Glen on October 08, 2012, 01:47:30 PM
Pork Pie, so happy for you and glad you are home with all the bragging rights, you earned them. :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: manta22 on October 08, 2012, 02:34:17 PM
Pork Pie, I'm really happy that you had a chance to drive a fast car at Bonneville and that you made the most of that opportunity-- congratulations on your record!

Regarding your old hat, now you can just give it a paint job instead of buying a new one.... red, of course-- in recognition of your fine accomplishment.

Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: GH on October 08, 2012, 02:43:35 PM
I'm real happy for you PP. I'll bet no one in your neighborhood or your working friends have any idea what you have done. They just can't amagine going that fast, right?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: manta22 on October 08, 2012, 02:46:34 PM

Keith Copeland, the owner and driver (C/BFMS Black Salt Racing ), is from Tucson. His car was built here in Tucson by Mark Hanson of StrangeFab Metalcraft. It has front-wheel drive, by the way.

Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on October 08, 2012, 03:39:57 PM
Pork Pie, I think the club is making hat bands next year, like the one on my hat, so don't toss out that signature hat yet... maybe it just needs a new hat band. 
Of course until that time the red one should only come off when you wash your hair....  :roll:  Wait a minute.... maybe just to wash your head.... don't remember seeing any hair  :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Elmo Rodge on October 08, 2012, 04:16:52 PM
Stainless, Pork Pie just has a bit of trouble discerning when he stops washing his face and starts washing his head.  :roll: Wayno
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: SPARKY on October 08, 2012, 04:33:10 PM
PP   :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Wayne O   :-D
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 08, 2012, 05:32:33 PM
Congrats PorkPie! I did not get to say more than hi this year at Speedweek.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tom Shannon on October 08, 2012, 10:08:33 PM
Wunderbar Pork Pie!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 09, 2012, 11:04:48 AM
On the very day, after 20 years, Thomas got his red hat.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 09, 2012, 11:07:25 AM
The Press, at work, and the temporary studio of audio what-nots in front of Slim's trailer.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Moxnix on October 09, 2012, 11:09:16 AM
Bob Drury, at the starting line.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 09, 2012, 11:59:15 AM
50F and cloudy in central Minnesota as we continue towards home.  We should eat at our own table and sleep in our own bed tonight.  It's been a long trip, as usual.

Thanks for the many comments about the way this website presented World Finals to you.  I've been reading them - and will take a bit of time to cogitate over what has been said and written - and see how we can make things better for everyone as time proceeds in an orderly fashion.  I've got my opinions, just like all the rest of you, and will try to temper my feelings with those of the whole great bunch of you out there in - land.

Back to riding on bumpy Minnesota Hwy.210.  I'll say more later.  Thanks to all that followed along, and to those of you that helped make the Finals a fine event. 

Later -  :-)
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on October 09, 2012, 12:17:31 PM
  Just wondering if the SCTA is ever going to post the Saturday results?                 Bob
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: doug on October 09, 2012, 12:27:04 PM
  Just wondering if the SCTA is ever going to post the Saturday results?                 Bob

The results were there yesterday.

Try this: (
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on October 09, 2012, 01:55:54 PM
Must be a misprint on the 2000 MG bike record, I didn't see them yesterday either...
Just another Bob
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on October 09, 2012, 02:54:03 PM
  If anyone snapped a picture of my car showing a side shot of the rear spoiler side plates I would appreciate your forwarding it to me.
  It has a memorium to Courtney Hizer on it and I would like to send it to Villa (His Widow).
                                                                            Thanx, Bob Drury
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 09, 2012, 03:06:27 PM
  If anyone snapped a picture of my car showing a side shot of the rear spoiler side plates I would appreciate your forwarding it to me.

Going forwards or backwards Bob? :-D

Seriously, that is a nice gesture.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on October 09, 2012, 04:36:05 PM
  Ooooooooooooooooooooooh, that hurt's!!!!!
  Actually, I don't even care if its sideways, I took some with it sitting still but I haven't yet found my camera but it may be in the pile of Bville "used" clothes that are airing out before I even touch them. 
  The nice thing is that the pants stand by themselves..............
                                               :roll: :-D :-P :mrgreen:                       Bob
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Seldom Seen Slim on October 13, 2012, 06:25:27 PM
Bob, Ray the Rat took a bunch of photos of you practicing the circular braking technique off the line and heading for the push truck.  From what I saw he must have held the button down in "automatic" mode - 'cause there were many shots, one after the other, showing the car from many angles :roll:.  I'd suggest sending him a note or PM to ask about said images.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 14, 2012, 10:16:32 PM
Here's a lo-res image of the side view of the car as you left the line.  There's also a time-lapse video (combined stills) of the spin on my FaceBook page, search for Ray Therat.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on October 15, 2012, 11:39:05 AM
  I will p.m. you later Today.                           Bob
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: ETM on October 15, 2012, 04:32:40 PM
Keith Copeland's 380.006 run in car video. (

Is there any spectator video of this car at speed?  Would love to see it.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Tman on October 15, 2012, 04:41:41 PM
Keith Copeland's 380.006 run in car video. (

Is there any spectator video of this car at speed?  Would love to see it.

