Author Topic: Thatcher Darwin - LSR Pionneer & SCTA Recording Secretary  (Read 1458 times)

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Thatcher Darwin - LSR Pionneer & SCTA Recording Secretary
« on: February 26, 2012, 11:30:11 PM »
The Dry Lakes Racing Hall of Fame needs your help! Thatcher Darwin was elected in the 2012 HOF and we have hit a big problem preparing the 2012 Induction Ceremony GAS-UP program.

We have no pictures of him, no do we have any contacts for family members. If you have nay photos of Thatcher, or know any of his family, please PM LandSpeed Louise at

It would be a rotten shame if the man was not properly honored. This was a guy who spent YEARS meeting one-on-one with city, county and state officials explaining to them that responsible hot rodders were valued citizens and not hooligans to be harassed. Thatcher also was directly responsible, in part, for crushing the 40's era  "Dills Bills" that would have made it illegal to install anything but OEM parts on vehicles in California. 

We have a wonderful bio thanks to Richard Parks, but no photos.. . help!