Thanks for those vids! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Peter Jack on October 15, 2012, 04:49:03 PM
Did you figure out why the chutes tangled and how to prevent it? That was a really interesting ride!

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RayTheRat on October 16, 2012, 07:18:04 PM
Bob, Ray the Rat took a bunch of photos of you practicing the circular braking technique off the line and heading for the push truck.  From what I saw he must have held the button down in "automatic" mode - 'cause there were many shots, one after the other, showing the car from many angles :roll:.  I'd suggest sending him a note or PM to ask about said images.

Yep.  I had the 7D on "High-Speed Continuous" drive mode and yeah, I pretty much held the shutter button down for about 15 seconds.  I ended up with about 40 separate, usable images.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 17, 2012, 01:43:38 PM
Keith Copeland's car has some serious horsepower. 380 is a stunning number.
It's also obvious that there is still some serious speed left on the table.
The rev limiter kicked in just past the 4 1/2. Imagine if it still pulled to the 5 mile. 390? 395? 400? It was still pulling hard when the rev limiter kicked in.
It looks like traction control would really help in the first mile. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd just spin the wheels.
In 4th gear just past the 1/2 mile. 3900 on the shift at 111 and isn't pulling hard for the next 20 seconds until it hits the the power curve at 6000 and 240.

I'm not dingin the run at all, just demonstrating that there is still way more to go with this bad boy.
I'm always of the opinion that this is a drag race and early acceleration is the key.

If not traction control then I'd change the throttle linkage to get more travel in the upper end. The video looks like it's an on/off switch.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: ETM on October 19, 2012, 02:10:57 AM
Keith Copeland's 380.006 run in car video. (

Is there any spectator video of this car at speed?  Would love to see it.

Keith wanted an update to a higher resolution so there is a new link. (

Did you figure out why the chutes tangled and how to prevent it? That was a really interesting ride!


Highspeed failed to deloy when triggered.  Driver then deployed the lowspeed and the highspeed came
out a half second later (there are sensors at the bottom of the parachute bags for lights and logging).
Two chutes deploying at the same moment isn't what we wanted.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Buickguy3 on October 19, 2012, 10:42:39 AM
   In the upper right corner there is a little "bullseye". Is that a GPS target for the course centerline or am I just reading it wrong?
    Doug  :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: dw230 on October 19, 2012, 11:27:57 AM
I like the speed at which the signs fly by.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jl222 on October 19, 2012, 12:04:14 PM
Keith Copeland's 380.006 run in car video. (

Is there any spectator video of this car at speed?  Would love to see it.

  A good course and higher gears [which might calm it down] and Black Salt Racing could go well over
400 mph :-o

                JL222 :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Dean Los Angeles on October 19, 2012, 01:49:16 PM
In the upper right corner there is a little "bullseye". Is that a GPS target for the course centerline or am I just reading it wrong?

In the upper LEFT corner is the G forces from the accelerometer.
Looks like intake temperature in the center and aftercooler temperature next to it.
Just below that it looks like boost pressure in millibars.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: D. Wagner on October 22, 2012, 01:32:01 AM
Hi, does anyone have video or pictures of any of the runs that Keith Copeland's Black Salt Racing GT6, #1768, made at World Finals?  We had a small crew so there wasn't anyone left in the pits to take pics/video.  Sure would be nice to see and/or hear it during those runs!
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: manta22 on October 22, 2012, 12:35:31 PM

I may have some pictures on the hard disk of my computer that just died. I have a new one on order so when it arrives I will load the data from that disk on tho the new computer and post them here.

I know how that is-- when you are racing there is no time to do anything else. When I crewed for Bob Peckham's Can-Am M8C back in '72 & '73, I didn't get ONE picture! Boy, do I regret that now!

Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RCKirby on October 25, 2012, 03:31:27 PM

 This could be your lucky day.  Just realized that I did get track video of the car running.  I was waiting for another vehicle to run and you came before them.  This was the return record run.  Get a hold of me.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: D. Wagner on October 25, 2012, 11:32:25 PM
How can I get in touch with you about the video?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Peter Jack on October 25, 2012, 11:39:31 PM
Donna, the little envelope under his name is an e-mail link. That'll do the trick.

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: D. Wagner on October 25, 2012, 11:57:50 PM
Thanks Pete.  Guess you can tell I'm kinda new at this.  Appreciate your help.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: RCKirby on November 29, 2012, 07:21:12 PM

Please get in touch with me.

Ron Kirby
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on December 10, 2012, 12:40:38 PM
  Just a question, does the SCTA issue Timing Dash Plaques for the World Final's?                            Thanx, Bob
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: John Noonan on December 10, 2012, 11:36:05 PM
  Just a question, does the SCTA issue Timing Dash Plaques for the World Final's?                            Thanx, Bob

Eventually....they send them for every SCTA event. 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: m610 on December 15, 2012, 02:29:28 PM
A quick question. 2 actually.

1. Do 300 mph club members get a hat? I heard it was a yellow hat but want to check.
2. What is the name for the type of hauler that brought the wrecked Opel GT back to HQ?

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on December 15, 2012, 03:01:56 PM
The hat is Blue.   Andy Green says more people have been in space than own a 300 mph chapter hat. 
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: jimmy six on December 15, 2012, 08:04:38 PM
And it is well known that more people have climbed Mt. Everest than those with red hats.........................JD
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: mkilger on December 16, 2012, 11:37:28 AM
 300 is a blue 400 is black hat and the thing that lefted the opel is better known as the "dinosaur" :|
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on December 16, 2012, 12:14:37 PM
And it is well known that more people have climbed Mt. Everest than those with red hats.........................JD

Anybody have a count of how many red hats live in Europe.... since the WF 2012 I know there's at least 1  :-D

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on December 16, 2012, 01:06:56 PM
How many black hats are there? And who owns them?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Stainless1 on December 16, 2012, 01:58:23 PM
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on December 16, 2012, 02:59:21 PM
And how many of those few are piston engine and wheel driven- not thrust?
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bville701 on December 16, 2012, 03:37:16 PM
Burkland, Teague, Campbell, Nearburg, Poteet, Summers, Vesco, and White.   :cheers:
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Bob Drury on December 16, 2012, 06:06:50 PM
  Hero's, all of them.
  Thankfully Tom Burkland, Al Teague, Charles Nearburg(?) and George Poteet are still with us.  Nolan gave his life to this sport, Bob's record stood for over fifty years, and although the Vesco family still races, we all miss Don.
  Don might still be with us if he would have found time to have a Colonoscopy.  It's a damn shame and a lesson in life for the rest of us.
  If you are a male and over forty, get your ass in to see a doctor  and get one if you havn't recently.
  We don't want to lose any more Hero's from the present or future............
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: Gman on December 16, 2012, 06:12:24 PM
  Hero's, all of them.

Thanks,  That's exactly what I was thinking.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: m610 on December 16, 2012, 06:52:28 PM
Thanks for the help.

I was talking to Bill Ward earlier and he was telling me how back when he was getting started (mid-70's) that the hats were all different colors, that he has a blue one, a pink one, etc.
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: salt on December 16, 2012, 08:24:12 PM
Bob, a colonoscopy wouldn't have done Vesco any good.
 . . . and Bob Summers' record did not stand for over 50 years (but for almost 46 years).

Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: dw230 on December 17, 2012, 08:22:00 PM
The different color hats were during a couple of administations that bowed to social convention and styles of the time. Somewhere along the line the club decided that RED was the hat color. As stated above, the 300 mph chapter is blue. Noted on the side of the hat. The first thing I did as president was introduce the black 400
mph chapter hat with the approval of my board. I felt it was time to recognize the 13 gentlemen who had exceeded that barrier.

As far as I know there will not be another chapter founded beyond the 400+ mph chapter.

Bonneville 200 MPH club
Title: Re: World Finals 2012 Racing
Post by: PorkPie on February 04, 2013, 06:01:11 AM

I can confirm that you maked it once to the 1 1/2 mile....when I checked some picture from the WF I found a series of your run...and the memorium can be very well seen....

if you still interest of so picture, let me know.

Think fast...always

Pork Pie

  If anyone snapped a picture of my car showing a side shot of the rear spoiler side plates I would appreciate your forwarding it to me.
  It has a memorium to Courtney Hizer on it and I would like to send it to Villa (His Widow).
                                                                            Thanx, Bob Drury